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“Believe me, baby, I’ll find some obscure spots to fuck you, but tonight we are only making love in my bed.” I wink.

“Promises, promises,” she says, and I’m half tempted to prove her wrong. “Now, get me up to that bed right now.” Her one foot kicks my ass lightly like a cowgirl kicks her horse to gallop.

“Yes, ma’am,” I adhere to her wishes, climbing the stairs as fast as possible.

Chapter 11


I drive my beat up Honda over to Trey’s house. The plan is to drive with him to the auditorium. It’s his graduation day¸ and I can’t believe how fast the day has arrived. A month after we confessed our love for one another, we’re still going strong. Unfortunately, Jen is not. Although she, Caden, and the kids are coming for the big party tonight, she mostly likely won’t be able to stay long. Trey’s been amazing, coming over with me to help Caden or Jen out. He even takes the kids to the park on a regular basis. Jen’s still a bit skeptical on letting him watch them on his own just yet, but we have a day planned next week to have pedicures while Trey and Jessa watch the kids. For some reason, Jen is much more comfortable having two people with no prior experience with children than one.

The driveway is packed full of cars, so I have to find a spot along the street. Trey assured me I wouldn’t be meeting his family until after the ceremony, so I’m assuming all the vehicles belong to Sadie and Brady’s relatives. But from what I’d heard, they both have hardly any family. I barely get to the door before it swings open and a guy, who looks a lot like Trey without tattoos or piercing, blatantly looks me up and down. A sandwich fills his hand, and his mouth continues chewing for an awkward moment before he asks me, “What’s up?” and all of a sudden my nerves get the better of me. My voice goes mute, and I contemplate running down the walkway to my car. Before I can say anything, Trey pushes the guy out of the doorway.

“She’s my girlfriend, asshole,” he says, smiling at me in the pin stripe button down shirt we bought last night. “Hey, baby.” He steps out and pulls me up off my feet, swinging me around. “Can you believe I’m graduating?” he whispers in my ear. That gut wrenching feeling that’s been consuming my stomach all day from the worry of not having any idea how long I’ll have him here flares into an even bigger fear. He’s been searching for a job nonstop and soon someone will snag him up, he’s too talented of an architect. Jeez, I’m envious, since I’ll most likely be taking time off of school after Jen... Tears sting my eyes for the fear the inevitable is coming too fast. I’m bound to lose my sister and the man I love all at once.

After he rests my feet back on the ground, I notice how truly happy he is. “What’s the matter?” He places his thumb under my eye before a tear escapes. “Jen?” he asks, and I shake my head and place the biggest smile on my face.

“No. I’m just really happy for you,” I say. I’m not lying, I am happy for him. He’s worked hard to get here, and he has every reason to be proud of himself.

“Awe, thanks, Kailey, you’ll be here before you know it,” he tells me and kisses my lips. I wonder if I’ll ever be in his shoes, graduating and ready to start a new venture.

“Who do we have here?” A woman stands in the doorway. She’s wearing a nice blue pants suit with a matching pair of heels. Her short chic haircut and just the right amount of make-up to look natural, but it’s the shape of her eyes and the smile identical to Trey’s which already tells me who she is.

“This is Kailey, Mom. Kailey, this is my mom.” He wraps his arm around my waist, and I step forward with my hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Michaels,” I say, but she shoos it away and takes me in her arms.

“You can call me Elena.” Her rose scented perfume compliments her nicely. When she pulls back, she holds me by my upper arms. “It’s so nice to meet you, Kailey. Now, the family has taken over this house and you most likely won’t remember all their names, but I’ll do my best to give you small snippets to remember them by.” She places her arm around my shoulders and leads me into the house.

“Mom,” Trey calls out, but she ignores him. I glance over my shoulder, and he just smiles, allowing his mother to kidnap me.

In all the times I’ve been to the house, I’ve never seen it like this. There are some small kids running around chasing each other while adults talk loudly. Some baseball game streams in the family room while a group of guys sit around chomping on sandwiches and chips arguing about teams. We stand in the doorway and Elena points out each person, rambling names to me.

“That’s Trey’s older brother, Jack, he’s married to Irene. IRENE!” she yells, and the small petite blonde looks over and waves at me before wrestling the toddler in her arms. “The bald one is Trey’s Uncle Mike, he’s not married and no kids. Divorced,” she whispers as though he’s a murderer. Not sure if he heard her, but he nods my way. Crap, awkward.

So, far I mentally keep track in my head. Trey has two uncles; one married, one divorced. There’s also an older brother with a wife and at least one kid. Who are all these other people? Once we get to the kitchen, my lungs constrict, and I’m dangerously close to having a panic attack. Practically wall to wall people fill the small space, but it doesn’t stop Elena. She walks right through everyone, dragging me along with her hand in mine and stops right behind a large man, probably six-three, with dark hair. When she taps him on the shoulder, he turns around from the stove, his brown eyes match Trey’s.

“Oh Kailey, I’ve heard so many nice things about you,” he says, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the cheek. “I’m Pete, Trey’s dad,” he introduces himself, although I already figured it out. “Hey, everyone, this is Kailey,” he points down to me, and the room quiets, “Trey’s girlfriend.” They all begin to talk at once with happiness filling their voices.

“We’ve been waiting a long time for Trey to get serious with someone,” Elena whispers in my ear.

“Oh,” I remain quiet, unable to process everything that just happened within the last fifteen minutes. Before I can do anything else, a hand appears on my wrist and yanks me out of the family circle staring down at me with clear speculation about what makes me so special. When I’m pulled into his arms, my body calms.

“Sorry, they’re a bit—much,” he whispers, clasping my hands with his. “Go about your day. Eat, drink, and mind your own fucking business,” Trey shouts and an older lady smacks him across the back of his head. “Sorry, Aunt Rita,” he says, and she shakes her head.

“There’s damn children running around here,” she says and smiles at him. “It’s nice to meet you, Kailey.” After a quick nod toward me, she walks into the throngs of people, disappearing quickly.

“Let’s go,” he says, leading me toward the staircase. Once we get into his room, after being delayed by at least five people wanting introductions, he captures my lips with his, and our tongues immediately meet. “I missed you last night,” he murmurs against my lips as he walks me backwards toward the bed.

When the back of my legs hit the soft mattress, he pushes me gently, so I fall backward. “You’ll wrinkle my dress,” I joke.

“We could solve that problem easily,” he slyly says, starting to unbutton my dress. I let him get two down before stopping him.

“You’re whole family is downstairs,” I remind him, starting to sit up on my elbows and button up my dress.

“All the better, they’ll never hear us.” He playfully smacks my fingers off the buttons while his lips explore my collarbone. “You could be screaming my name, and they’ll never even know.” He snakes his hand up the hem of my dress and rests it on the side of my panties.