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After that Sadie walks across the stage, and Grandma Ida begins bragging about her a little more I really become disinterested in the whole ceremony. My thoughts go from my sister’s death to Trey leaving and everything in between. I’ll soon be left alone, especially if Caden remarries. Sure, I’ll be their aunt, probably one of those crazy aunts with all the animals. They won’t want to come over to Crazy Aunt Kailey’s house filled with plants and animals that I have named and have conversations with daily.

“Let’s go, girl.” Grandma Ida pokes me in the side with her long fingernail for the umpteenth time. When I look up, the ceremony is over and everyone has already started filing out of the auditorium. “She’s nice, but kind of ding-batty,” I hear her whisper to Sadie’s Mom.

A little annoyed at this point, I follow the others inch by inch to the end of the row. Not sure why Ida was so insistent to move, it’s not like we’re going anywhere. After about twenty minutes, I inhale a big breath, relieved we’re out of the claustrophobic surroundings. I don’t have much time to recoup before I’m swept up into someone’s arms. “I’m a college graduate, baby!” Trey swings me around in utter excitement.

“Congratulations.” I kiss his cheek, and he places me on the ground. My feet don’t hit the linoleum floor before his family rushes over. I begin to back up slowly, but he grabs my hand between the throng of people and brings me back to him. As his family gives him hugs and kisses, he keeps my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

“Pictures,” Trey’s dad calls out, and you would think a drill sergeant just screamed at them the way the group scrambles into formation. It’s as though everyone knows exactly where they are assigned to stand. Trey is swallowed whole by his family, so I slowly back up. After a few shots, I ask Pete if he would like for me to take the picture, so they can have one with the whole family. He kindly hands over his camera, but Grant comes over and takes it from my hands.

“Thanks, man,” Trey head nods to him. “Come on, Kailey,” he calls me over, and everyone parts to give me space next to him. He tugs me against him so hard, his hand snakes across and grabs my ass, and I paste a perfectly wide smile on, trying not give away where Trey’s hand has currently taken residence. “It’s mine later,” he whispers, and I jokingly roll my eyes, even though I secretly love it when he talks like that.

“We’ll see about that,” I tease. “Hey, what did Dean Girardo tell you on stage?” I can’t hold out any longer. If he’s leaving me, I need to know.

A distraught look quickly comes over his face. “We’ll talk about it later,” he says before shuffling all of us down to the cars.

Chapter 12


I can’t believe I’m a college graduate. It’s the most liberating feeling I’ve ever had. Well, when Kailey told me she loved will always be the top, but this is definitely my second. No more classes, no more exams, or papers. Hallelujah and after what Dean Girardo told me when I got my diploma, I can finally rest easy. Kailey will be just as excited as me, it’s an opportunity of a lifetime, and I’m sure she’ll feel the same way.

Once we get back to the house, the few family members that couldn’t actually go to the ceremony quickly come outside to congratulate me. I never thought this many members of my huge family would make the trip down here. I love my family. Luckily, they love Kailey too, not that I didn’t think they would. I mean, how could anyone not love her?

We all enter the house and my mouth waters, smelling the food that’s been cooking all day. I told my parents we should cater, but they just don’t do things that way. Thankfully, Brady had no problem with them taking over the house. But I’m pretty sure he didn’t expect it would be this intense either.

A few hours later, most of our friends have shown up, and some of the family has left with the exception of our immediate ones. Tonight is a big night for Brady, anyone who knows him can clearly notice he’s about two seconds from throwing up at any moment. Sadie leans over him, constantly asking him if he’s feeling okay, placing the back of her hand on his forehead and her palm on his neck. He just shakes his head and tries his best to convince her that he’s fine. After she finally goes upstairs, per Jessa’s request for a sweatshirt, all the guys start to file outside.

Kailey seems pretty occupied with her sister and Caden, so I just point to the backyard, and she nods. The stage was already set up earlier, so all we have to worry about is some minor details. We turn on the streams of white twinkling lights from tree to tree illuminate the dark area along with small mason jars hanging from the trees. We all scramble around, trying to light each candle. The most amusing part is Sadie did most of the prep work for her own moment. Grandma Ida hollers for everyone to come outside. I take my spot behind my drums as Grant and Dex swing their instruments around them. Maura, Brady’s sister along with her family and his Dad, know what’s going on when they find Brady on stage with the microphone in his hand.

When Kailey walks out the back door, I wink her way, and she smiles at me. You can see the sweat dripping from Brady and every once in a while he closes his eyes. Why he’s so scared, I have no idea. Their love is clear as day to everyone. No way his proposal won’t go well.

Then Jessa comes out and gives two thumbs to Brady and us. He takes a deep breath, and I raise my sticks to count us off. When Sadie appears in the doorway, confused about where everyone went, we start playing “Never Stop” by SafetySuit. Tears automatically fill her eyes, and Jessa gives her a little nudge to walk forward. She follows the rainbow colored daisy path, looking into Brady’s eyes the whole time. When their hands meet, you can see a calmness come over Brady’s body. He places her in the sole chair in front of the stage and gets down on his knee, singing every word only to her.

We fade our instruments as the song ends, and Brady places the mic on the ground and digs in his pocket. “Sadie, you are my one and only. You’ve taught me how to love, showed me how wonderful life can be when you trust someone with your whole heart. From the moment I saw you on that hill, I knew, you owned me. So, what do you say? Do you want me?” He smirks up at her, and she laughs through the tears streaming down her face.

Sadie wipes her tears with her back of her hand. “Yes, always, as long as we don’t let go,” she finally says.

“I’ll never let go, baby. Marry me, make a family with me, and grow old with your hand in mine?” he asks, and if I thought the tears were going before, it’s like a damn flood now.

She nods, and Brady places the ring on her finger. He picks her up and whispers something in her ear, and she looks like a damn bobble head she’s nodding so much.

I step out from behind the drums and grab the microphone. “Ladies and gentleman, the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Brady Carsen,” I exclaim, and the whole backyard claps. All the girls have tears in their eyes while the guys move over to the coolers for more beer and drinks. When I spot Brady and Sadie sneaking off into the house, I know we just lost our singer. “So, everyone, looks like we need a new singer for at least an hour or so,” I joke, and everyone laughs. “Let’s have open mic night,” I announce.

Before I can put the microphone back on the stand, Kailey’s sister Jen comes running up and snatches it out of my hand. This lady amazes me. Yesterday she was lying on the couch for most of the day while Kailey and I watched the kids. But I shouldn’t be surprised, ever since I’ve met Kailey, Jen’s health has been a rollercoaster of good and bad days. She huddles all of us together and tucks the mic behind her back, so no one hears her. “Okay, guys, let’s do ‘I Love Rock ‘N Roll’ by—,”