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I immediately gave her a loving pressure to let her know I understood her object. This, of course, was returned with interest. Shortly afterwards, under pretence of seeing better some fine view that Louisa was pointing out, I leant forward, and slipping my right hand under the shawl, pressed her charmingly small knee, and glided my hand down to her remarkably fine calves, which, by raising her dress, I felt in all their beauty of form. She slid her bottom forward on the seat, and my hand followed the glorious magnificence of her thighs, encountered a portion of the immense rotundity of her buttocks and could just feel the moist lips of her fine, fat cunt covered in a thicket of silky, curly hair. I could not reach far enough to enter the delicious precincts, but I could feel Mama's stiff clitoris of considerable dimensions, which I immediately commenced titillating; but this was too much for her in her present position; her hand slipped under the shawl, and gently pressing me, she made me aware she wished me to desist. So I recovered my position, and cast a glance at her. She smiled sweetly upon me, and gave an almost imperceptible nod of her head, as much as to say how agreeable it would have been to have proceeded further, and conveying a hint of future favours when opportunity should offer.

Her face was flushed, and her eyes sparkled more than usual, so that I could see how amorously excited she was. Indeed, evidently to satisfy the passion I had excited, as soon as we descended from the carriage, entered the vestibule and saw a packet on the table, she cried out, as if it was something she expected,

'Oh! I am glad that has come. Pray, Fred, bring it up to my room.'

So Fred accompanied her. Louisa gave me a knowing look, and as soon as they were out of hearing, said,

'Dear Harry, I saw what you were about with Mamma. You have excited her and she has taken Fred to satisfy her amorous passion.'

And so it was, as Fred laughingly told me as we lounged in the grounds after luncheon. Enough for today, I will continue my lusty adventures in this interesting and delightful family in a future letter.


While Fred and I were lounging in the delightful shade on the terrace, a neighbouring young gentleman, a connection of the family, called to ascertain the particulars of the marriage day. Seeing Fred, he came up to us and stated his errand, and so he and Fred went off to consult with Mamma. I saw dear Louisa looking out from an upper balcony of the house, apparently intensely gazing at some object in the distance.

I called to her and she turned for an instant, shaking her hand at me, as much as to say, be quiet a moment, and immediately renewed her earnest gaze. In a minute, she seemed quite satisfied with her inspection, turned, smiled and called to me to remain where I was, and she would join me. This she did almost as soon as she could come downstairs. She was bonneted and shawled. She took my arm and said,

'Come along, my dear Harry, and I will give you some fun.'

So off we tripped into the woods, which, coming down close to the house from the hills, had charming walks laid out in them, and sundry comfortable summer-houses at pleasant viewpoints. As soon as we were fairly within the woods, the dear girl told me with a winning chuckle that she had marked down her game.

'And, pray, what is it?'

'Well, my dear Harry, I knew you would never rest when once you had penetrated the mystery of our family, until you were in possession of all of us. So now I want to put my sister Sophie into your arms. Don't be so profuse with your thanks, I have got my own object in this as well as obliging you. I will tell you at once what it is because, between you and me, my darling Harry, there must be no reserve, but the most open and fullest confidence. Well, then, I know both you and Fred would naturally want to renew the delicious proceedings of last night, and so should I too, but that I have taken a momentary caprice for Mamma's dear, handsome and vigorous young page, and I mean to have him sleep with me tonight. Papa, too, intends to come early in the morning, for he likes to have the pleasure of seeing all my charms by daylight, and will rather prefer finding William with me than otherwise, as he is very fond of having him or being had by him when with me, his greatest enjoyment being the double pleasure, either receiving or giving it. Now, the object I have at present is to put Sophie into your arms, with a view to both you and Fred passing the night with her, so as to leave me to my own little game.'

I laughingly assured her that she might always rely upon my seconding every caprice she might have, even without the charming alternative she was about to procure me.

'But where are we going? And how will toiling up this hill lead to the result you desire? Sophie is not likely to be here.'

Ah, that is just it. You saw how intently I was watching something from the balcony. Well, I was accidentally looking in this direction when I caught sight of something fluttering through the woods. I felt sure it was a woman's dress, and also that, whoever it was, she was following this path. I knew that a little further on she would come into fuller sight, which sure enough she did, and then I discovered it was Sophie with Papa. Now, I knew from Papa himself this morning, that she had been complaining of his deserting her much of late. So I at once imagined the reason and object of their being in the woods. I only continued watching to make certain of the summer-house to which they were going. And now I am sure of my game. They have betaken themselves to the most convenient of the huts for our purpose, because I know how we can approach it so as to command a view of the interior without any chance of being observed by the occupied actors within, although we shall not be near enough to hear their conversation. Now Papa is certain to leave Sophie to repose a while after he has finished. As soon as he disappears, and is well down the hill, I shall go in, gamahuche the dear girl, and prepare her for your appearance. I know your lecherous delight in having her fresh from the incestuous arms of her father, and nothing will give me greater pleasure than to assist in your fucking. You may be quite sure there will be no squeamish refusal on Sophie's part.'

As we approached the hut, Louisa left the beaten track, and we scrambled up some broken ground well overgrown with underwood, until we completely overlooked the hut immediately below us. Then we silently and quietly crawled lower down through the dense thicket, until Lou, who preceded me, put her hand behind her to draw my attention; here she silently opened a peephole through the bushes, from whence we completely commanded the interior of the hut.

It was furnished with a low couch on which Sophie's body was extended. Her father was already mounted and in full operation, and as they lay side-ways to us, and Sophie's legs were thrown completely over his back, her bottom and cunt were in full view, with Papa's prick in active operation within. He had thrown off his coat, waistcoat and trousers. Sophie's legs had wrinkled up his shirt, and we could see his fine manly prick vigorously thrusting and withdrawing, while Sophie was evidently enjoying it to the utmost, and responding with as rapid and vigorous a movement of her arse, all the more powerfully from the advantage the leverage of her legs on her father's loins gave her.

It was altogether a most charming and exciting picture, doubled in interest from the close ties of relationship existing between them. I grew rampageous at the sight, and being behind Louisa, canted her petticoats up, and introduced my hard, quivering pego into her glowing and equally excited cunt. Passing my hands in front, I frigged her clitoris in unison with my movements in her deliciously moist cunt, for the dear, randy girl had already spent at the exciting scene below us; but ever ready, as the libidinous nature of her salacious passions prompted, she again died away with me when the ecstatic moment seized me.