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She soon spent, and the exquisite pressure of her bottom-hole, caused by the action of spending, brought my delighted cock into full vigour, and again we pursued our delicious course until as usual the death-like agony of joy overtook us both.

When I withdrew, before rising, I stooped and again kissed and thrust my tongue into that joy-giving aperture. When I rose, almost before I could turn round, my charming companion had raised herself, or rather turned on her bottom, and seized my prick, putting it into her mouth and sucking the remaining drops out of it, and licking it clean, declaring it was the sweetest prick she had ever felt or seen. When she had done, I pushed her gently down, and opening her splendid thighs, did as much for her, thrust inside her, and continued until I again made her spend, as I wished to satisfy her passions sufficiently to get time to photograph her splendid charms in every position.

She had now spent so often that she herself declared she must pause for a while, so that she readily lent herself to my views, and I got some beautiful poses of her both front and back, full views, standing, sitting, lying down, enlarged views of her beautiful bosom, splendid ones of her glorious and truly magnificent backside, with cunt and bottom-hole both in sight, and again of her glorious cunt with her legs wide outstretched.

Nothing could be finer, and she herself was delighted to see such charms reproduced. I flattered her the while, and told her very truly that I had never had so fine a woman before in any way; the only one that ever approached her, and she drew her excellence in every way from herself, was her dear and lovely daughter Louisa.

She opened her eyes at my extraordinary confession, but I thought it good policy to be frank. My knowledge of the secrets of the family assured me I was quite safe with Mamma. But, oddly enough, she had had no suspicion of my intercourse with Louisa.

I continued my flattery of her by praising the lasciviousness of Louisa, of which I had now become acquainted with the more charming and superior source, and I did not wonder she was so perfect in every way. I had thought her perfect in all the exquisite pleasures of love, but now I knew how far superior her lovely and charming Mamma had proved herself to be.

'You are a dear fellow, my darling Mr. Hargrave, and I do not wonder that Louisa should have fancied you. I am delighted she has fallen into such good hands, and I hope you will not cease your attentions to her when she is married.'

'There is no fear of that, my dear madam, but that must not hinder my paying my devoirs to you, now that I know how superior you are to any woman in the world.'

'But am I so very superior?'

'Yes, my dear Mamma-for you must allow me to call you by that endearing name-yes, indeed, you are the most delicious woman I ever knew, and knowing your lovely daughter, that is saying a good deal. Look here, see how this poor fellow, too, shows how he loves you.'

She took hold of my prick, her eyes swimming with lust. She rushed into a closer embrace; our tongues met. My prick found its way into her gaping cunt, standing as we were; a few pushes, and she, screaming, died away and would have fallen backwards if I had not held her up.

I sidled up to the couch, and withdrawing, turned her round, begged her to kneel, and first giving her delicious cunt a good suck, I thrust my prick into it, and with a finger in her bottom, finished my day's work with another glorious fuck.

We then separated with promises of a speedy renewal.


Another break in the narrative: Harry resumes his correspondence with Charlie where he joins Louisa's family at breakfast.

As you may well imagine, my dear friend, after the wild excesses I had just experienced, I was ready enough to sink into the arms of Morpheus. So just giving a chuckle over the successful start that I had made as a participator in the incestuous joys of this delightful family, I sank into deep a slumber, and slept the sleep of the just.

We were all late for breakfast the next morning. Dear Louisa was as fresh as an opening rose on a warm May morn. I thought I had never seen her cheek with a lovelier hue, nor her eyes sparkle more brilliantly. It was evident that the greatest venereal indulgence only lent a higher and indefinable charm to the rare beauty of her face and form. She was always amongst the gayest of the gay, but on this morning she seemed to outshine herself; her witty sallies were poured forth in greater profusion and brilliancy than usual. Her lively spirits carried us all with her, especially the males of our party; even the page seemed to enjoy the lively sallies of her wit.

We all, of course, had our reasons to admire her gaiety and surpassing beauty. Even the page was not without the internal satisfaction of congratulating himself on having possessed that enchanting creature.

Louisa herself informed me of this as we lounged in the shade of the avenue on the terrace after breakfast. We were out of earshot, and I was congratulating her on her beauty and wit, and the peculiar brilliancy of her cheek and eye, showing that our wild orgy of the previous night (which I have not described to you, my dear Charlie, overcome as I have been with fatigue) had heightened her beauty of mind and person, rather than exhausted them.

'How could it be otherwise, my dear Harry: you know the force of my libidinous passions, for I have made you the confidant of my innermost soul.'

I asked if Papa had given her great satisfaction, and how often he had done it after I left with Fred.

'Oh, vastly! Three times, and a delicious gamahuche. Twice in the front and once behind. As the household began to stir, there was no time for more. I saw Papa out, and then purified myself as a refresher, which sent me to the water-closet. In coming out, I saw that Mamma's page happened to be passing.

'“Come here, William,” I cried. “Are you about anything in particular, for which anyone is waiting?” '“No, miss.”

'“Then come in here for a moment.”

'His face flushed and his eyes sparkled immediately at the idea. He followed me into my room, and I could see that a lewd desire had instantly seized him, by the sudden bulging-out of his trousers. I lost no time, but flinging my arms round him, and kissing his handsome face, I drew him to my naked bosom, for I had only my shift on, and stooping to embrace him, the falling shift exposed all. He glued his lips to my breasts, while my busy fingers unbuttoned his trousers and drew out a very handsome cock-not as large as yours, dear Harry, but hard as ivory, which it resembled in colour, and capped with vermilion. I drew him by it to the bed, and falling on my back, he was into me instantly, standing by the bedside. I threw my legs over his shoulders, where they acted as a lever for the active movements of my bottom. We were both fiery with passion.

'My young assailant proved his aptitude for love's delicious combats, and sucked a nipple while ravishing me. We both spent together after a rapid struggle. The beauteous boy never lost his stiffness but throbbed with exquisite pleasure within my delighted sheath. He recommenced almost immediately. A second, somewhat more leisurely fuck followed. Again we sank in the death rapture of satisfied lust. Wishing to have him in a more luxurious fashion, I told him to withdraw and strip. He did withdraw, but immediately, before I could raise myself, he sank onto his knees, applied his mouth to my pouting and overflowing cunt and sucked up all the content, until I poured down a delicious flood of nature's balm into his greedy mouth. This only fired my excited nature to a greater degree. His clothes were off in a moment, almost as soon as I could change my position on the bed. He jumped up, and threw himself into my longing arms. I had thrown off my shift, our naked bodies met in sweet embrace, his tongue darted between my open lips, his prick, stiff as ever, sought with unerring aim the aperture where it had already twice found happy asylum.