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Once I’m on top of her, my cock begs me to relieve him, I gently nudge her with my hardness and she moans. “Say it?” I ask her.

“I love you, Trey,” she answers immediately.

“For how long?” I ask her, kissing her neck and collarbone.

“Always,” she breathlessly tells me.

“And?” I say, kissing her stomach and hooking my hands on either side of her panties. I begin pulling the striped cotton underwear down her thighs, exposing her glistening wetness.

“Forever, Trey,” she sighs. “I need you, now.” I finish pulling them down her tanned legs, and shrug out of my boxer briefs at the same time.

“Remember that.” I’m not even fully at her opening when her hands take a firm grasp to my ass and thrust my body forward. She’s so fucking wet, I slide right in.

“Ahhh,” she moans, tilting her head back. I descend on her neck like a damn vampire starved for blood; sucking her flesh into my mouth with the sensation of her wrapped so tightly around me. My face burrows into her shoulder as I pump into her time and time again.

I’m barely going to hold on. It’s like lighting a match and the quick descent of the flame to your fingers. I can’t hold back much longer, but damn if I’ll burn myself before she doesn’t get off before me.

“I love you, Kailey. Never leave me again. It’s been a nightmare without you.” My heart starts speaking for me.

“Never, Trey. I promise. I’m done fighting,” she stutters between moans and gripping of my body.

“I think I just went from hell to heaven in the past hour. That’s what you are to me, Kailey, pure heaven.” Her legs are tightening around my waist, and I know she’s growing closer.

“Oh Trey,” she whispers, her warm rapid breathing right at my ear. “Look at me,” she asks, and I pick my head up. When I catch the desire and love all mixed together in her eyes, I’m finally at peace that it’s okay. She’s not going to leave me again.

She licks her lips, and she doesn’t have to tell me twice before I cover hers with mine. Our tongues are frantic within each other, darting in and out and around. Sweat puddles between our bodies while our teeth knock, our hands grasp, and we whisper promises of love and happily ever after.

By the time we come, I’m exhausted. Seeing the sweat line across her hairline and her body trembling, I pull her toward me. Sitting up, I stare into her eyes and the small film of tears in them has me terrified I pushed us too fast.

“Why are you crying?” I cradle her to me, rubbing my thumb across the bottom of her eye.

“I’m sorry,” she weeps into my arms. “I put you through hell... I put us both through it.” A small smile begins to form, thankful she was in hell just like me.

“Hey,” I push her back so she can see me, “it’s all good now. Really good,” I let my eye roam down our naked bodies.

“So you forgive me?”

“I’ll always forgive you.” I place my finger under her chin and lightly kiss her lips. “For future reference, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thank you for sticking with me.”

“Well, your stubborn side is one I love the most.” She playfully smacks her hand at my chest, but I just pull her closer.

I ease us onto the blanket and rub my fingers down her arm, feeling the warmth of her hand on my chest. “Can I ask you a question?” She picks her head up to look at me. “Do I need to start investing in good pairs of track shoes?” Her eyes squint from confusion. “Am I going to be chasing you for the rest of my life?”

She softly giggles. “I think my running days are over.” She places the softest kiss on my stomach. “Can I ask you something?” I nod my head. “Are you sure I’m what you want? Am I enough to keep you?”

My body jerks up. “Kailey.” I’m thrown at the seriousness of her question. Mine had been a playful slam on her always running from me, but she clearly still has concerns about my feelings. “Yes, you’re what I want. How could you ask that?”

“It’s just...” the tears are forming again in her eyes. “Trey, I really liked you when you still didn’t know who I was. You never even gave me a second look. There were times, I was sitting right next to you when you would come up to the bar. One time you actually winked at me. I’m just worried that—,” I stop her.

“Kailey, I was a different person then, blind to any girl who wasn’t putting off a vibe that I could get in her pants. I’m sorry that you noticed me first, but believe, baby, the last thing you need to worry about is not being enough for me or what I want. I’ve been waiting for you my whole life; I was just too fucked up to know it. When you sat down next to me on that plane, it was like an awakening. Everything cleared and it was only you standing in the vision of my future. You know how many times I’ve lain awake with you in my arms, wishing for morning never to come? Or the times, I count minutes until I’m going to see you again? When we’re together, I pray for time to slow and when we’re apart, I beg for it to speed up.” He pauses staring down at me. “So, I guess what I’m trying to tell you is, I was a complete prick for never seeing the girl who held my future in her heart. But now that I’ve found her, I’ll never give her up. You got that, baby?” A sly grin forms and she throws her arms around me.

“I love you, Trey Michaels,” she says into my ear. The best five words of all time when they come out of her mouth.

“I love you, the future Mrs. Trey Michaels.” She pushes herself up and looks at me in shock. “Yes, baby, one day I’ll be tattooing our wedding day on my body.” I’m not asking her although if she accepted right now, I wouldn’t think twice before running out and getting her a ring. But it has to be special, she deserves that plus more.

“How did I get so lucky?” she asks, her lips millimeters from my ear.

“Nah, baby, I’m the lucky one.”

Kailey and I stay up in that tree house for the night, making up for our weeks apart. We text Aunt Holly, and, of course, she says she has it under control. The next morning we’re both itching to get back to the three munchkins. After one quickie against the wall, we get dressed and leave the small love shack we called home for twelve hours.

I feel like I could conquer world peace right now with her behind me, holding me tight. On our way to the kids, who I can’t help but think of as a part of me now. After I park the green machine in the garage, I push Kailey against the wall, giving her one long lingering kiss. “Until tonight, baby.” I tell her, and she looks at me quizzing. “You’re in my bed tonight.”

“Oh, I thought you meant I wouldn’t be getting a taste of those lips all day.” She takes a fistful of my shirt and yanks me back into her again.

“You’ll be lucky if I make it to the house without sneaking you behind a bush,” I say, leaning back to watch the pink flush spread across her cheeks.

When we open the door, three kids run at us and we scoop them in our arms. With Drew and Tara in mine, they nuzzle close. “We missed you,” Tara says.

“You and Trey all better?” Chloe asks, and we look at each other and then at my mom and Aunt Holly walking toward us.

“Like the little tike didn’t notice Trey not around,” Holly confesses.

“She’s an answer seeker, that’s for sure,” my mom laughs.

“Yeah, we’re all better,” Kailey says, finding my hand. The five us together, a family.

My mom smiles, knowing exactly what I’m thinking. I have to say, I’m a bit surprised she’s so willing to push me toward this instant family. She was my biggest supporter with the adoption.

After showers for both of us, we get the kids ready. I take Drew with me to pick up the meat at the butcher along with my dad and Clyde, while all the women take Chloe and Tara to get their nails done.

We aren’t back for five minutes before the gang arrives. I open the door to Brady, Sadie, Jessa, Grant, Dex, and some girl named Chrissy that I’ve never met before.