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We lay for some time enjoying all the blissful sensations of satisfied desire before we rolled sideways to each other. We none of us withdrew, but lay caressing each other luxuriously, and preparing ourselves by our loving endearments for further efforts. When the desired result showed itself in the renewed vigour of our pricks, we changed places, and I took possession of the exquisite and rosy orifice of the dear girl's bottom, while her incestuous brother occupied the delicious cunt I had just evacuated.

Thus we completed a second bout more luxuriously because we dwelt on it in a more leisurely manner, and again sank in all the raptures that satisfied lust could afford, swimming in all the after sensations of gratified passion for fully half-an-hour. We then rose to purify and refresh ourselves, again to begin all the wildest excesses to which raging lust and incest could prompt us.

Of course we satisfied the lustful creature, and then, after some time to restore our energies, Fred lay down, and his lovely sister impaled herself upon his noble prick standing straight up like some great monolith and, stooping, she presented her glorious buttocks to my excited eyes. As her bottom was raised almost upon the point of Fred's prick, I bent down and thrust my tongue into her glowing arsehole, rolled it about, and, leaving sufficient saliva to aid my entrance, I plunged in with such sudden violence as made her buttocks shake again.

'Oh, Harry!' she cried. 'How delicious! Continue those vigorous thrusts, my love. I feel your manly prick up to my very heart. Shove on, oh! Shove on.'

And the wild creature, not being able to shove up and down, wriggled her bum in a peculiar and delicious side movement that made her spend almost immediately.

We thus passed a night of wild orgies, purifying ourselves from time to time as a refresher to our waning forces. During one of these pauses dear Sophie favoured me by posing herself in every conceivable attitude, that I might admire the exquisite beauty, elegance and delicacy of her wondrously charming and youthful form. I may here incidentally add that I afterwards photographed all those endearing young charms, and they form not the least beautiful examples in my very extensive album.

We left the dear girl to her well-earned repose at about a quarter to six in the morning. On issuing from her chamber I whispered to Fred that if we saw a dirty towel thrown down by the water-closet door, it would be a sign that dear Louisa had got rid of her father and her young favourite, and expected us to pay her a passing visit.

On reaching the passage, there lay the towel. So, opening the unfastened door, we entered, and bolted it after us. Louisa heard us, and came running to welcome us. She had only an instant before left the water-closet, for the repeated doses of her father and favourite in her bottom had so deluged it as to force her to seek an evacuation. In fact she had hardly dried herself after purifying, so that our arrival could not have happened at a more opportune moment, as she was just longing for our appearance.

'Off with your robes, my dear fellows, and let me see if Sophie has left your pricks in a state to give me any satisfaction.'

The dear creature was in herself so very exciting that she had no reason to decry our powers, for both our pricks were in full erection. She gave them each a delicious suck, and then cried,

'Fred, come and fuck me, while I gamahuche dear Harry and get a mouthful of his delicious cream-like spending.'

So I lay down on my back while she straddled me. She sucked my prick and frigged my bottom-hole, while I did as much to her clitoris and fingered Fred's bumhole. Immediately above, my eyes feasted upon the enchanting sight of Fred's fine prick working away incestuously in his sister's insatiable cunt.

We made the libidinous girl spend twice before we each poured down torrents of sperm into her mouth and cunt. We paused some time before we were again in a fit state to resume operations. Then Fred moved from the front to the rear, while I took possession of his evacuated post. Dear Louisa's tongue intertwined with mine, while I handled the nipples of her two titties, and wildly excited all her lubricity.

Again she spent twice to our once. We were longer than usual owing to the heavy work we had already gone through, and when we did die away, it was with such agonies of delight that we all sank completely overpowered with the exquisite nature of our ecstasy, so much so as to remain insensible to all around us, until a stirring in the lower rooms warned us that it was time for us to regain our apartments.

So tightly did that salacious creature hold us bound within the folds of her delicious cunt and bottom-hole, that it was only with difficulty that we could withdraw.


Harry's description of Louisa's and Tom's departure for their honeymoon is lacking. Her absence is felt

We had a rather silent dinner, the absence of dear Louisa weighing upon us, and we missed the liveliness and wit for which she was distinguished. After coffee we sat down to a quiet game of whist, previous to which Fred had seized the opportunity of our going together to the terrace to tell me that his father had whispered to Sophie that he should sleep with her that night, as Mamma wished to give up the whole night to her page. Papa had also desired Sophie to request Fred to join them.

This, of course, at once excited a desire on my part to join dear Mamma. So during one of the games, when I had cut out to allow Fred to enter, I saw them occupied in the middle of their game and quietly left the room. Finding no servant about upstairs, I went to Mamma's dressing-room, and took out both the key of the entrance door and that of the door of communication, and put them behind a wardrobe where they were not likely to be seen.

I now felt that I should be able to join in sport with that most splendid woman, and the very handsome and vigorous youth upon whom she bestowed her favours. Besides, I had not yet possessed Mamma in company with anyone else, and I wanted to accomplish this to break down any objection to her letting me into the more secret mysteries of the family.

I also felt that I should tonight realise and indulge in all the lewdness of real possession. I returned to the salon, found that my absence had not been noticed, and cut in again at the end of two rubbers. We retired to our rooms at half-past ten.

I lay awake in bed for two hours so that by that time I knew that not only must all the household be wrapped up in sleep, but also that dear Mamma and her page must have had sufficient time to rub off their first violence of lust. Slipping off my shirt and only keeping on my loose dressing-gown, I stole softly along to her dressing-room door, which, thanks to my foresight, I easily and gently opened. I then approached on tiptoe the door of communication, which was open, and through which shone the blaze of light in which Mamma delighted to copulate.

I could hear their lewd exclamations and the scuffle of their bodies by which I at once supposed they were in the full enjoyment of a fuck. So I boldly put my head round the door, being quite sure that they would be far too much occupied with their sweet encounter to notice my intrusion. And there they were, hard at it.

Thanks to dear Mamma's fancy for always having plenty of light, the delicious scene was visible in all its charming excitement. Mamma was kneeling, her glorious arse well up, and her head well down. The dear boy was kneeling behind; I could not tell in which hole his vigorous young prick was operating, but it was evident, by the fury of their lust, and the speed of their movements, that the crisis was near.