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'I made him keep quiet for a short time, while, with pleasure giving pressures on my side, and wild exciting throbs of his gorgeous young prick on his part, our active tongues intertwined like two turtle doves. Such salacious proceedings soon drove us into all the wild excess that the utmost lust could prompt. His youthful energy and the satisfaction of his longing desires in now possessing me, for it had long been the utmost wish of his heart, made him as lustful as myself. You know, dear Harry, how rapidly the ecstatic result comes upon me. I found my young athlete as hot and as ready as myself, his never-failing stiffness more than compensating for the smaller volume of his prick. Three times did he again fuck me before withdrawing, deluging my delighted cunt with floods of his wonderfully thick spunk.

'He then withdrew. I turned him on his back, and getting astride him with my head downwards, sucked his delicious prick, while he greedily glued his lips to my throbbing cunt. This proceeding soon produced its natural result on each of us, and both our mouths were filled at the same time with love's delicious essence. I continued sucking on until again his delighted prick rose in its pristine vigour. Then, turning my body round, I fixed myself upon the stiff stake projecting from his belly, and after a few risings and fallings, leant forward. His longing arms cast themselves around me, and drew me close to his palpitating chest; my breasts coming down close to his head, he seized one nipple in his mouth and sucked it most expertly, while our active bottoms were in full exercise.

'This time a longer period of ecstatic pleasure-giving movements preceded our death agony of fully satisfied desire, and we sank almost insensible, closely clasped in a mutual, loving embrace. On recovering our senses I rolled sideways to him without allowing him to withdraw, for which he had no desire, and we commenced a loving prattle. I asked him if he had ever enjoyed a better fuck.

'“Oh, never, dear Miss Louisa. I have so longed for you ever since you came down, and I so little expected to have you that now it is a joy beyond all imagining. I never before had such a delicious bedfellow.”

'“What?” said I. “Do I beat Mamma? For I know of your tricks in the family.”

'“Madame is certainly first-rate, and she it was who first taught me what a woman was, and I dearly love her, but admirable as she is, neither she nor Miss Sophie at all approach the exquisite delight you gave me, dear Miss Louisa.”

'“What, you young dog, you have been into my sister too, have you?”

'“Oh, yes, but I thought you knew, as you did about Madame, or I should not have mentioned it.”

'“Does she fuck well?”

'“Charmingly, but neither has the power of squeezing me so deliciously as you are doing now, dear Miss Louisa. Feel how you make my cock stand as fiercely as ever!”

'And sure enough it was as hard as ivory. I hazarded a conjecture, and asked him how often he had fucked Sophie last night. As both Fred and Papa had been with me, I fancied it was probable that the page had not been with Mamma, and, as I now knew that he served Sophie as well, I at once asked the preceding question. He expressed astonishment at my knowing he had been with Sophie, but admitted that he had had her eight times.

'“In that case,' said I, 'you must get up, or you will injure your health by such excess.”

'The young rogue in the meanwhile had been handling the large buttocks which you say I possess in such perfection, and now begged I would yield him one more favour before he left me. He pleaded for the poor, dumb creature that I had put again in such a state of excitement, and then, insinuating a finger into my bottom-hole, begged me to let him enjoy that pleasure-giving aperture as a bonne bouche before we parted, so that he might have the ecstatic rapture of possessing every one of my charming orifices. Of course, I indulged him at once. You know that nothing delights me so much as finishing off in that way. I got on my hands and knees and the delighted page took up the same position, first stooping to lick out my cunt, and then to apply his tongue as a moistener to my longing bottom-hole, into which he thrust his tongue as far as it would go. Then, becoming furious with lust, and most lasciviously excited, he brought his stiff-standing pego to the opening, and plunged it in up to his small hard balls at the first lunge. I squeezed him with the vast power which you so much admire and know I possess. I held him fast, a delighted prisoner, for some minutes, and then we ran through a course of rapturous pleasure, ending, as usual, in the deep-drawn sighs of gratified passion. My young and delighted ravisher showed the force of his passion and the gratification of possessing me by hardly losing his pleasure-giving stiffness, and as he had his arms round my body, frigging my clitoris and thrusting some fingers of his other hand up my cunt while he carried on active proceedings in my bottom-hole, he was able to hold me fast and maintain his ground. It is true I was nothing loath, for the young rogue was affording me the most intense delight, heightened immensely by the fact of following upon all the wild lustful gratification that your three delicious pricks had previously yielded me. You know, my dear Harry, by the confessions I have so delightedly been allowed to make to your congenial soul, how a succession, an immediate succession, of several men adds to the salacious enjoyment of my lubricity.

'Well, my vigorous young page, keeping possession of my willing person, fucked me voluptuously once more, and this time, after an ecstatic discharge on both parts, finally withdrew. I sucked the dear fellow's prick as clean as a new pin, and sent him away a proud and delighted youth, but not without many embraces and promises of renewing such delightful exercises. Hence his enjoyment of my high spirits.

'Never, never before, my dear Harry, have I known such extravagant rapture as last night gave me. And I owe it all to you, my darling Harry, for if you had not shared certain matters with Fred, of which, by the by, you must give me all the details, I should not have passed so exquisite a night, a night that has fulfilled all the delights that my wildest imagination had pictured.'

Here she finished her exquisite and exciting description of her encounter with young William.

You may fancy the state I was in, but the result must follow in another letter.


The graphic and stimulating account that dear girl Louisa gave me of her encounter with her mother's handsome young page, and the fire of lust that flashed from her eyes as the exciting details flowed from her lips, set me all aflame with such a raging lust (and such a cockstand) that I thought it would burst open my trousers to cool its burning ardour.

Louisa, whose eyes were too sharp not to have observed the effect of her lively description upon me, placed her body between me and the others in the distance, inserted her hand, and felt the wild throbbing of my prick.

'For God's sake, Darling, allow me to have a delicious fuck immediately! I must die if I don't possess you at once.'

She began frigging me. I urged that the case was too fierce for such a remedy. She herself began to burn with that lust for which she was so passionately distinguished.

'Darling Harry, I must satisfy both you and myself. I shall go into the house; you go round by the shrubbery, and enter at the garden gate. You will find me in your room, as ardent as yourself and as ready for love's encounter.'

I did so, and we met as she had arranged. She had already taken off her gown and stays. In a jiffy we were both as naked as our first parents in Paradise, and threw ourselves into each other's longing arms in the close embrace of voluptuous and ardent lust.

We were both much too excited to enter into any preliminary proceedings, but throwing ourselves at once on the bed, dear Louisa on her back, I mounted in the good, old-fashioned way. Her arms and legs immediately entwined themselves lovingly round me in almost serpentine folds; her moist and pouting cunt rose to meet my inflamed weapon, the lips seemed to open of themselves, and it darted into the voluptuous receptacle until our close embrace and the meeting of our bodies hindered further entrance, although both felt they would gladly have engulfed more if that were possible.