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“Because you love me. Don’t deny it, Kailey. Stop cheating what we have.” She briefly wavers, and I take my last opportunity to pull her into me. Her body contours with mine. Her head just under my chin, so I can kiss her apple scented hair. My arms stretch around her, my one hand firm against her neck with my fingers laced through her hair. She relents, reaching her arms around my back and just like that, we’re back. The warmth of our bodies merge together into one solid form.

“Please, Trey, go,” she begs in a soft whispery voice, barely audible. There’s no wish I wouldn’t grant Kailey. Nothing I would deny her—except for that.

She bolts out of my arms and out of the room within seconds. Chasing after her, the crowd of people in the waiting area has increased. My eyes find the little brunette within the crowd. She stops at Kailey, and then her face beams and her little feet sprint my way. “TREY!” she screeches and heads my way. I scoop her up and my throat constricts when her small hands cup my face.

She tells me about Jen, and I remind her what we talked about. I know she’ll never remember this day, but a pain will fill her in the future that doesn’t today when she’s old enough to realize that her parents died much too young and were unable to watch her grow. Keeping her in my arms, we walk into the room. Hushed whispers of family or friends discussing the situation, pointing Kailey out as the Aunt and now guardian fill the room. The one older lady’s voice rings in my ear, “That’s the boyfriend. Like he’ll stick around. Just look at him.” I want to go up to her and ring her a new one and tell her where the hell to go. How dare the old hag question my dedication and love for not only Kailey but the kids. But starting a fight in the middle of a wake might not be the best way to plead my case.

Rallying up the crew, I lead them into the back of the room. A couch and a few chairs fill the space, but it’s more segregated and removed from the people. Kailey’s eyes glance our way occasionally. Not sure if she’s just watching the kids or myself, probably both. The gang walks back and Brady grabs Drew out of my lap.

“This little man loves me.” He starts tossing him in the air, and Drew laughs incessantly the whole time.

“Brady, you’re going to make him throw up,” Sadie says, shaking her head in disapproval.

“No you won’t, will you, little man,” Brady speaks solely to Drew, and he giggles again.

Jessa pulls out some coloring books and crayons from her bag and hands them out to Chloe and Tara. Oh, my friends, I love them. They’ve done so much to help us. I know Sadie and Jessa took turns spending the night with Kailey the past two nights. I would have thought one of them could have convinced her she’s being bullheaded and needs to let me decide the fate of my life.

Dex is the last to make his way to the back of the room. Shaking his head, I already know what he’s going to say. “I tried, man. She won’t listen to me.” He clasps my shoulders and before I notice all the guys are in a circle with me.

“I don’t know what to do. I got her alone, but she’s still convinced she knows best.”

“What’s your plan?” Grant chimes into the conversation.

I entwine my hands on the back of my neck in exasperation of her. Kailey, a girl who’s had me chasing her from the first day I stared into the emerald depths of her eyes. “I don’t know what else I can do,” I admit I’m coming close to defeat.

“We’ll think of something. How about a weekend alone, just you two?” Brady adds.

“No, it has to be the whole family,” I tell him, especially now. There’s no way I’m taking her away from the kids. Then across the room, I spot my in. A man I’m sure can flip this around back in my favor. “Thanks, guys, but I think I got it.”

I walk toward Kailey, and her eyes roam over my body. She likes what she sees, and I want to get down on my knees and thank the heavens above. At least I got one thing going for me. I stand to her right, giving her space to be comforted by people that truly love her. Holly’s skin is now sun-kissed from the sun of Colorado, and she pulls Kailey toward her and holds her tightly against her. Kailey slightly breaks, and I see her back rising and falling at a rapid rate. Clyde shakes my hand and then wraps the two of them into a great big bear hug. The three of them all weep for the family they’ve lost. Feeling like the outsider that I am now, I wait patiently until they finish. Then Holly abruptly yanks me into the hug, and I wrap my own arms around her and Kailey. Before I gather what has happened, Holly slowly moves her and Clyde out of the circle, leaving me holding Kailey. As though she knew what’s going on, and she’s trying to fix it. Clyde keeps his wife at his side and eventually Kailey calms again. When her head picks up and she gathers I’m her comforting source, she straightens her back and wipes the tears from her eyes. She focuses on the group behind Holly and Clyde and walks over extending her hand.

Holly shakes her head and pushes her arm through mine, escorting me out of the parlor. I pray that between her and Clyde I’ll be back where I was forty-eight hours ago.

Chapter 18


Trey stays for the duration of the wake. Aunt Holly and Uncle Clyde take the kids back to Jen and Caden’s, along with Caden’s parents. He silently stands by the doors, shaking hands with guests as they leave. His way with people has always amazed me. That everybody is my friend attitude warms people to him immediately, even with his outward appearance of tattoos and piercings. It was the one characteristic that first drew me to him like a moth to a flame. I remember how much he consumed my thoughts and dreams when I was still invisible to him. It’s hard to believe, he now stands there at those doors peering over to me with eyes so packed with love my heart swells from just one glance. I should have never dragged him into my life in the first place. I shouldn’t have been so selfish.

The last couple leaves and the funeral director walks into the room. Trey follows close behind him, unwilling to leave my side. God, I love that man. Forever loyal. The director informs me of tomorrow’s schedule, the time of each step. He asks about the pallbearers, and my gut sinks, realizing I never thought about it.

“It’s all taken care of. I can give you a list of names,” Trey conveys.

My astonished face stares up at him, and he places his hand on the small of my back, rubbing small circles.

“It looks like you have it all set then. Thank you. We’ll see you tomorrow at nine o’clock.” The director escorts us out of the room, shutting the doors behind him. A feeling of loneliness washes over me. The two people who were second parents to me, now lay in that room, still and empty. Trey immediately wraps his arm around me and pulls me into him. His lips brush the top of my head as he leads me out into the summer night air together.

Since Holly and Clyde took the van, Trey’s my ride home, and the fact he knows that already leaves weariness in me. We drive to the house, his hand in mine, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles like always. The comfortableness between us has me wishing things were different. I imagine that we’re on our way back from a magnificent date, where he swooned me with his sweet talk and kind gestures, instead of the reality.

The lights are on in every room when we pull up, and I’m assuming all the kids are up, most likely struggling without their normal routine. “Looks a little crazy,” Trey mentions, throwing the car in park.

“Yeah, I better get in there. Thanks for the ride and...everything,” I say, staring into my clasped hands.

“Let me help you get them calmed down and in bed?” I shake my head, trying to discourage the eagerness in his voice.

“No, I got it covered. There’s a lot of help in there.” I point to the house.

“Okay. I’ll pick you up tomorrow for the funeral.”

I shake my head again. “I’ll be fine. Thank you, though.” My fingers grasp the metal door handle, but my heart is struggling to let me actually leave. I need to make this fast, or I’ll never get the courage to do it.