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I dig my phone out and place it in her hands. She types in a few things and hands it back to me. “Meet me at this address tomorrow morning at ten. I’ll tell you everything, and then you can make your decision.” She reaches over and gives me a quick kiss before standing up and walking away from me again.


It takes every ounce of my willpower not to stay on that park bench with Trey. The fear that if I succumb to my desire and sleep with him now, knowing his interest will most likely wane, keeps me walking. Although it was never my intent to get involved in a relationship with Trey, it’s something I can’t seem to stop craving now. That’s why he scares me. The jealousy that boiled inside of me when that blonde placed her hand at his neckline came so suddenly, it was all I could do not to reach across and scratch her eyes out.

That’s why he has to know about my sister and my responsibilities to her family. To understand if he gets involved with me, he gets involved with them. He’ll be getting a girlfriend with barely any time, unless he wants to hang out with three kids at a park or with their dying mother. I’m sure he’ll run after he finds all of that crap out, and then I can begin to erase him from my mind like chalk on a chalkboard. Of course, it might be more like marker on a wall, but eventually with persistence he’ll vanish. Dropping out of school in order to avoid him would help, but at this point, I don’t have much of a choice anyway. My sister has limited time left on this earth, especially since my last ditch effort for experimental treatment in Colorado failed miserably. There’s another thing I need to come clean to Trey about, the real reason I was there.

Climbing into my Honda Civic, I start it up and drive home alone. I thought I would be in Trey’s arms tonight, even if we just made out with heavy hand roaming. But our relationship turned course again, so here I am looking like the indecisive girl he thinks I am. I pull into my apartment complex that I pay too much rent for when I’m barely ever there. Noticing Kim’s car not around, I’m happy I’ll be by myself tonight. She’s no doubt out screwing some guy.

She’s the one responsible for bringing me to Aces. The first one who exposed me to The Invisibles. She chased Brady forever until finally giving up hope when Sadie never left his side. Brady never seemed like one to sleep around. Not like Trey, or Dex for that matter. Which reminds me of when I first saw Trey. In a corner by the bar with some girl pressed against the wall. I watched him devour her body, like I was some sick stalker girl, but it wasn’t his looks, or his actions, that kept my eyes glued. Actually, it wasn’t until they switched spots that my vision couldn’t veer away. It was how unemotional the whole thing seemed. Trey made the right sounds and his hands roamed where they should, but his eyes swam across the bar while he did it. Never closing his eyelids once and never with a look of enjoyment across his face. When he caught me staring, he winked and smirked, making me immediately concentrate on my drink.

From that point, I became fixated on why he did what he did. Kim would take me to Aces every week trying to put the moves on Brady. Every week Trey was with someone else, but all the same movements, all the same noises and eyes always open. Then I found him in my class last semester and was drawn to him even more because of his fun and easy going side. He was always chatting away with everyone around him, joking around, like they were all his long-time friends.

So, when I spotted the band in the airport, I wanted to appear aloof, uncaring when Dex came over and showed me attention. Dex really was intriguing, but I already had something burning inside of me for Trey. I thought that would be my time for a mindless screw a few times during the one week I’d had any free time, since my sister was diagnosed with cancer last year. But everything shifted, and I couldn’t do it, I wanted more than one night.

Once I insert the key in my door, my phone begins to ring from my pocket. Barely entering, I fumble in my doorway, turning on the lights. I roll my eyes when I see who it is.

“I’m at home,” I tell her and I already know the words that will come out of her mouth before they do.

“You better not be alone,” she states, silence in the background.

“Yes, alone.” I toss my purse and keys on the table, and shrug my coat off as I make my way to the living room.

“What happened? You should have been halfway to third by now.” She laughs, and I hear Caden join in behind her. “I thought you said this guy knew his way around women?” She giggles again.

“Nate showed up at the bar,” I inform her, and her giggles cease instantly.

“Why the hell was that bastard there? Please, tell me he didn’t have the nerve to come up to you.” Anger overriding over her humor now.

“Oh, he had the nerve. Came right up to me and even sat in the booth. Lucky for me it was right before the last song, so Trey came down all alpha male and demanded him to leave. Knowing Nate you know he had to get the last word. So, he told—,”

“Trey that you slept with him. What a fucking asshole,” she seethes through the phone, and I hear Caden asking her who and what. “Did you hit him? For the love of God, tell me you hit the prick,” my sister continues her rant on Nate.

“No, Jen,” I say, rolling my eyes at her very different personality than mine.

“You should have. You should’ve kneed him right in the nuts. That’s what I would’ve done.”

“We all know what you would have done,” Caden yells in the background, and I laugh.

“Besides the prick, why aren’t you in those tattooed arms instead of sitting on the couch ready to pop in Leap Year for the millionth time?” I toss the DVD out of my hand.

“It’s complicated, Jen.” I don’t want to make her feel guilty for things out of her control. Not to mention, nothing means more to me than her, Caden, and the kids. They’re my family.

“Kai, you’re twenty-two. Get out there and have fun. I know we ask a lot of you—” she starts her usual speech about having fun with guys my age. Play the field, but isn’t that how I ended up in Nate Gibson’s bed to begin with.

“I wouldn’t change anything, Jen, other than—.”

“Me not dying. Yeah, me too. I know you like this Trey guy, Kailey, and don’t let what’s happening here deter you from dating him. You deserve happiness.”

“Thanks, sis,” I say. “I was going to call you tomorrow, but since I have you, I’m bringing him over tomorrow to meet you, Caden, and the kids.”

“WHAT!” she screams, and I pull the phone away from my ear. “I thought you liked him. Are you trying to make him run for the hills?” Her humor slash concern fills the receiver.

“If he’s going to break my heart, I want it to happen now when it’s not completely his yet. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, sweetheart, it does. So, what time should we expect you?” Jen relents, knowing what an important move this is for me.

“He’s meeting me at the park at ten, then we’ll walk over. It might only be me,” I say, taking a deep breath.

“From what you say, I doubt it will be. Caden will prepare something for lunch.” She yawns into the phone.

“Tell him not to go to too much trouble. Good night, Jen,” I say into the phone.

“Hey, baby sis!” Her voice stops me right before I press end.

“Yeah,” I quickly answer.

“Don’t overwork that rabbit tonight, imagining it’s Trey.” She laughs hysterically as the line disconnects.

Rolling my eyes and giggling to myself, I finally end the call. Lying sprawled on my back on the couch, my thoughts go to my sister, how much I love her and already miss her even though she’s still a phone call away—for now. Unsure of what Trey’s response will be tomorrow when I finally divulge about my sister and my plan to stay with Caden and the kids after she leaves us to make the transition as smoothly as possible. I could never blame him if he decides this is all too much for him. He might say I’m the reason his heart beats with excitement, but I doubt that’s enough to change your life for.