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He stops us, and I pry my body away from his, missing the heat the second I push back. The sky streaks orange and yellow as the sun begins to set. He holds out his hand for me, and I willingly take it in mine. Grabbing a blanket from the bag stashed on the back, he leads me to a tree house.

“Watch your step,” he instructs me, pointing at the narrow steps leading up to the wooden house.

“This is quite elaborate for a tree house,” I remark, stunned at the two winding staircases to reach the actual house.

“Well, not much to do when you’re a kid. It got us out of the house.” He continues taking the steps slowly every once in a while peering down in my direction. “My brother used to throw crazy parties up here until all the parents finally clued in on what everyone was doing. It made for a great make-out place, though.” He winks over his shoulder, and the thought that this is the place he got his girlfriend pregnant flashes to mind. We finally reach the landing after the first set, and he cages me against the railing. “I wouldn’t have brought you here,” he tells me, obviously aware of where my thoughts ventured.

“What? Oh, that doesn’t matter.” I attempt to play it off as best as I can.

“Well, I just wanted to make it clear.” He takes my hand and positions me in front of him. “This is a steep one, so you go first.”

“I think there might be another reason why you want me to go first.” I arch my eyebrows, and he chuckles.

“Just hope my hands don’t disobey what my head is telling them,” he says with a bellow of laughter.

I shake my head, even though I love his flirtatious talk. It’s surprising how fast I can get back into our banter, it must mean something. Trey gives me directions on how to undue the latch and pry the door open. “Is some animal going to attack me when I open this?”

“No. Well, there shouldn’t be anything in there, but I don’t know the last time anyone was here.” He shifts his jaw and raises his shoulders. “Here, let me do it.” He begins squeezing by me. I grip the railing as his body slides along mine. He stops when we’re right next to each other on the narrow steps. I vaguely think we might plummet to our deaths, but the back of his hand touches my cheek, slowly flowing down. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers.

My eyes begin to water, and I push the tears back. Now is not the time. His eyes fall, and he turns around to open the latched door. “Nope, no animals,” he says, climbing in. He holds out his hand to help me climb in. While he positions the blanket across the floor, I look around at the torn boxes of board games, a few beanbags positioned in corners, and miscellaneous knick knacks that have been left behind. It’s the most spacious tree house I’ve ever been in. Not that I’ve ever been in one. I always imagined them some makeshift small room that you had to sit in due to low ceilings. That the wood would creak every time you moved, making you think it would crash down to the ground and you would fall to your death with pieces of wood scattered around you.

But this is opposite from every vision I had. The ceiling is tall, and there’s even another small staircase that takes you to the next level that has a window to look out of. “This is amazing,” I say, taking in everything around me.

“It was okay. With you here though, it’s breathtaking.” He smirks, knowing he’s purposely sweet-talking me.

“Nice, Michaels,” I compliment, walking over to him. He lies on the blanket, and holds his hand out for me to join him. Slowly, my legs make it to the hard floor, and he pulls me on top of him. “Trey,” I sigh.

“Shhh.” He places his hand on the back of my neck and brings me down to his lips. I begin to push, placing my hands on his muscular chest, but he just grips me tighter, not allowing a miniscule of space between us. “Enough, Kailey,” he says. “You can’t push me anymore.” His lips crash into mine again, and he licks the seam of my dry lips. I slowly part, but he doesn’t wait, thrusting his tongue into my mouth. Our lips dance like always, a reminder of how well we fit together. Our connection showing with the surge of electricity between the two of us. My body collapses, and he rolls me over to my back. Instantly, my hands find the familiar hair line right above his neck, mindlessly massaging it while my one leg wraps around his waist. Pushing his body against my small frame, he tucks his hands under my thighs, and I wrap both legs around him, clasping him against me. Holding me there, he allows his lips to explore my neck and throat. “I fucking love you, Kailey. You’re not going to toss me away because you’re scared,” he says, and I moan pressing his head against my neck. Not willing to let me get away, he backs his head up slightly and stares down at me. “I’m here. Do you understand? I’m not going anywhere. I’m yours.” He waits for me to answer.

I continue to gaze into his brown eyes. “Are you sure?” I ask, and he sighs.

“Yes, damn it,” he presses his body against mine, cupping my face with both his hands. “I want this life. I want you and the kids. I want to drop Chloe at kindergarten and Tara to pre-school. Have chaotic dinners filed with laughter and sometimes tears. I want to argue with you on whether we should allow them to do something we disagree on. I want to hire a babysitter and take you on dates, knowing that when we return home, you’ll be mine for the taking. I want to wake up early and surprise you with breakfast with the kids jumping around us. Yes, maybe this life would have scared me shitless a few months ago, but now I’m scared like hell you’re going to shut me out of what I want most in this life.”

I bite my lower lip. “What do you want most?” I ask in a whispery voice.

“A future with all four of you.”

Unblinking, I bring my hands to his cheeks. “It’s yours.” A small smile creeps over his lips before I push him back down on me.

Chapter 21


Not willing to let Kailey get away, I continue to kiss my way down her neck. I want to take her so fucking bad. The need to be inside of her, my dick surrounded by her clenching warmth is so intense, I could practically come right now. With her legs tightening around my waist, I know she’s thinking the same.

My hands begin to roam up her shirt, until my hand cups her breast, massaging her pebbled nipple between my fingers. God, how I’ve missed them. Unable to hold back, I pull down her bra, letting the fullness spill out. I inch her shirt up until it rests at her chin. One breast out and one barely concealed inside the green satin of her bra. My fingers twitch with need to unclasp her bra. To my surprise, she reaches forward and does it for me. When the green fabrics falls to the side, revealing her luscious, creamy skin with the small pink nipples, my mouth salivates with the thought of it wrapped around one of them. “You’re so damn hot,” I say, bending down and taking a mouthful. As I take turns switching from one to the other, never completely satisfied, Kailey begins to squirm under me. She’s getting as hot as I am, and the thought of how soaked she is right now, makes me grow even harder.

She doesn’t make me wait long, as she begins to guide my hands down to her waistline. My fingers unbutton her shorts and pull the zipper down, revealing a peek at her striped underwear. Her body wiggles back and forth, and I help her drag down her jeans, watching her as she gets her legs out and kicks them across the room. Peering down at the sight of her in only her underwear, her legs spread out waiting for me my breath stops. Her eyes holding my gaze with the love and life I haven’t seen in weeks. “Well, are you just going to sit there?” She cocks her head to the side, giggling.

“No,” I answer, staying right where I am. “You’re mine?” I question, craving the finality that her fight is over.

“I’m yours,” she confirms and holds her arms out. I inch forward but she places her finger up in the air. “Take the shorts off,” she demands, and I scramble to take them off as fast as I can.