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It was well for us that the incestuous creatures below were so busy with their own affairs, or they must have heard the loud scuffle we made at the exquisite crisis of our fuck.

Papa was not so rapidly affected as our more violent lust had caused us to be, so that he was still at work when we had spent. Keeping within the delicious sheath which enclosed my tool, and enjoying the lovely pressures and interior cunt suctions for which dear Louisa is so wonderfully distinguished, I gazed over her shoulder, and witnessed Papa and his beautiful daughter bring their present efforts to a close.

We saw by the increased rapidity of his thrusts that the crisis was approaching. Sophie, too, redoubled her action, and they died away with a scream of delight as the agony of pleasure came over them. Their bodies closed as if about to form but one, when that loving parent poured his torrent of sperm into the gaping and longing cunt of his youngest and most beautiful daughter.

They continued for some time palpitating in all the satisfaction of their lust. Then Papa withdrew, and stooping, glued his lips to that beauteous young, rosy cunt, and greedily licked up the rich mixed sperm that was oozing from its inner recesses. He continued for some time luxuriating in the rich treat his beloved daughter's cunt was affording him, until he again made her spend, this time directly into his mouth.

It had evidently produced the desired result, for he rose from his position, and showed a standing prick, but yet not as stiff as he could wish. Placing himself before Sophie, it was evident he had told her to suck it into the desired consistency, for she raised herself onto her bottom and took it into her mouth. We saw her hand steal round to his arse and insert a finger into his bottom-hole. These proceedings quickly brought him up to the scratch. Sophie knelt on the couch, and he then took up a kneeling position behind her, canted her petticoats over her head, and first gliding his prick into her moist and yielding cunt to wet its whole length, then applying its point to the charming, rosy opening of her bottom, began entering within it. This was evidently not so easy a task as with dear Louisa, as we could see by the writhings of poor Sophie's body, and her occasionally holding him back with her hand to prevent his too violent entrance, but at last it was completely inserted. His two hands clasped her hips, and held the dear creature's arse closely pressed against his belly for some seconds. Then slowly drawing his cock backwards until nearly out, he as slowly drove it home again, drawing, at the same time, her arse to him with his brawny arms. For some minutes he continued these delicious slow, movements, which we could see were now delighting Sophie.

We saw her hand steal down to her cunt, and by its rapid movements she was evidently frigging herself in unison with the paternal movements above.

The wild lubricity of Louisa got so excited with this that she begged me in a whisper to fuck on. I did so, frigging her clitoris the while, and she almost immediately spent profusely.

I paused at this opportunity, wishing to keep myself for the other work I should shortly be called upon to do, but was obliged to give the ardent girl another fuck, in which, fortunately for me, her extreme lubricity made her spend so quickly that I avoided following suit.

Papa spent with apparent agony of joy, and after soaking for some time, withdrew and resumed his habillement.

Sophie had thrown herself again on the couch in all the satisfaction the good fucking her father had given her, for we found it was the second fuck that we had first seen. Before leaving her he lifted up her petticoats and gave her delectable young cunt a loving kiss and then left her. We watched him out of sight, and then quietly scrambled down to the level of the hut. Louisa entered first, telling me in a whisper to keep hidden until she called me.

She was some time before she did this; the salacious girl had got astride of Sophie, and reversing her position the two sisters satisfied their respective excited feelings by a mutual gamahuche. It was not until this was accomplished that she told Sophie that her old lover Harry Hargrave was waiting in a state of great excitement outside to take the place of Papa, of whose previous operations he had been a delighted witness.

Sophie was somewhat surprised, but being assured by her sister that there could be no betrayal on my part, the warm, passionate girl jumped at the idea of a fresh prick fucking her wildly excited young cunt, more especially as dear Louisa had already informed her that Fred and I had passed the previous night with her, and that I was a master of my weapon. So I was called, and instantly made my appearance.

Approaching dear Sophie, who still lay extended on the couch, I first gave her a warm embrace and thrust my tongue into her mouth, while with one hand I was drawing up her petticoats, but dear Louisa anticipated me; so, after giving her delicious young cunt a good feel, I stooped and sucked her cunt lips and clitoris till she spent, then quickly taking off coat, waistcoat and trousers, I threw myself upon her, and was into her tight young cunt up to the hilt in an instant. And at it we both went at once at such a pace as rapidly to produce the ecstatic end, especially as that dear good Lou was sucking one of Sophie's titties, while she acted postilion with a finger up my bottom-hole. Being now somewhat less excited, I arose after a few minutes' soaking.

I took a long and loving survey of all her young charms, which possessed the extreme freshness and firmness of youth. Her buttocks were beautifully shaped, and though not so magnificently developed as those of Louisa, were hard and smooth as ivory and almost defied pinching. I deferred further inspection until night-time, for dear Lou had already introduced the subject of Fred and me passing the night with her, under the pretence that as now only two nights would elapse before her marriage, Papa wanted to make the most of them.

Sophie made no bones about it, but was delighted at the chance, especially, as she flatteringly added, when dear Mr. Hargrave was to be of the party. His late effort had given her far too much satisfaction not to wish to possess him again as soon as possible.

Of course, I could only reply in one way to so flattering a compliment, namely, by proving it was deserved and showing my prick in a perfectly fit state to do so.

'Stop a minute,' said Louisa, 'I must come in for my share of the feast. We have not time for any more than the fuck you are both so ready for, as we must return to the house to be ready to meet Tom. Mamma and Fred have gone with the carriage to meet him at Rouen, and bring him home.'

We had almost forgotten this, and dear Louisa was right. So she made Sophie get up, and she lay down herself in her place with her head towards the end of the couch. Sophie then mounted her and presented her bottom to me. That dear, lubricious Lou told me to take possession of Sophie's bottom-hole this time, while she would frig her clitoris and postilion me, she herself being gamahuched by Sophie. She would also have the pleasure of having the whole operation before her eyes.

'The will of the woman is the will of God,' says the proverb, and she had her way. I plunged as usual for a shove or two in the delightful young cunt, and being well-moistened gently glided into her tight, throbbing, heated arsehole. As it had been stretched and lubricated by the previous incestuous fucking of her fond parent, I had less difficulty in penetrating, and as she showed no symptoms of suffering we at once proceeded to the joyful business. Her young bottom-hole, from its internal heat and tightness, was more like a boy's arsehole than that of the female sex in general. This, added to the titillating effects of Lou's additional aid, made for one of the most delicious fucks imaginable. We all three spent together, and remained for some time swimming in all the blissful sensation following such satisfaction as our lubricity and lust had just enjoyed. After which we readjusted ourselves and returned to the house.