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While I was making these remarks to myself, sister and brother had become again ready for further efforts in the domains of Venus. This time Louisa mounted Fred and, guiding his rampant prick into her delicious cunt, began slowly to raise her glorious, magnificently developed arse before my longing gaze.

It was a fine sight to see a rampant cock, upon which the most splendid arse that ever adorned woman was first drawing itself away, and then as slowly re-impaling itself. Fred's loins lifted themselves to meet the thrust, and for a moment they rested in all the luxury of such complete conjunction that it was difficult to say to which bottom the attendant balls belonged. They gradually increased their movements, Fred first laying hold of the splendid buttocks above him and helping their downward movement as if to force them still more strongly onto his stiff-standing staff. Then inserting two fingers in Louisa's exquisite arsehole, he made her spend profusely, while he evidently held back for further sport.

It was beautiful to mark the convulsive pressures of her arse as she exuded her spunk onto his delighted weapon and I could see the milky fluid oozing from her well-filled cunt and bedewing his bollocks. She was not long in resuming her splendid action, beginning as before with long and slow movements until excitement compelled the lascivious creature to a quicker pace, and this time they simultaneously spent, with mutual cries indicative of the divine bliss of completely satiated love.

Louisa lay for a long time upon Fred's belly, retaining his relaxed prick within her delicious sheath by the force of her cunt nippers. At last he was obliged to beg her to let it out and lie down by his side.

She did so, but first, turning down her head, she gave his prick a long and loving suck; nor did she cease until she had so far re-stiffened it that she was able, after lying down on her back, to throw her right leg over Fred's loins and insert it again into her glowing and steaming cunt.

'There,' she said, 'my darling brother, let him rest. Give me one loving cuddle, and then we can sleep comfortably. I shall take care to keep him prisoner.'

They most lovingly embraced, and for some minutes continued billing and cooing. Then Louisa drew back her leg and, turning round, nestled her glorious arse in Fred's belly. He drew up the sheets, and by their hard breathing I soon found that they slept soundly.

I locked myself in, leant back in one corner and followed their example.


Having left Louisa's bedroom and crept back to my own at dawn, I was awakened by soft lips sweetly sucking mine. It was my darling Louisa.

'Harry, my love, you must surely have slept enough we are just going to have luncheon.'

'Indeed, is it so late?' said I returning her embrace. Her hand wandered beneath my clothes, and encountered my lordly prick in all its glory. She squeezed it with her soft hand and I pulled her into bed with me, gently pushing her down upon it and lifting up her petticoats. Her cunt was already moist with the excitement of kissing and feeling me. I rubbed the head of my cock a few times up and down between her lips then, gently gliding it into her longing cunt, enjoyed a charming fuck. Time would not allow us to linger over the enrapturing joys, so after a few entrancing squeezes she let me go, gave me a loving kiss, shook her petticoats down, begged me not to be long and left me to my toilet operations. On descending I was warmly welcomed, and everyone hoped I had quite recovered from my indisposition of yesterday. I thanked them and said that my long night's rest had completely restored me. I sat down by the side of my hostess and opposite Sophie, scrutinising her more closely than I had before now.

There she sat, apparently all innocent gaiety. Indeed, to look at the whole family, no one could possibly imagine there could be the slightest impropriety of conduct between any of them. They seemed to be all fully aware of the advantage of apparent correctness of conduct in public, having every facility at night for the wildest indulgence of every lascivious and incestuous delight. Nothing that passed indicated in the slightest degree the wild orgies I was sure they indulged in; all was quiet enjoyment and light, agreeable, witty conversation, without the slightest freedom of improper allusions.

I could not but admire their good sense in this. It rendered their abandonment to all the waywardness of lust doubly enjoyable. I conformed myself to this line of conduct, but determined to become a general participator in the more hidden proceedings of the whole family.

I fancied there was a warmer interest in me on the part of Mamma, but this might be only the effect of the judicious flattery I had poured into her willing ear while photographing her. I determined to press matters home at the slightest opportunity.

Not long after luncheon I joined Fred and remarked, 'I saw such a charming sight yesterday-two beautiful young women with their clothes up, and their hairy cunts laid bare to the inspection of a very handsome young man, who was wonderfully like you, my dear Fred. He kissed those beautiful cunts and then they all rose and disappeared among the bushes, with what intent you best know, but I definitely recognised your sisters before they were obscured by the bushes. Never look confused, my dear fellow, you only did what I have often done myself, and I love you for it. Which sister do you like best?'

'You are right,' he rejoined. 'Chance has made you acquainted with a family secret, and on the terms we now stand, I will confess that your conjecture is quite true. I have had, and have both my sisters, but the one who gives and receives the most pleasure is my darling Louisa.'

'Ah, how true that is; for you must know, my dear Fred, that I too have long enjoyed the delicious charms of your lovely sister in every way, and one great reason of my seeking you was that we might revel together in all the lascivious delights she can so well impart.'

He was somewhat taken aback at my frank avowal, but instantly recovered and admitted that it was not at all to be wondered at, although he had not suspected anything of the sort from the discreet conduct of both of us since I had been in the house. He had watched and observed a total absence of anything like familiarity, but it was quite natural that it should be so, as Louisa was of too warm a disposition not to have had some lover or other while in Paris.

'Was Tom at all aware of your intimacy?'

'No, not in the least degree.'

'I am glad of that,' said he.

I told him that, after what I had seen, I was no longer certain that he passed every night with Louisa, as she had so pertinaciously refused to allow me to come to her in the night.

'Now, my dear Fred, I know enough of Louisa's extreme lasciviousness to be sure that she would like nothing better than to have us both together, although naturally enough, she did not like to let me know of her having a brother for a lover as well as myself. You must arrange that we both sleep with her tonight, and that she may expect us; I will give her a hint of what has passed between us, and tell her what to do. Don't make any difficulties, my dear fellow,' I said, as I saw he was about to do so, doubtless from knowing that we might be surprised together by the father.

At that moment I descried the carriage coming up the avenue.

'There they are, returning from their afternoon drive,' I said. 'Let us go down to meet them.'

And off I ran down the stairs. By the time we got to the door the carriage was about to draw up, and we were just in time to hand the ladies out. Louisa came last, and as Fred had taken Mamma, and Papa had taken Sophie, Louisa was, so to say, left alone with me. I seized the moment to murmur a particular wish for her to find an opportunity after dinner for us to be alone together for a few minutes, as I had something urgent to say to her. She promised immediately to do so.

After dinner, as it was a lovely evening with brilliant moonlight, we sat out on the terrace before the drawing-room windows, and afterwards began strolling backwards and forwards.