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The sight was deliciously exciting, and my cock rose at the scene into bursting stiffness. I allowed them to die away and soak in bliss before I approached them. Mamma's head lay on the pillow and was turned the other way, so she had no chance of observing me.

As I approached William, his eyes were following the lewd wandering of his hands over the superb buttocks before him, so that my clasping her fine form and projecting buttocks was her first intimation of my approach or presence.

For a moment she fancied it was Papa, so that she neither withdrew nor started with surprise. My voice dissolved the spell, as with my other hand laid on the magnificent backside of darling Mamma, I said how delighted I was with the scene I had just witnessed, and with what pleasure I should now join in their delightful recreations.

Mamma turned round her head in amazement, and was about to rise, but I put my hand on her splendid shoulder and begged her to keep her position, as nothing could be more beautiful. She looked confused, and somewhat displeased; probably her pride revolted a little at my finding her in the arms of a servant.

Suspecting these to be her sentiments, I at once reassured her by saying,

'My dear Mamma, how delighted I am, and how fortunate you are, in having such a charming and handsome youth to serve you; it is the very thing I most wished you to have, and I little thought I should meet with such a delightful companion in the joys I came to seek in your arms. We shall now have twice the pleasure we should otherwise have enjoyed.'

My rather long exordium had the desired effect, and gave her time to reconcile herself to my discovery of her intimacy with William, so that she had at once the good sense to see that, after all, it could but add to the gratification of her insatiable lust.

She declared I was a sad fellow, but she supposed she must submit to all the freaks of my fancy. I passed one hand under William's fine buttocks, and handled his hard young balls, noting that his vigorous young prick was in a perfect state of stiffness.

My other fingers had been playing with Mamma's beautiful nipples, which I knew would most wildly excite her lust.

She began wriggling her glorious bottom, and I saw it was time to begin, for which my bursting prick was already rampantly longing.

So, begging William to lean well over Mamma's back and frig her clitoris, I quickly jumped up behind him and kneeling, lubricated my prick with my spittle, then applying its point to the tight little orifice presented to my joy, and which I had first kissed and sucked with my tongue, I gently glided into the aperture, not without difficulty. However, by patience and gentleness, I at last accomplished a complete insertion, then desiring him to imitate the delicious wriggle of Mamma's backside, I proceeded to fuck the enchanting youth.


You would have been somewhat surprised, my dear Charlie, at the sudden end to my last letter, but it was already unconscionably long. I was tired, and had still to tell of the delicious proceedings of that night, so I determined to withhold them for another letter. With this explanation I shall resume the current of my amorous adventures.

I left off after having inserted my bursting prick into the divine bottom-hole of the beautiful youth while dear Mamma, who was similarly transfixed by William's youthful dart, had begun the peculiarly nice shaking of her substantial and gloriously fine backside. I desired for him to follow and imitate her delicious movement, and he had hardly seconded her above a minute when the dear libidinous creature, with a scream of rapture, yielded a sweet tribute to the god of love. We paused to allow her to enjoy the delight of her spend, William thrusting his hard, ivory-like tool as far as it would go, and I rammed mine equally fiercely into his deliciously tight bottom-hole. In less than a minute our excitable and lovely Mamma became urgent for more active proceedings. We recommenced our delicious movements, and highly stimulated as we were, soon brought our first bout to an end, dear Mamma joining in the chorus of wild cries that ushered in the last grand crisis, which overpowered us with its excessive raptures, and we died away in a perfect agony of ecstasy.

That dear youth's constrictions on my excited prick, brought on by his own spasms in spending, were something beyond imagining, and I sank down on his back in all the languor of satisfied desire. We were all too happy to think of withdrawing from such delicious rapture until Mamma found the weight was becoming too much for her. I withdrew first with a loud pop from the tight aperture which I had so well corked, and bidding William remain within the exquisite sheath until I could gain my feet, I seized him and pulled him upright. As he withdrew, I turned him towards me and took hold of his cock, to which I instantly applied my mouth and greedily sucked the last drops out of it along with the rich matter with which it was bedewed from the sweet interior of the glorious creature in whose bowels he had previously poured down two libations.

I had so longed for an occasion to get the treat of such a withdrawal from her that it fired the excitement of my lust to its utmost extent of lewdness.

I tore him off the bed, plunged within my beloved Mamma's splendid and incomparable backside, and with one single bound my belly was brought up with violence against her immense globes. So unexpected was the attack, and so fiercely and instantaneously was it effected, that the dear creature gave a scream of delighted surprise.

Instantly recovering her lubricity she welcomed me with all the ecstasy of which her lewd and voluptuous nature was capable, squeezing my enraptured prick with those delicious pressures she so loved to give.

I paused a moment, although eager for the fray, to beg William to favour me with his beautiful toy, which was projecting from his stomach in all the fierce fury of desire.

He wanted no second bidding, but jumped up in an instant, and all humid as it was from my sucking, thrust his prick up to the hilt in my longing bottom-hole almost as quickly as I had penetrated Mamma. At it we all three went in a fury of the wildest lust, and so delicious was it that I could not in any way pause to lengthen the joys, but rushing on with impetuous speed I rapidly brought our furious course to its natural termination.

Our screams of delight as the ecstatic moment approached were so loud that it is a wonder they did not alarm the household. At last jets of sperm burst from us in torrents and filled the delighted apertures in which they were deposited, and we sank utterly unconscious of any other feeling than that of the most ecstatic enjoyment. The fierceness and energy of our attack and its continued fury had so delighted Mamma that she was more overcome by the delicious after sensations than I had ever before seen her.

I almost became alarmed, telling William to withdraw his delicious prick which had given me such pleasure, and withdrawing my own from the divine backside of dear Mamma. The action of withdrawing drew her back, as she said, from heaven to earth.

Seeing that it was only excess of venery that had held her so long entranced before she moved, I applied my lips to that most exquisite aperture into which we had poured three libations to love, and had so fully filled its delicious interior that the richly coloured fluid was oozing out in a thick, trickling stream. I greedily licked it up, and sucked it out.

This proceeding so pleased Mamma that she, too, wished for a similar indulgence before it was too late. Turning suddenly round she took my half-sodden prick in her mouth, and with the greatest avidity sucked off the same delicious matter with which it was so plentifully bedewed. She then rose and threw her beautiful arms round my body. I equally embraced her, our tongues intertwined in a loving kiss.