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The purple haired lady, gushes to Kailey, thanking her. Once we get out of the too close for comfort atmosphere, Kailey goes to the side of the elderly lady, gently taking her arm to escort her up the ramp. Dex and I follow close behind like two jackoffs. The skycap with a wheelchair in front of him waits for the lady. “You have a sweet girlfriend,” the lady says to Dex, and he thanks her before she’s wheeled away. Suddenly, I have an urge to punch Dex in the fucking nose for taking credit for being her boyfriend.

After everyone’s off the plane, we go to the bathroom. All four of us stand side by side at the urinals, trying to mind our own business, staring at the cracked tile wall in front of us. I can’t wait any longer, though; I need Dex to lay off with Kailey.

“Listen, man, I know you saw her first, but—” I start to talk, disregarding our usual set of guy rules.

“Shit, man, don’t you know anything about bathroom etiquette? No fucking talking,” Grant grumbles, remaining focused on the wall. Brady chuckles.

“He’s got a point,” Brady remarks without turning his head one-way or the other.

The room goes quiet as we all finish our business and zip up our pants. We make our way to the sinks to wash our hands. Brady and Grant file out, I’m sure already missing their damn girlfriends. Pussy whipped takes on a whole definition when it comes to those two. Dex stays by the paper towel dispenser until I come over, no doubt knowing I want to talk about it. “She’s all yours, man,” he relinquishes her to me, then turns around to walk out without another word.

A feeling of guilt resonates inside of me, I think he might have really liked her. Hell, how could he not have? I leave the bathroom and lean against the wall, waiting for the girls. When Kailey saunters out with Jessa and Sadie, all the guilt vanishes. Without even thinking, I push off the wall and make a beeline to her. Side by side we venture down to the baggage claim. It’s taking every ounce of willpower not to grab her hand, but I can imagine if I did she’d pull away or slap me. Then my angel best friend, Jessa, volunteers us to drive her to her aunt and uncle’s, who live in the same town as Jessa’s parents. Jackpot.

At this point, I grab her hand, in the most friend-like way I can pull off, and lead her to the revolving belt carousel to retrieve our bags. She points her plaid suitcase out, and I grab it off the conveyer for her, being the gentleman I am. With all of us wheeling our luggage, we locate the rental car place. Reluctantly, I let go of her hand and join the guys, but I can’t help myself from checking on her over my shoulder while all the guys file up to the small counter.

Brady pays for the van fee, no surprise there. Although he would never admit it, he really is the pseudo father in our small group. My body warms when we begin to approach the girls, my eyes on her the whole thirty seconds it takes to reach them. She’s even more beautiful as she smiles and laughs with Jessa and Sadie.

Not sure how she’ll feel about it, I entwine our fingers again. A small smile hits my face when she doesn’t pull away, but rather I feel her fingertips between my knuckles. Once we climb into the rented van, she scoots comfortably next to me. I’m unusually excited to be near this hot girl for the next two hours. Unfortunately, it also terrifies me slightly because for a change it’s not sex, but conversation that has me raring to go.

Chapter 2

Everyone shuffles out at Jessa’s parents, happy to stretch. Brady tosses me the keys in the driveway. We give a quick hello to Jessa’s parents, and I tell them I’ll be right back. I open the passenger door for Kailey, and she sneaks in before I even open it the entire way. Dex’s eyes remain focused at me, clearly still pissed off at me for stealing Kailey from him. I’m pretty sure it’s the competition he’s upset about, not actually Kailey. Because if roles were reversed, I might have to pummel him to the ground before easily handing her over. Not that I’ll brag about it, but anyone can tell she wants me too. It’s clear from every giggle that escapes those glossed pink lips or the way her vision diverts to all my piercings and tattoos. She loves the bad boy image I portray. Although, I hope I don’t disappoint her, because even though I’m no angel, I’m not an asshole bad boy either.

She presses her aunt and uncle’s address into her telephone and starts spitting off directions. Her hand grips the armrest and her foot presses hard against the floor board, fearful I won’t be able to break every time the van drives down steep mountain slopes. Another damn cute side of her.

“So, are you out here for vacation?” I swear at myself for asking such a stupid question. Why else would she be here?

“Um...yeah,” she says. I can’t help recognizing the apprehension in her voice. Then again, I just met her, I could be hearing something not there.

The conversation flows comfortably for the rest of the trip. Between the lefts here and rights there, we sneak in our majors, graduation days, and jobs. Since we’re both Architecture majors, we relax into a discussion of professors and classes for a while. I’m surprised I’ve never seen her before. There’s no way I would have missed her. But with her being a semester behind me, she hasn’t spent as much time in the lab as I have. The lab is where I can be found, if I’m not playing with the band or ‘playing’ at the bars.

We pull up to the small isolated log cabin way too soon for me, and I’m pretty sure there isn’t another human being in a five-mile radius. It’s eerie and creepy. I get out of the van and grab her suitcase from the back, then walk her up to the door. As we get closer to the porch steps, a light comes on and the door swing opens.

A lady with grey hair and bearing a friendly smile, opens the screen door. She’s bundled up in her coat with a pair of black snow boots on. “Kailey, darling, you made it.” She opens her arms as Kailey swiftly climbs the stairs. She leans in as the lady wraps her puffy sleeves around her into a tight embrace. After giving Kailey a little squeeze, her aunt’s curious eyes find me. She peers down and whispers to Kailey, “Who’s this?” Her tone is nice and welcoming, and I can’t help liking her already.

“Sorry, Aunt Holly, this is Trey Michaels. He and his friends were nice enough to give me a ride from the airport.” Kailey remains on the porch while her Aunt steps down, holding her hand out to me.

“Hi, Trey, thanks for looking out for our Kailey,” she says. I place my hand in hers, surprised by her firm grip.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I reply, standing there like an idiot. Kailey walks down the steps for her suitcase that’s resting on the walkway besides me. I place my hand on hers, and she quickly snaps her hand back, as though I shocked her. “I’ll carry it for you,” I assure her, taken back by her reaction.

“Why don’t you come in, Trey? We’re making a late lunch.” Aunt Holly opens the door, waiting for me to enter.

I glance at my watch, and then look to Kailey for a clue if she prefers me to stay or not. Jessa’s mom said she was planning a dinner, but I figure I have some time. “Sure,” I answer, and Kailey lets out a small sigh.

Carrying her bag, we enter the cabin. The furniture is big and cozy with throw blankets strewn over the backs of couches and chairs. The warm and welcoming surroundings make me want to plop myself on the couch and prop my feet up on the wood table. Luckily, my mom taught me better than that. So, I wait in the entryway until both women pass me. Kailey never looks at me, almost as if she’s annoyed I’m staying.