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Her arms wrap around my neck, and, soon, she’s bucking against me as I’m pounding into her. Taking my hand away from her mouth, I pull out a tit and grab the nipple with my teeth. She moans loudly when I suck it into my mouth, so I place my free hand over her mouth again, and she bites my palm. Shit, I bet she’s got a torture fetish! Just as I’m sucking on her tit and my cock is fucking her hard, her muffled groans inch louder and she clenches against me. Slowly relaxing in my arms, I give her no time to recover before I let go of her hips and her feet fall to the floor. Bending her over a chair, I push my dick back into her wetness, wrapping my arms around her body and gripping onto her tits as leverage. Thrusting in and out, I shove deeper each time until that feeling I love hits me and everything else in the world is gone and only pure pleasure is left. Before I’m about to blow, I pull out fast and rest my condom-covered cock on her back until it all pumps out.

Then I step back and roll the condom off, knotting it tight and clench it in my fist. She reaches over, and I squint to the bright light she flipped on. After pulling up my pants, I tell her it was good, and she reciprocates the mutual casual sexual encounter politeness. It’s nice she has no expectations from this little rendezvous. Clasping the used condom in my hand, I don’t kiss her or get her number. Just a shared smile before I escape from the awkward aftermath.

I conduct my normal routine, finding the bathroom and checking the condom for any holes or tears over the toilet and then watch the fucker swirl its way down. When I’m out washing my hands, I’m surprised to find Brady standing next to me.

“Where the hell have you been?” he asks. After my smirk, laughter erupts from him and he shakes his head. “Do you go anywhere and not get laid?”

“Honestly—no. You’re missing out, since you’ve got that whole one girl thing going on.” I raise my eyebrows at him through the reflection of the mirror. I’m not completely against the monogamy thing, it’s just I’m always on the fucked up side of it.

“Oh, that’s where you’re wrong. You’re the one missing out.” Brady clasps his hand on my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze, before leaving me in the bathroom.

I walk out of the men’s room and back to our gate, where Brady and Sadie are holding hands next to each other, and Jessa’s relaxing in Grant’s arms. They each smile wide at me as I walk by content in their little love bubbles. But they know they’re jealous that I can fuck anything that saunters by while they’re praying every night their girl gives it up. Smiling, I notice Dex has made his move, since he’s now sitting next the hottie from earlier. He must be making his mark because the girl seems receptive, her iPad is now tucked away and she’s turned toward him, which is always a good sign.

I slouch down in the seat furthest from everyone and thumb through my phone, waiting for our flight to be called. That fast fuck did nothing to satisfy me. Don’t get me wrong, she met my criteria; hot, wet, and willing, but I really hope those Colorado girls know how to show me a good time! Jessa said her sister was coming back from college...maybe. Shit, NO WAY! Jessa would kill me, and she’d have every right to.

Our flight is finally announced, and I rise to my feet fast, slinging my bag over my shoulder. After getting no sleep and exhausting myself with... Fuck, what was her name again? Tina? Kate? Oh yeah, Kim. Anyway, Dex better not bother me, I’m in desperate need for recouping.

I don’t bother waiting for all the lovebirds. Instead, I walk right up to the airline clerk and hand her my ticket. Once I walk through the small doorframe, the cute flight attendant gives me a blatant appreciating once over with her eyes, and for the first time in forever, I could give a shit. All I need from her is one of those small ass pillows and itchy blanket. Since I’m one of the first in our section, the overheads are nearly empty. Grabbing my ear buds, I toss my bag in the small compartment and fall into my seat. I wiggle my body to get as comfortable as possible in the hard seats. Adjusting the air nozzle, I spot Dex and that girl coming my way.

She stops right in front of our row and tilts her head while raising her eyebrows at me. I sit there looking back at her, waiting for her to say something when I notice her gorgeous green eyes with a yellowish gold ringing around her pupils. They’re alluring and intriguing, pulling me into a foreign abyss. I desperately beg myself to stop staring, but my eyes won’t allow me. “Um...this is me,” her clipped disgruntled voice muttering to herself pulls me away, and Dex chuckles. As she takes her seat she huffs out an irritated breath while my eyes focus on her body sliding in next to me. After she takes her seat, I notice her peering over in my direction out from the corner of her eyes. Dex sits down next to her in the seat closest to the aisle, and I’m about to do the biggest jackass move of all time. “I’m Trey.” I hold out my hand, and her slim fingers wrap around my palm.

“Kailey,” she says in a much nicer tone than she used with me previously. “I like the plugs,” she compliments me, and I’m pretty sure I could point out about twenty things to compliment her on, but Dex’s eyes are currently boring into me. Shit, I should ignore her. I already told Dex he had full reign.

“Thanks, I like your...your eyes,” the words sputter out of my mouth before I realize what a fucking cheesy line I used.

She laughs the most nervous giggle, and I watch her eyes focus on my mouth when I drag my lower lip with my stud piercing through my teeth before releasing it. Yep, she wants me. As crappy as I feel for what I’m about to do to Dex, it’s out of my control. I’m not about to throw away the first girl to peak my interest beyond a quick fuck since high school.

The flight attendant gets on the overhead and starts talking about the mask and the seat cushion. Kailey grabs the laminated card from the back of the seat in front of her and appears to be studying it. This is my sign to let Dex know, I’m in and he’s out. I give him my silent nod with a little wink. He narrows his eyes with a short shake of his own head. I guess he’s in the mood for some friendly competition. Anyone can see why she’s worth the fight, her body is killer. But as much as I want to bite my tongue thinking this, I can tell she’s more than a one-time fuck. There’s something about this girl, but the hell if I can explain it.

Kailey’s head mimics a tennis ball as Dex and I volley back and forth, attempting to grab her attention. Dex compliments her while I make her laugh. Our personality differences are in full swing, vying for her interest to peak in our favor. She must realize what’s going on, but she shows no sign who she prefers, other than that her eyes rest on mine a beat longer than Dex. He hasn’t given up hope though, even throwing out the small bench pressing competition he took first place in a few months back. I quickly hammer back my own accomplishment, exposing I finished first in a wing eating competition, to veer her attention back my way. A remarkable eighty wings in ten minutes. Laughter erupts out of her, causing the businessman in the aisle across from us to peer over, before focusing back on his laptop.

By the time we land in Denver, Dex is slowly starting to admit defeat. We file out into the narrow aisle way, impatiently waiting for the passengers in front of us to grab their bags and belongings from the overhead compartments. Moms and dads attempt to get their children to walk forward while they hold stuffed animals and mini character suitcases branded with their initials or name. This is the first time in my life, I don’t mind waiting forever to escape these claustrophobic confines. I’m content to remain pressed up against her, smelling the apple scent as her hair tickles my arm. She glances back, smiling at the older lady in front of her, slowly placing her book back in her purse. Kailey doesn’t appear annoyed or bothered by the delay, but instead reaches over to give her a hand.