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Trey arrives fifteen minutes later. I barely have everything packed by the time he’s at my bedroom door. He leans against the doorframe so cocky and sure of himself, bearing that flirtatious smirk. “Did you pack it?” he slyly asks.

“Maybe,” I playfully respond, shrugging my shoulders.

He comes into the room and grabs my bag from the bed. When he passes by me, his hand grazes mine and goose bumps spread like wildfire up my arm.

“I just want to make something clear, Trey. This doesn’t change anything. You still need to move on with your life.” His eyes drop, and he takes a long breath before they open again.

“Got it.” His lips turn up into a smile.

We climb into the van, all the kids in the back row, and Holly and I in the second row with Trey and Clyde up front. Holly pats my knee and smiles at me, obviously deliriously happy that I changed my mind.

Three hours, two bathroom breaks, and an hour filled with whining later, we arrive at Trey’s parents’. It’s an enormous two-story brick house set back on a lot of empty land. Classic and modern all rolled into one. With tons of windows and black trim, it’s stunning to look at. The lines are sleek but jagged. Whoever designed it had a keen eye for architecture, that’s for sure.

Trey parks the van in front of the four-car garage, and all of us are eager to escape the confined space. “I forgot what it’s like to travel with children,” Holly says to me and just shrugs. I want to remind her she’s the one who was so keen on this little road trip, but this will be uncomfortable as it is, I’ll need her as an ally not an enemy.

Trey and Clyde carry the bags, but before we open the door it busts open with Elena standing in the doorway. Seriously, do these people have magic powers? Have they ever heard of letting some knock before answering? “Hi, everyone. Welcome.” She throws the door open all the way and signals us to come in. Anxiety builds inside of me that maybe I’m not really welcome, but of course she quickly proves me wrong.

Once I’m through the door, she squeezes me tightly just like her son always does. “Welcome, Kailey.” Her arms bring a warmth around me, almost chipping away some coldness. I nod and clench my teeth, so I don’t break down.

Elena makes a huge pot of spaghetti with homemade meatballs for dinner. We sit on the patio that overlooks acres of land. The kids play in the yard, Chloe does cartwheels, Tara somersaults, and Drew just running in circles. It’s nice to see them so happy and carefree, like children should be. Not that they aren’t at home, but Aunt Holly was right, they needed to get out of that house and Western. Damn, I hate it when she’s right.

“Kailey, will you help me?” Elena asks, taking the dishes into the kitchen.

I automatically stand, kicking myself for not offering first. Trey rises to his feet to help. “Trey, you stay. I only need Kailey. We’ll be right back.” She smiles, and I look at Aunt Holly with fear of what I’m in for.

Elena is already at the counter, placing desserts on the tray to take out. She shuffles with such grace from the cabinets to the counter and back again. I wonder if she was a dancer at one time in her life. After she places everything on the tray we need to take, I scoop up a stack of plates and turn around hopeful to escape. “Kailey, can we have a quick moment to talk?” I close my eyes take a deep breath and turn her way again with a perfectly wide smile encased across my mouth.

“Of course.” I go back, and she signals for me to scoot the stool out. My eyes are darting everywhere but at her.

“I know this is hard for you. Although I’ve never lost anyone so close to me, as you have. I imagine it’s unbearable.” She pats my hand.

“We’re managing, but thank you for your concern.” I act nothing short of polite.

“Trey’s been through a lot,” she starts, and I just want to roll my eyes. Here’s the mother bird protecting her helpless baby.

“I know.”

“Don’t get me wrong, he’s been no saint. But I can tell you he loves you, and I hope that you can see you’re hurting both of you.” She gives me a small smile and turns around.

“I just don’t want to force him into taking care of us. It’s my love for him that has me pushing him away. Please, don’t confuse it for anything, but me wanting the best for him.” I’m even surprised by myself that I’m revealing my fucked up feelings to her so fast.

“That’s admirable, honey.” Oh good, she’s on my side. “But, it’s not your decision to make if Trey wants to be a part of yours and the kids’ life. It’s his. If I know my son, he’s made his decision, so it’s only you that’s making him unhappy at this point.” Her lips tighten and she pats my hand. “I am sorry for your losses, Kailey, but you are here still. Make the most of your short time, be happy. If Trey is it, don’t push him anymore, embrace him. Don’t let your fears determine his future.” She scoops up the tray and walks back outside. “Could you bring those plates on your way?” She asks as though she didn’t just give me a nice kick in the ass.

By the time, I venture out with the plates, Trey’s in the yard playing with the kids. All three of them are chasing him around the big yard, and when he pretends to fall, they all topple on top of them. The laughs and giggles are contagious among everyone. A small smile spreads across my lips, and I want nothing more than to be out there with them. For the first time, I admit to myself that I want this life, and that I desperately want it with Trey; the kids, the husband, and the whole fairytale. I’d been pushing it aside, not wanting to admit it to myself. He catches me out of the corner of his eye and winks before focusing his attention back on the kids.

Elena grips my arm on her way back to the kitchen, smiling at me. Fully aware I finally had my ‘aha’ moment. Trey stands up with his eyes only on me. The girls grip onto his legs, but he continues walking my way with them giggling and pulling on them. He bends down whispers something to them, and they scurry over to the swing set, Drew two steps behind the girls.

“Holly. Mom. Can you watch the kids tonight?” He asks them with his eyes staring right into mine the whole time.

“Of course.” They both say in unison. He grabs my hand without saying a word, and I don’t argue or pull back for the first time in two weeks. He leads us to the garage and punches in a code, the double door opens, revealing any guys dream. Motorbikes, four wheelers, and mountain bikes fill it from wall to wall. Every adrenaline junkie’s dream. “What do you want to ride?” He opens up a metal cabinet with hanging keys like a valet case.

“Um...I can’t ride a motor bike.” I admit.

“Do you think I’m letting you ride by yourself?” He smirks at me, grabbing a set. “Let’s take the four-wheeler.” He looks me up and down, and a surge of heat flows up to my cheeks. “You okay if you get dirty?”

I glance at my jeans and sweatshirt. “Yeah.”

“You might have to strip down when we get back and shower in the back of the barn,” he slyly says, and all I can think of is if he’s with me, I’ll make do.

He hops on the green and black one and holds out a helmet for me. After both of us are equipped, he starts it up. “You’re gonna have to hold on to me really tight.” He chuckles.

“I wouldn’t think otherwise,” I flirtatiously say, wrapping my arms around his stomach. My hands on the hemline of his shirt, he takes them and puts them under his shirt, so they’re splayed on his bare skin.

“Better,” he tells me, and I conform my body against his, my head resting on his back. His muscles tighten and ease as he steers the vehicle through tree lines and mud lined fields. Usually not being in control would scare me to death, but Trey has always relaxed me. I’ve trusted him with everything, but one thing. It’s time I change that, he’s deserving of my heart. I know he’ll protect it.