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“Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, we know it,” Dex interrupts and strings a few chords for her.

“Great,” she exclaims, beaming from ear to ear. I sit behind my drums really wishing that I had Kailey with me. Maybe I can convince her to come and sit on my lap for a few songs. But right now she’s rallied the troops to watch their mom perform. Caden holds Drew in his arms, shaking his head in amusement at his outrageous wife. Kailey sits on the ground with the two wide-eyed girls in her lap, staring in awe at their mother. Our eyes catch briefly before I’m about to start the beat. As I cross my arms and my foot presses on the petal, my sticks start drumming. She licks her lips and images of that tongue in my mouth, or around me, has me shifting on my stool.

Jen starts singing the words, strutting back and forth on the make shift stage. Grant and Dex laugh while joining in singing when she places the microphone in their face. All the guests are front and center, with a few couples dancing, my parents included. Kailey, Chloe, and Tara clap their hands to the beat, and Jen walks off stage and sings right in their faces before stomping her way back up to us. Everyone is engaged and loving her, she should have been a performer. Then it’s time and Grant steps up, playing his solo and Jessa screams, “Go baby,” and raises her hands with a rock on hand symbol.

Jen drags the girls up on stage and gets down on her knees, allowing them to scream into the microphone. After what seems like a zillion ‘I love rock ‘n rolls’ we fade the song, and Jen wraps her arms around the two small girls, kissing both their heads. She gets down on the grass, and Caden hands Drew off to Kailey before dipping his wife and kissing her. Chloe screams, “Gross,” while Kailey and I share an amused laugh.

Before I can blink, Grandma Ida has the mic and is talking to Dex. He raises his eyebrows my way and she grabs his face, bringing his attention back down to her. I take his continuous head shakes to mean we don’t know any of the songs she’s requesting. Finally, his head nods, and I wonder how long I’m going to be up here. Dex looks at me with an exasperated look before walking my way. Grant follows suit. “She wants ‘Do You Love Me’,” he whispers.

“Shit, are you sure?” Grant’s eyes follow to Ida as she practices her twist.

“Alright,” I agree. “Hopefully she doesn’t break a hip,” I joke.

“This should be fun.” Dex plasters a smile across his face, and she smacks his ass on the way back to his side of the stage.

If I thought Jen hit it out of the park, Ida made it clear across the river. Everyone circled around in the small yard, doing the mash potato and the twist. Not one person’s body isn’t moving. Chloe and Kailey hold hands while their ankles twist and hips bob back and forth. Shit, Kailey’s ass looks fucking delicious right now. My eyes are so fixated on her tight jeans, hugging her ass as she shimmies back and forth that I don’t notice a tall figure coming her way until his hands obstruct my view. Fucking Nate Gibson, what the hell is he doing at my party? Kailey looks back, and then turns making his hands fall off of her. That a girl. Chloe now between them, she continues to concentrate on the small girl in front of her, but Nate isn’t allowing her to distract him. I see his lips keep moving as she keeps backing up, then apologizing to people after bumping into them. Shit, when will this song ever end? Running out of options, she picks Chloe up, and my brother Derek steps between her and Nate. Thanks, little bro. A few choice words back and forth between Derek and Nate happen before Nate turns around. Finally the song ends, at least I hope it was supposed to end. Because I’m not wasting my graduation night on this fucking stool unless her ass is in my lap.

With determined steps, I reach Kailey, and the anxiousness in her eyes tells me she’s scared I’m about to start a fight. Instead of chasing down Nate, I pull her toward me with Chloe in between. “What did he say?” I whisper, and she shakes her head. She bends down, releasing Chloe and the little girl runs to her parents, who are already walking toward us. “Kailey, what did he say?” My voice sterner this time around.

“He just asked if he could cut in. It’s nothing.” She waves me off, but her mannerisms tell me it was more. “What I don’t understand Trey, is why he’s pursuing me now, after he dumped my ass after only two dates and one lackluster fuck?” I’ve never heard Kailey so angry.

“It’s kind of stupid, but I’ll be putting a stop to it,” I attempt to appease her, but she won’t stop huffing, and Jen is getting closer with every sigh from her lips. The last thing I need is her big sister finding out Nate and I have always had a pissing contest involving girls.

Kailey doesn’t speak, just crosses her arms over those perky breasts I was just admiring and shifts the hips attached the ass I had wanted to grab only moments ago. Impatiently waiting for my answer, those damn eyes bore into me like always when she wants to know I’m telling the truth.

Releasing a heavy sigh, I begin to reveal a pretty immature and stupid fault. “Nate and I, we kind of compete for girls.” Her arms collapse and her shoulders slump in disappointment. “Not like that, it’s just occasionally if he saw me with a chick—.”

“Nice, Trey,” she rolls her eyes at my word choice.

“Girl,” I correct it, but it does nothing to change her stance. “Anyways, if he saw me starting to get with a girl and I left to go get a drink or something, he would try to step in and grab her before I did.” I swipe my hand over my head, completely humiliated to admit it to her.

“And would you do the same thing?” she asks, hands on hips now and Jen standing right beside me, sighing.

“Yeah,” I shamefully admit softly as though she won’t hear it. “It was a different time, before you,” I add, but she just shakes her head and walks away.

“I’ll talk to her,” Jen says beside me. “It’s not like we didn’t know you were a himbo,” she mentions with her back toward me.

“What the fuck is a himbo?” I ask to myself.

“It’s another word for male slut,” a familiar girl’s voice answers from behind me.

When I turn around, I wish I hadn’t. “Hey, Bridg,” I say.

“Hey, Trey.” She fiddles with her red solo cup with her name written on it with small heart over the i and her B looks like a set of tits. “Nice playing,” she compliments me.

“Thanks. Listen, I gotta go.” I take steps back toward the house.

“Yeah, go get your crying debutant. Would hate for her to be upset,” she sneers.

“Rein in the claws, Bridgette,” I warn, but she continues to run her mouth. I look around thankful that everyone is wrapped up in their own conversations.

“Why would you choose her? She has nothing you want, or, for that matter, need.” She steps closer and rakes her finger nail down my chest. “I know how you like your cock sucked, I can make you hard just by my dirty talk. What does she do? ‘Oh, Trey’. Just a bunch of lame moans, I’m sure. I would bet you come thinking about someone else,” she keeps ranting, and I’ve heard enough.

“Get over yourself, Bridgette, and—,” I’m about to tell her to fuck off when Kailey’s gasp announces her presence at the door. Her face pale and her eyes filled with wetness. I stare between the two girls, before Kailey bolts back into the house. “Fuck off, Bridgette,” I scream before following Kailey.

I weave through the masses of bodies while hearing quarters dinging the tables and plastic cups being flipped. I half wonder where all the adults are, but I soon forget them when I spot the brunette hair briskly heading to the staircase. When I pass through the living room, I find all the adults. My parents, Jessa’s parents, Sadie’s mom and grandma are all sitting around drinking coffee and chatting to themselves. “Trey,” my mom calls out, but I ignore her, taking the stairs two at a time.