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Nodding my head and giving a ‘What’s up?’ to most of the other students walking by on my way across campus. I file into the room and take my usual seat. Shit, I forgot I was supposed to be taking pictures during spring break for that midterm project. I’ll have to get that done tonight. I haven’t worked my ass off for nothing these past few years to not graduate because of a photography class.

My head turns with the sound of Professor Hodges deep voice wishing the hall good morning. My mouth goes dry when I find her sitting on the opposite side, talking with another girl. Her eyes land on mine instantly and her cheeks flush. The redhead she’s talking to turns around to find out what has Kailey so flustered. When she finds it’s me, she rolls her eyes and turns her back to me. What the hell did I do to her? Crap, did I?

Professor Hodges, flips on his computer and brings down the projector screen. Our eyes stay fixated on one another until the lights go out. While the teacher’s assistant flips from slide to slide, and Hodges points out angles, corners, and dimensions, my mind continues to focus on her. Why hadn’t she told me we were in a class together? What the hell is she hiding? And what the hell keeps her so god damn busy?

I attempt to wait patiently until Professor Hodges dismisses us, but as soon as he says, “See you Friday,” I’m out of my chair, weaving through the throng of students to reach her. By the time, I’m at where she was sitting, she’s gone.

“Kailey,” I call out up the stairs, but she keeps ascending, so I excuse myself bumping into people, taking the steps as fast as my feet allow. By the time I flee the classroom, I look left and right, finding the hallway is filled with students coming and going. I bust open the doors of the building, but she’s nowhere to be seen.

Tossing my backpack on a bench, I sit down and drop my head in my hands. Screw this. Fuck her. I’m done with all these games she’s playing. Swinging my pack over my shoulder, I stand up to make my way to my next class. When I raise my head, those green eyes are peering right at me.

“Hi,” she says, swallowing an obvious lump in her throat.

“Hi,” I respond. Just like that, all the anger dissipates from me.

“How have you been?” she asks and her oblivious remark makes the anger come roaring back to life. How the hell does she think I’ve been?

“Fine,” I lie. Why should she get some benefit of knowing the truth? “You?”

She nods her head. “Good,” she adds.

Isn’t that just fucking fantastic. “Good.” I tip back on my heels, waiting for her. I’m finished with making all the moves. I’m sick of begging her.

“I’m sorry I haven’t called. I told you my life is busy,” she says, and I shrug in indifference to her obvious ignorance.

“Well, I can’t say you didn’t warn me,” I tell her.

“Trey, it’s complicated.” She sticks to her same damn excuses.

“Tell me then, Kailey,” I plead with her.

She leans in to me, and I smell that apple scent of her shampoo. “I should have called,” she admits, ignoring my question.

“Yes, you should have,” I say, unconsciously, wrapping my one arm around her body.

“Do you have another class?” she asks me, and I wish I didn’t.

“I did,” I wrap my other arm around her, pulling her against me, “but if you don’t, my scheduled just freed up.”

“I have to work, do you want to walk me?” she asks, inviting me along.

“Love to,” I say and grab her hand.

Kailey tells me she works at the Parking Services. “So, you’re the one who leaves those yellow envelopes on my windshield?”

She laughs. “No, I’m just the dispatcher. I swear I never leave the office,” she reveals with a giggle. I missed the sound of her laughter.

We walk through campus hand in hand, joking and talking like we did in Colorado. Either this girl suffers from a major multiple personality disorder or something has her all screwed up. She does admit she was embarrassed to tell me we were in a class together, since I didn’t recognize her. If she thinks she’s embarrassed, I feel like a jackass for not noticing the most beautiful girl in the room. The fact I looked over her to another girl depresses me. Once we make it to the Parking Service’s office door, she places her arms around my neck and nudges my head down to her.

My lips brush against hers, and she sticks her tongue into my mouth this time. As gentle as I try to go, she’s fierce and meets me more urgently. Going more with her flow, I press her up against the wall, leaving my hands on her hips. Thrusting myself against her, she gasps feeling the hardness through my jeans. This is the moment, I wish we could be alone. Hell, the bathroom sounds good right now. She devours my mouth, and I savor her taste as we continue to make out, right outside the door to her job. “Oh, Trey,” she murmurs against my lips before I descend on her again, never having enough.

When I draw the kiss to a close, I rest my forehead on hers, and her fingers rub up and down on the back of my neck. I’ve never felt so satisfied but starved all at the same time. It’s like one square of chocolate, who doesn’t want more after just one taste.

“Are you really going to call me this time?” I ask her, and she smiles up at me.

“I promise, lover boy,” she attempts the nickname thing again.

“Nope, you really aren’t good with nicknames, are you?” I ask her, and she giggles.

“I guess not, but I’ll find a good one, one of these times,” she assures me.

“All righty, well, get in there, girl.” I smack her ass, and she jolts up in shock, but her smile remains intact.

“Bye, Tre-bear.” She laughs.

“Keep on thinking,” I say, bending down and giving her one more kiss.

“I’ll surprise you soon enough.”

“Surprise me Friday and come to my show,” I ask, already planning to give my rehearsed plea.

“Okay,” she agrees with no hesitation. Jackpot.

“Really?” My eyes bulge out of my head. “I mean, great, I’ll pick you up.” I haven’t felt this good since we left Colorado.

“I’ll meet you there. Aces?” she questions.

“Yeah, are you sure?”

“You have to get ready, but I’ll be in the crowd, just look for me.” She kisses my neck.

“Are you kidding? You’ll be lucky, if I don’t drag you on stage to sit on my lap while I play.” I chuckle, happy to see when she does too.

“I’ll see you there, I better get in before my shift starts,” she glances at her watch and kisses my cheek.

I wait until she goes through the doors before I turn around and make my way down the sidewalk. Suddenly my phone dings and a wide smile crosses my face when her name appears.

Kailey: Have a good day, stick boy. (Get it...drums LOL)

I shake my head in humor before my fingers start sliding across the screen in response.

Chapter 7

Time has never gone by so painfully slow. After I snatched a seat next to Kailey in photography class, much to her friend Heidi’s displeasure, I walked her to work, where she promised she’ll meet me at Aces tonight. Not sure why her redheaded friend Heidi hates me so much, but she was less than thrilled when she saw me with Kailey in class. She doesn’t look like my usual type, so I’m praying I’ve never done her.

The minutes seem to be ticking by slower and slower the closer it gets to our show. For the first time in I have no idea how long, not a drop of alcohol has crossed my lips. I want to be completely sober when I’m with her tonight. My bedroom is clean and ready, hoping she’ll come back with me, even if only to sleep.