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On hearing this explicit explanation, there was no course left to the poor husband but to rise and quit her at once and forever. He told her to remain in bed, that he must go at once to his sister, and would send for her. He felt that the poor creature, brought up in innocence of any crime in what had occurred between her and her fond sire, was more to be pitied than scorned; that all the blame was due to the father.

All the same, he must and would be free of so horrible a treachery to him as to marry her to him in such a state.

He retired, dressed, took a post-chaise and drove to his sister, who lived within a dozen miles of where he then was. She had been at the marriage, but he knew she would drive home after he had left. He arrived between twelve and one o'clock, after all had retired, but he knocked them up, and desired them to go and tell his sister that he was there, and must see her immediately; she need not rise, he would come up to her when she was ready.

Accordingly, he was shortly ushered into her room. His pale and haggard look alarmed her greatly, and she at first thought some frightful accident had happened. He told her not to be alarmed, though it was something much more serious than any accident. He took a chair and sat by her bedside, while he recounted the dreadful secret he had gained possession of.

She was perfectly horrified, and asked what he meant to do in such a dreadful case.

'I shall go post-haste to London tonight, and shall immediately put the matter into my lawyer's hands and, if possible, punish that hoary villain, as well as sue for an instant divorce, and have the bastard prevented from inheriting any property of mine. I have loved that girl, and the horrors of the night have nearly upset my reason. But, at any cost, an end must be put to my awful position. She has been brought up to think it was all right, and it would be cruel to leave her where she is. I have therefore come to you, my dear sister, to beg you to drive over early in the morning. Tell her, without mincing your words, of the dreadful position she is in, and see her put into a carriage and sent back to her incestuous home. Tell her that I can never see her again.'

He drove up to town. The sister went next morning and found the poor girl in a dreadful way. She had never closed her eyes, and was pale and haggard with apprehension, although she had not at all realised the terrible position in which she was placed. So long and so early had she been accustomed to the parental incest that she thought it quite natural. So that when the sister explained all, and told her she would never see Thompson again, the poor thing, who was really in love with him, fell into hysterical fainting fits, which eventually brought on an abortion with such serious symptoms that, compounded by her despair, also carried her off, and so put an end to any further publication of the event. It also freed her husband, who went abroad and did not return for years after.

The father, who had quickly heard of the event, suddenly disappeared with his other daughters, and it was never known where he had fled to until his death, which occurred in an obscure village in Holland.

The two now elderly and rich daughters returned and resided in Kent. They engaged a butler who soon won one of them, and induced her to marry him. He built a new house on the property, and when last I heard of them the unmarried sister was living with them, and, doubtless, as they had been brought up to share Papa, they now shared the butler, who was not above increasing his wealth by favouring both. But this was all fair fucking, if somewhat incestuous.

You remember I kept for some time a girl called Polly, although you were out of the country at the time. This girl was the daughter of a watchmaker. You know the delight I take in ferreting out the early history of all girls I come near, and the tact I have in gaining their full confidence and confession.

Well, Polly told me she had been fucked first by her father when she was about fourteen, shortly after the death of her mother. Of course, once getting a taste of the sugar-stick, her lips longed for variety. She, in turn, seduced her father's young apprentice, who slept in an attic. One day he was fucking her when the father's voice was heard, so the youth got under the sofa, and was a witness to the father's incestuous intercourse. He was foolishly and jealously sulky after Papa's departure, but Polly knew how to tame the young bear, and a delicious fuck completely reconciled him to the event.

So, telling him in future to watch for her father leaving her about midnight, and then to come to her arms, she enabled the delighted youth to pass every night with her, although he had to leave her before six in the morning.

There was also an elderly lodger on the first floor who had paid her attention, and of course had had her. After this she always slipped down to his floor, locking her door outside for fear of accident.

Thus the young hussy gratified her lust with three pricks almost every night. She also initiated her younger brother as soon as he attained fourteen years of age.

I parted from her after living with her for several months in consequence of her violent temper and extravagance, and finding out that she lavished her money on a low fellow. Long after, I met her accidentally, and found her well kept by a high-ranking official, whose duties left her much freedom. She said that she had really liked me, and so earnestly begged for a fuck that I could not refuse her, and often saw her as a friend.

Polly used to make me laugh in telling me how she used to deceive me, and that often she had had lovers in the house when I lived with her and that when she had at times retired under pretence of her stomach being out of order, it was only to get a fresh fuck. It was then she told me of her brother fucking her. Her present keeper allowed him to reside in the house out of regard for her, so that he had her at every disengaged moment.

On hearing this I asked if he was at home, to which she replied that he was.

'Then go and get fucked and come back to me filled with his sperm,' I said.

She gladly did so, for nothing pleased her so much as a rapid succession of pricks, and I had a most delicious fuck in her dripping cunt on her return. After this I soon introduced the subject of our fucking in common, and doubly with her; for I forgot to tell you that her father had taught her that pleasure had two entrances into her charming person.

She was uncommonly fond of every excess, and sucked a prick to perfection. She afterwards put her younger sister into my hands, who was even hotter than herself. She was a little short but beautifully formed, and so sensitive that she would immediately spend upon even the contact of a finger in her cunt. I have known her to spend violently and with excessive excitement at the mere touch of my prick's point on her cunt's lips.

She was a loving and delicious fuck, clinging to me with a closer embrace than I ever experienced, and dying away in excessive delight which is seldom seen. She lent herself to every vagary of my lasciviousness, and was altogether a bijou of a loving creature. Alas! She died early.

I had Polly's third sister, too, who was worth having, but did not equal either of the other two. She is now married to a baronet.

You may also remember my telling you that I once had an intrigue with a very fine, tall, superb woman, kept by a noble lord, and who had taken a fancy to me, and as is usual when such is the case, did it all for love, repudiating all pecuniary reward. Her history was as follows: she was one of three equally fine sisters and they had two handsome young brothers. Their father was left a widower in their younger years, and had initiated all the daughters in love's ways. They, of course, imparted their knowledge to their younger brothers, and they became a most attached and loving family, but all in the way of fair fucking. Only once had her father penetrated by the back door, but he had given her such agony and made her bleed, and she had been so very sore for some time after, that she never again allowed that sacred grove to be invaded. Once the ice was fairly broken, they became a happy, united, family sometimes having a general orgy, but more often taking it in turns to change partners each night.