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I rose, tore off my coat, waistcoat and trousers, threw myself on her superb and glorious body, and was engulfed in her exquisite cunt immediately. Her arms and legs instantly embraced me; with her hands she pressed my buttocks as she raised her own by the leverage of her legs on my back, as if she wished to get me in altogether. We thus lay for some minutes in an exquisite trance of delight. Her throbbing and internal peristaltic pressures, in which particular she even surpassed the extraordinary excellence of Louisa, though with less power of actual pressure at the entrance, were most delicious. Louisa could almost nip one's cock off. Without going so far, Mamma was perfect and most exciting, so that we did not long remain enjoying these delicious preliminaries but soon began more active operations.

Fast and furious grew our movements. Dear Mamma seconded me with a skill, vigour and rapidity quite astonishing in one as generously proportioned as she. But she was in the prime of her life for a healthy woman, thirty-six, an age when the passions more fully understand their object and lend themselves with the utmost ardour to their accomplishment.

Nothing could exceed the delight this exquisite woman afforded me. With lust so rampant we ran our first course, and spent in an agony of rapture that seemed to exhale our souls away in deep expiring sighs. We lay for some minutes lost to all around us, and then she kissed me most lovingly, and murmured soft mutterings of the heavenly joys she had experienced in my arms. Our billing and cooing, and her rapturous interior action on my prick hardly allowed it to decrease in volume or stiffness. Our loving embraces soon drove us on to another passionate course of love, again to die in the death-like agony of passion's final crisis.

Thrice did I pour down libations in love's sweet recess before I withdrew from the exquisite sheath in which I had made my sacrifice to Priapus. I threw myself backwards so as to bring my head down to that most glorious temple of Venus, and pushing aside with my fingers the profuse bush of curls which so adorned and graced love's grotto, I laid bare and opened the large, pouting lips, and exhibited to my charmed sight one of the finest and largest cunts I ever beheld. Large, indeed, it was, but with a small hole in it, and that, I think, is the finest cunt a man can meet with. This one was truly glorious to see. Of a beautiful salmony pink, fringed with thick, black-brown curls, topped with a remarkably fine clitoris hardly drooping its head after its seven or eight discharges, for after our first encounter the dear creature, in the excess of her lust, was repeatedly dying away and sending down floods of boiling spunk on my delighted prick and adding immensely to the rapture she was giving it. Indeed, as I gazed in admiration at the glorious beauties of the cunt I had laid bare, the rich, creamy, mixed oil with which we had so amply besmeared the interior recess was oozing out of the really small orifice of her vagina.

It was far too tempting to allow its rich stream to be wasted, so I sealed the exquisite aperture with my lips, licking up and sucking out all I could get. The dear clitoris got excited and nearly pushed out my eye. So, changing the venue, I took it in my mouth, and with my thumb frigging her cunt, soon made her again give down nature's sweet tribute. I then rose, and opening my arms, she threw herself into them, and we stood some moments in the most rapturous enjoyment of a long and loving embrace, her head supported on my breast.

At last she raised her beautiful face, with eyes sparkling and mouth beaming with lust. She gazed upon me most lovingly and thanked me for having given her the most exquisite sensations of rapturous delight. Our lips met, our hands wandered. The glorious form of her immense backside, its colour, its firmness and its beauty, set me wild with desire.

'Ah, dear madam,' I cried, 'you are indeed a Juno, and I must, like Jupiter, enjoy this glorious altar of love.'

Here I stooped and kissed the magnificent buttocks I had been handling.

'Let us, dear madam, be both in all the glory of nakedness.'

Her black mantle had already fallen off. I lifted her chemise, she herself aiding me, and took it off altogether. I threw off my shirt. We rushed into each other's arms for a loving embrace, in which our naked bodies met in full and delicious contact. We then stood a little apart, that I might admire all the glories of her magnificent form. Of course, the noble bottom came in for my greatest admiration for I never saw a finer. I begged her to kneel on the couch and let me pay homage to that noble and magnificent part. She instantly complied. I guessed that her penchant for operations in that quarter was as great as for those in the front, provided only that she had been well fucked in the latter.

Fully understanding, therefore, the part she had to play, she kept her knees well apart, and thrust her weighty buttocks well out, displaying the open valley between the immense globes, and showing a fine, brown, corrugated aperture, surrounded with small, very fine, silky curls. Her outstretched position slightly opened the orifice, showing that I should have no difficulty in making my way within, but it was so enticing that I stooped and, passionately kissing it, thrust my tongue within as far as it would go. Instantly I found that, though comparatively large and open, it had plenty of power of compression, for the sphincter closed tight on so small and slippery an object as my tongue.

I continued thus until the dear creature begged me to begin operations of a more serious nature. Kneeling behind her, I plunged into her exquisite cunt, which I found hot and wet, for the salacious creature had again spent. She now gave me such internal suctions and delicious pressures that I could not withdraw, but fucked on in this most exquisite posture, and was so ecstatically delighted with her action and the sight of her most glorious backside in full activity below me, that I ran my course where I was. She frigged her clitoris, while with one hand I felt all over her splendid buttocks, and frigged her exquisite bottom-hole with two of the fingers of my other hand.

Dear Mamma again spent twice before I died away in all the raptures of the most exquisite and satisfying fuck. We kept our position until the delicious squeezings and my exciting handling of her magnificent bottom once more brought me up to my normal vigour. Then, changing from the lower to the upper opening, and being well-greased with both her spendings and my own, I plunged with one vigorous bound up to the hilt in her bumhole.

The suddenness of the charge, and the powerful rush that carried my prick at once up to its utmost length, made her scream with delight, for there was no pain in her case, and set the fierce passions of her lust in full activity. Never did I see so active a backside: its movements were in every direction, and were conducted with a savoir-faire that added to the exquisite pleasure her delicious bumhole was giving. I became as wild as herself, and we ran a rapid course, and both spent with the wildest cries of delight.

I could see that in her erotic rage she had bitten a hole in the pillow on which her head rested. We lay soaking in ecstasy for many minutes. She at last turned her lovely face towards me, and with humid eyes swimming with lust told me that never had she had more exquisite pleasure, and begged me to remain where I was.

I pressed her in my arms, and assured her that I was far too rapturously happy to think of withdrawing. Indeed, if I had wished to do so, I don't think I could, for her sphincter muscle held me with so powerful a grip as I have seldom experienced.

With such excited and voluptuous feelings it was but a very short time before my prick again stiffened sufficiently to begin slow movements. This I did, and bending forward, frigged her with one hand while I titillated the nipples of her bosom with the other. I found this had the same exciting effect upon her as upon her daughter. She afterwards told me that sucking or nibbling at her nipples was quite as exciting to her as doing the same to her clitoris, but when both actions were simultaneous, it maddened her for pleasure.