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Almost like a bolt of electricity strikes from the mere tip of our tongues colliding. Our mouths quickly become more frantic, while our hands remain firmly in place. It’s taking every ounce of restraint I possess not to lift her up and make her straddle me. I’m desperate for her to feel what she does to me, to feel the hard bulge in my pants up against her, even if it’s through pieces of fabric.

We must be on the same agenda because she slowly moves her legs on either side of my hips, her lips never leaving mine. She grinds into me harder, rubbing herself against my dick that’s begging me to release him. Grabbing her hips, I press her even closer and suck her bottom lip in between my teeth to nibble on before gradually kissing her chin. My one hand snakes up her back until I grab a few locks of her silky brown hair and lightly tug it back to get better access to her neck. Swiping my wet tongue up her neck, I encase my lips around her earlobe and suck it into my mouth.

Her moan only drives me harder to elicit those pleasured sounds out of her mouth. As gently as possible, I begin to move her down to the couch, so my hands can explore her body when the sound of a car engine brings us to a halt.

“Shit,” Kailey mumbles, sitting up and propping her feet up on the ottoman as though we weren’t just about to round second base.

I chuckle and follow her lead by sitting straight up, waiting for Uncle Clyde to come in most likely with his axe. We feel the cold air billow in before Holly and Clyde make their appearance with plastic filled grocery bags overflowing in their hands.

Holly stops dead in her tracks and coyly smiles over at us while Clyde gives us a quick hello and ventures into the kitchen. “Looks like we came home too soon,” Holly teases, raising her eyebrows, and then her vision lands on the game of Life strewn across the floor. Kailey’s face turns beet red, and I shake my head in amusement. “Sorry, guys,” she jokingly offers her condolences, and then continues on her way to the kitchen, giggling.

When I finally hear the ripples of the bags being unpacked and the cans being put away, I turn toward a very embarrassed Kailey. “I guess, I should get going. Are you coming with me tonight?” Praying she says yes, I kiss her lips quickly to hopefully seal the deal.

“Yes,” she mumbles against mine. I suppress the shout of joy that wants to bellow out of me. I think we just turned a corner.

The van stops in front of Jessa’s sister, Sam’s house. She’s having a huge party tonight, and since we’re always up for a college kegger, we all graciously accepted the invitation. Grant and Jessa have their hot date tonight, so they’re coming later, which will be a good thing. It’ll allow Kailey to see how in love they are with each other once they arrive. After the plans I heard Grant had for them, there’s no doubt Jessa will be on cloud nine, bragging about it to all the girls.

As I grasp Kailey’s hand, Dex tosses his overnight bag over his shoulder. He winks when he catches me smirking at him. He definitely picked up those self-esteem pieces pretty fast after I stole Kailey. The same night we got in from Western, he and Sam started eyeing each other. Not sure Jessa’s noticed, and I’m itching to be there when she finds out. No doubt Dex will get his ass handed to him by a spunky little blonde.

Sam opens the door before we ring the doorbell, obviously just as excited about our arrival as Dex. Once she gives a brief hello and a quick tour, she and Dex disappear into the bedroom while the four of us grab a few beers and sit down.

“Remember those days,” Sadie says, squeezing Brady’s thigh.

“Those days?” he scrunches his eyebrows at her while taking a sip of his water.

“You know? When we couldn’t keep our hands off one another?”

“You have to be shittin’ me?” spills out of me in as much confusion as Brady appears to be in.

“Babe, my hands never leave your body,” he remarks, pulling her into his lap. “I’m sure there’s a spare bedroom somewhere around here.” He over dramatizes his head turning left and right.

“You don’t need a bedroom,” I begin to joke, but quickly stop myself, so Kailey doesn’t get the wrong idea.

“Yeah, Trey’s never needed one,” Kailey adds, and I stare up at Brady not sure if it’s a slam or a joke on her part. Sadie bites the inside of her cheek, wondering the same.

“Isn’t that the truth? All we need is a corner,” Brady laughs and, luckily, Kailey does to. Unfortunately, I’m not too much of a fan of being the butt of a joke, especially one that is a sore spot between Kailey and me.

“Hey,” she squeezes my hand. I peer down at her next to me and out of the corner of my eye, I notice Brady and Sadie attempt to leave quietly. “I was joking. I’m sorry,” she continues, her green eyes reflecting remorse for her words.

Bending down close to her, her body stiffens against mine. “Things change—people change,” I whisper before kissing her. Not sure why I’m suddenly ashamed of every careless fuck I’ve had. I guess, it’s my need for her to feel like I’m worth something. When in actuality, I’m not.

“I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry,” she apologizes again.

“You can’t be sorry when you speak the truth.” I stand up, not able to handle these damn emotions any longer. I leave her on the couch without looking back her way. When I get into the kitchen, Sadie rolls her eyes at me and leaves the room to join Kailey, I assume.

“You finally found your match,” Brady jokes, chomping on some Doritos he found on the table.

Reaching in to grab one. “Yeah, I guess.” I shrug my shoulders, searching the room for something stronger. When I spot the bottle of Absolute, my hand reaches, but Brady grabs it away.

“You don’t need it,” he tells me, keeping it hostage as though I’m some fucking alcoholic.

“What the hell? Give me the damn bottle.” My voice rising in agitation.

“Deal with what’s going on instead of numbing the shit,” Brady says, handing me the bottle.

I debate his words and with a huff, refill my red Solo cup instead. The hard stuff won’t make this guilt disappear. I lean against the doorframe and look at Kailey laughing with Sadie in the front room. I can’t help but wonder if they’re laughing at me. “Relax, man,” Brady clasps my shoulders, “just go with it and see what happens,” he reminds me.

“Like you did with Sadie?” I chuckle, and he joins me in laughter, remembering how he had me stalking the campus for weeks to find her.

“You’ve made your point.” He continues on his way to the girls and sits next to Sadie, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Watching from the other room, Kailey laughs with ease and comfortableness at some story Sadie’s telling her. I pray like hell it isn’t some embarrassing fact about me. Like how I have a habit of drinking out of the orange juice container, or how I left that porn in the DVD player that one time. A small chuckle escapes envisioning Sadie’s face when she turned on the television that day. I can still hear her screaming my name.

Kailey glances my way, as though she senses my eyes on her. She’s beautiful. Her lips turn up as her eyes remain focused on mine. Turning back to Sadie and Brady, she says something before standing up and walking my way. Our eyes stay on each other the whole time she’s making her way over to me. The anticipation to have her in my arms and her lips on mine grows with every step closer she comes.

The back of her hand brushes down my cheek and her green irises stare into mine with complete forgiveness. “Hi,” she quietly says.

“Hi,” I repeat, not able to tear my eyes away from her. Her hand continues down, allowing her fingers to graze down my lips, making it so tempting to bite at her fingers.