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I understood her at once, and being already in a state of wild excitement, I rushed out of the cabinet, and lightly vaulting onto the bed behind her, first kissed the exquisite orifice and moistened it with my tongue as far as it could penetrate. Then applying my saliva to my prick, I pointed it at the delicious entrance, and by gentle pressure soon sheathed it up to my belly. The dear lascivious girl spent with the delicious sensation produced by the complete insertion of two pricks at once within her.

She was ready in an instant afterwards. Her fiery lust urged us on to the utmost again, and in a very short time mutual screams of agonised delight ushered in the delicious crisis, when we all three yielded up torrents of spunk, and died away in love's languor of satisfaction.

Dear Sophie, on coming to her senses, declared it was the most enjoyable double-fuck she had ever had, and so satisfied were we all that, without any change of position, we fucked again, if anything with more exquisite rapture than before, and lay for many minutes soaking deliciously in the after delight. We lay long enough to restore our pricks to their normal stiffness, and then the dear girl, with her accustomed kind thoughtfulness for the pleasures of every one, said that this time she must be the recipient of my prick in her cunt while the handsome young page should do his best to satisfy his pederastic inclinations.

So, kneeling, with her backside well up, she, with outstretched arm and hand beneath, guided my excited prick into her tight and deliciously bedewed cunt, which actually overflowed with the volume of rich young sperm that the vigorous boy had poured into it.

William inserted his stiff prick, slippery with their mutual spendings, into my delighted bottom-hole and I had a glorious fuck while gloating with delight in the charming, tight cunt in which I was ensheathed so tight that it was impossible to distinguish between being in its rapture-giving recess, or in the no less exciting rosy orifice of her bottom.

It is needless to say how deliciously we all spent, nor how we repeated the race with a change of position, William fucking her backside while I penetrated his hot recess, which appeared to me more charming than ever. As a finish, placing dear Sophie on her side, we made a sandwich of her, the page in front and I behind, and then fucking lazily, we finished our course and fell sound asleep as we were.

Sophie was restless, so that when we awoke in broad daylight, we were all separated.


The next day, shortly after our arrival at home, Mamma disappeared. We knew it was to enjoy her charming page, and to give him her first fruits after her late clearing out. Sophie slyly asked if Fred and I would not like to follow so good an example.

After such a challenge, we could not but accept it. So going up to the hut where I had first enjoyed her after her loving Papa had taken precedence, we gratified the dear creature with two double fucks, each enjoying both channels. After which we adjourned, as we did not wish to anticipate in too great a degree the proceedings we meant to initiate that night.

From my door I could see the door of Mamma's room. So, watching the exit of her maid, I was the first in the field. I found the darling just throwing off her chemise, and she stood in all the glorious splendour of her magnificent form. I rushed in and threw my arms around her; our lips and tongues met in sweet embrace. I gently pushed her onto the bed, and begging for the exquisite pleasure of a first cunt-licking, helped her up. Then, taking a pillow, I knelt on the floor, arranging it so that her feet rested on my back and darted my tongue into her ever-ready cunt. After a few delicious lickings I took her large and stiff clitoris, sucked it, and rolled my tongue about it, while three fingers up her cunt acted as an extra stimulant, and twice I made the salacious darling pour down the libation of her lust.

'Come up, my dear Hargrave,' she cried, 'and let me fuck you.'

I rose, jumped into bed, lay down on my back, and the glorious creature mounted me, impaling herself on my rigid weapon. I contemplated with delighted eyes the glorious beauties of her splendid figure in all the action of excited lust.

She rapidly flooded me with another copious discharge, and then sank on my belly into my loving arms. For a minute or two we lay quiet, our tongues alone darting love into each other's mouths until the fiery joy so excited us that our actions became fast and furious, to end in all the excess of passion.

At this moment, when her buttocks had closed down, and her cunt was nipping me in all its ardour, Fred entered. To see and to participate were one. In an instant, before his mother knew he was there, he had jumped up behind her, and his throbbing prick was knocking violently at her back door, which, by her closed-down pressures upon me, was for the moment inaccessible. But his mother was too greedy and insatiable after having a prick to refuse entrance as soon as she became aware who was there. So, pushing her splendid backside outwards, she opened her door, and Fred plunged in and instantly began to run an excited course.

The extra pleasure of a new prick at the very moment she had just spent, set Mamma in all the wild fury of her insatiable lust, and fast and furious as her son drove his excited and incestuous prick up her bottom-hole, she beat him, and spent twice to his once.

So far I had been a delighted, though passive, spectator of the exciting scene, but my prick rose in response to their wild cries of agonised joy as they mutually died away in their excess of passion. So I immediately took up the running, and to Mamma's rapturous delight made her spend again, but taking care to stop short of doing so myself, having an eye to after efforts, but not at all displeased to reduce if possible the raging and insatiable lust that possessed Mamma.

Dear Sophie now appeared, and scolded us for beginning before all were present. Then Papa, closely followed by William, entered, so we unfastened ourselves to make more general arrangements.

In order that we might all begin again by a general gamahuche, we three previous operators purified ourselves. After this we had a short preliminary discussion of what should be the order of our proceedings, during which the dear ladies were handling our pricks. As was proper, Mamma took one in each hand, leaving Papa's to the care of his lovely young daughter. These caresses were not pressed to the extreme conclusion, and ceased when we had resolved upon our general course of action.

First we drew off from the double bed the four mattresses (each possessed two, as is usual in the best French beds) and arranged them all close together on the floor, leaving the large couch for any positions that might demand the elevation of the object of worship.

Being all stark naked we lay down in a circle, my head between Mamma's magnificent thighs. I sucked her clitoris and delicious bottom-hole; Sophie lay down between my legs and sucked my prick, acting postilion behind with her finger. Fred was her gamahucher and bottom fingerer; and William completed the circuit by giving his slender weapon to the longing mouth of his charming mistress.

We thus formed a circular chain of the most lascivious lubricity. The dear women and the no less vigorous and lustful young page gave down two libations to our one. We lay lazily sucking each delicious morsel until unequivocal signs taught us that we could at once proceed to more serious and more libidinous actions. Mamma had been so delighted with the double distillation from her handsome page's prick that she declared she must receive his two next in her longing and voracious cunt.

Papa, being highly excited, declared he would dedicate his offering to the superb backside of his spouse, which, for long use on his part, was not so stimulating when his powers were less excited than at present.