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Aces is packed when we arrive, wall to wall people. Obviously, the students are ready to party after being away from campus for spring break. Sadie and Jessa are already in our usual round booth closest to the stage. Brady nestles in one side and Grant on the other, leaving Dex and me to follow. My eyes search the door every few minutes, finding nothing but half-dressed girls and guys with wide eyes ogling them. Checking my phone again, Jessa’s hand reaches on my forearm. “She’ll be here,” she says, and I look up to find the whole table’s eyes on me. When did I become the only fish in the bowl?

Just then, Brady hops up and announces it’s time. We leap on the stage and just as I sit behind the drum set, I spot her. She’s walking through the throngs of people, nudging her way through. She taps Sadie on the shoulder and the two girls slide in, so she can join them. When her eyes finally land on me, I wink, and her bright smile back has me fumbling my drumsticks. I pick them up and then my phone vibrates in my pocket.

Kailey: Butter Fingers?

Having zero time before Brady starts us off, I quickly type back.

Trey: I’ll butter you up, anytime! ;)

Brady turns around, and I raise my sticks in the air to count off. Right before I pound them on the drums, I spot her giggling up at me and tucking her phone away. For the remainder of the show, my eyes land on her often, eager to find out if she’s enjoying herself. Her head bounces and I see her dancing around in her seat, while singing the words. Every once in a while she leans into Sadie and Jessa to talk to them. With one last song left, I catch a guy come up to her and whisper something in her ear. Shit, upon closer inspection, I know him. Nate fucking Gibson. I wonder if he already knows I’ve staked my claim. His ridiculous need to compete with me usually has him chasing anyone I’ve been with or any chick I’m about to get with. To his credit, he’s beaten me a time or two. The difference this time is I never cared before, not like I do now. Jessa leans over Sadie and says something to him, but he raises his hand in the air. Grant turns my way, surely seeing the same scene unfolding as me. Kailey gives him a smile and shakes her head. Good girl, I think to myself. Then the asshole slides into the booth, caging her in with his body. Kailey stares up at me, worry in her eyes, and I’ve never wanted down from this stage so badly in my life. Knowing the song by heart, my hands continuing playing while I intently keep my eyes on them.

Once the song ends, I throw the sticks to the ground and jump off the stage. Luckily the crowd cleared out of the way when they saw me coming. My footsteps deliberate, I stop at the edge of the table and my eyes land right on Nate. “Get the fuck out,” I demand, and he chuckles up at me.

“Oh, you thought you could keep this one all to yourself?” he questions with humor in his voice.

“She’s mine,” I say through clenched teeth, not even bothering to look in Kailey’s direction.

“Sorry, Michaels.” He stands up, and I thank God he’s finally getting the point. “I’ve already had her. Just remember, you’ll be enjoying my sloppy seconds.” He continues to laugh while walking away. My eyes fall to Kailey, who turns her head down, staring into her lap.

Sadie and Jessa remain silent, slowly scurrying out of the booth. Shit, I’m fucking floored by this. Not that I thought she was a virgin, but she’s been that douchebag. “Is it true?” I ask her.

“Uh huh,” she confirms in a whisper. Looking around, I look for the first thing I could punch that wouldn’t break my hand. My fist slams on the table, and she jolts back.

“Fuck!” I scream, and she flinches again. “Shit, I’m sorry Kailey. Of all people you’ve been with, it’s just—him?” I scoot in next to her, but she moves further around the booth. “Kailey,” I sigh, pissed at myself for allowing him to get me so worked up, just like he wanted.

Then Kailey’s vision lands on someone else coming to the booth. Assuming it’s one of the guys, I turn and release an annoyed breath. “Leave, Bridgette,” I instruct her, but she slides in next to me.

“Am I interrupting something?” She flirtatiously rubs her hand across my neckline. The same spot Kailey rests her hands on when she kisses me. Kailey stares at Bridgette in disgust. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Bridgette, and you are?” She holds out her hand across the table toward Kailey. Kailey glances down at the fake finger-nailed hand and arches her eyebrows up to me.

“Leaving,” she says and escapes the booth.

“Kailey!” I yell, pushing against Bridgette.

“What the hell, Trey?” Bridgette stays in place, so I slide across the semi-circle to the other side. Once I’m up, I spot her head about to make it to the door. Running through the bar, I hear people’s annoyed yells as their beers spill onto the linoleum floor from me bumping into them.

The chilled air hits my face as I peer around with panic, looking for any trace of her in the streets lined with students enjoying their Friday night. I finally spot the lone brunette at the corner. Not allowing my feet to stop, I sprint like I used to for first base, my mind on only one object, her.

Grabbing her elbow, I whip her around to face me. Her eyes are swollen and red while her cheeks are filled with tearstains. “Kailey,” I sigh, but she turns around and stomps up the cement hill.

“How could I be so fucking stupid? That Trey Michaels would want me?” She screams into the night air as I follow like a lost puppy at her heels.

“Bridgette is nothing,” I argue, and when she turns around, I stumble back to her closeness. The sadness from moments ago has now replaced with anger.

“Save it, Trey. I know you’ve been with her. I’ve seen you with her before,” she informs me, and then flips around continuing her way up the hill.

“I never said I hadn’t, but she’s not what I want,” I reveal the truth, but she’s insistent on ignoring me.

“Why? Why do you want me?” She stops again and walks right up to my face. “I wonder, Trey, because you never noticed me before. Photography hasn’t been our first class together, we’ve had others, but you’ve never even given me a second glance, let alone wanted anything from me before now.” She pokes me in the chest, and I step back. “Am I some conquest now because I told you I was going to use you to forget my life?” The tears begin to build in her eyes, but I see her deep swallows and small shutters, attempting to push them back.

“I’m sorry I never noticed you before, Kailey, but I see you now. You’re all I see...all I want. You have to believe me. No girl comes close to what you do to me.” Taking her hands in mine, I bring her hand to my heart. “You are the first to make this beat with the excitement at the thought of having something I never thought I wanted. It’s only you, Kailey.”

She bites her lower lip, allowing my words to sink in. “What about Nate Gibson?”

“I don’t give a shit. I mean, I wish you never had, but we can’t change our pasts,” I answer as honestly as possible, even if the thought of him with her begs me to punch the brick wall to my right.

Closing her eyes, she turns and walks up the hill, away from me again. Finding a park bench, she sits down and weeps into her hands. I hear her sniffles and deep breaths. “Like—I said—you scare me, Trey,” she stutters out.

Placing my arm around her shoulders, I pull her into me. “You scare me too,” I say. “I’ve never felt this and it scares the shit out of me. But I want to try. I’m willing to put myself out there, praying like hell it doesn’t hurt in the end.”

“My life, Trey—it’s not typical. I’m not the average college junior. There’s things—.”

“It won’t change anything,” I assure her truthfully.

She sits up, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Don’t make promises you might not be able to keep. Hand me your phone.” Her voice now steady.