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I once found her young brother at her house, and as I knew all about him, I winked at her. She took the hint and asked me to come and help her to write a difficult letter. We retired.

'Fuck me at once, dear Harry, my brother has this moment done so. Feel how I am inundated with his spunk.'

She threw herself back on the bed as she drew up her clothes, and her cunt was indeed all awash with fuck, so exciting, that I stooped, licked it all up, made her spend again, and then, furious with desire, I rammed my prick home to her heart's content.

After this her brother and I became great friends and we slept together with his sister, and had one or two delicious orgies.

I shall give you one more instance out of many others that have come under my own observation.

I used to fuck a most delicious, voluptuous young lady, a school companion of a niece, who spent the holidays with my sister when I too was staying in the house. She looked so lewd that I took the opportunity, while swinging her, to lay hold of her full bottom, and compliment her upon its freshness and firmness.

She laughed, and took it so much as a matter of course that in helping her down I slipped my hand up to her bare bottom to test its reality. Instead of repulsing me she said she hoped I was satisfied.

'So much so,' said I, 'that I must feel if the front corresponds to so admirable a posterior.'

There was no resistance and no prudery. I found all deliciously moist, it was evident she was excited. So, striking while the iron was hot, I led her into the dense shrubbery, and, she nothing loath, I fucked her al fresco. There was no difficulty, for the ground had evidently been ploughed before, and she showed her knowledge and common sense by imploring me not to spend inside.

So, taking the bull by the horns, I said I could only do so by depositing my treasure in the vault of the neighbouring grotto.

Not the slightest objection was made. Therefore, asking her to turn on her side, I introduced my glowing prick into a most rosy and tight little bottom-hole and, after a momentary grimace of pain, I found her as ready as with her cunt, and we had a most delicious spend.

I wanted a second fuck in the exquisite aperture in which I found myself so unexpectedly a welcome guest, but my young friend had prudence as well as passion, saying it was in too exposed a place and we that would more than probably be discovered, but we could now easily arrange for more convenient opportunities. And so we did; and we slept together almost every night for nearly the whole month that the delightful visit lasted.

But, to come to our subject matter. I wormed out of her in our close intimacy the secret of her readiness and aptitude. Her father had not only fucked her, but also three other daughters, and was in the habit of depositing his seed in the chamber in which it could not fructify, hence her complete initiation and loving kindness for the sugar-stick. Of course, once fully initiated, like all the rest of her sex, there was no resting until she had tried what other pricks were like; and she owned a first liking for me, and her determination to let me have her if I tried.

In another instance, an Italian, whom I knew, fucked his mother and got her with child, and seventeen years after, when I saw him in Italy, that sister-daughter was then, for the second time, under accouchement with a child begotten by him.

A similar thing occurred at Dieppe between a mother and son at an hotel where I was myself a visitor. Someone entered the room in mistake, and found the happy incestuous couple hard at work. They had unfortunately left the door unlocked. You may easily imagine the scandal that followed. The imprudent pair were forced to beat a retreat.

I could mention others, but you must be content with the budget I send.


I had spent a fortnight with great advantage to my whole system, when a letter was forwarded to me from dear Louisa, complaining of my prolonged absence from Paris, and begging me to return at once, as she had the greatest need of me, and above all to let her know the day and hour I should be at my studio. I was to write to Tom at the same time to say I should sup with him on the day of my return, but would have several letters to write, and therefore could not come to him earlier. I foresaw all that this meant, and that it augured favourably of a delicious visit from the dear creature herself.

So I did as she desired, and the next day packed up my traps, reaching home between two and three in the afternoon. I found the darling impatiently waiting for me. To rush into her arms, press her fondly to my breast, cover her with kisses, put a hand up her petticoats, then lead her to a couch and be into her up to my cods was hardly the work of a minute, and in another couple of minutes we both melted away in the sweet excess of love's agony and ecstasy.

Of course this was merely the effect of our long absence from each other, and was only the preliminary hastiness of longing and pent-up desires. As soon as we recovered from our momentary oblivion we set about matters in a much more satisfactory manner, and after running through several delicious encounters in a perfectly naked state, we found time in a pause of temporary exhaustion to discuss future proceedings.

She had not yet allowed Tom the privilege of the back staircase. He had broken the matter of my joining them in their copulations, which she pretended to be much offended at; but had at length apparently given way entirely to please him, although she saw through his little game, which, in fact, was to attack her behind when she was mounted on me. For of late he had always insisted on her riding the cock-horse, because, he said, in that way he could so deliciously feel her enchantingly full backside. She had not a doubt but that he would beg her to mount upon me and in this position effect his long desired entrance into her behind.

We laughed heartily at his innocence, and determined to humour him to the top of his bent. Meanwhile I took the opportunity of satisfying the longings of that delicious grotto that had been so long without an occupant. It gave her some slight pain for me to effect an entrance, but we greased it well with plentiful showers of sperm to prepare it for the more frequent assaults it was doomed to undergo that very night.

We spent nearly three hours in all love's ecstatic delights, and then dear Lou was obliged to go home to dinner, while I lay down to take a refreshing sleep after my journey and my fucking efforts, which had not been few.

At nine at night I joined them, and need not say how warmly I was welcomed by Tom and more reservedly by Louisa, who of course was playing a part. We had a gay and lively supper, Louisa apparently relaxing from her assumed reserve. After supper we adjourned to the salon, and talked over all our friends at Rouen, and their lune de miel to Brittany, which they had very much enjoyed. At about eleven o'clock I rose to leave.

'Oh, none of that, old fellow,' cried Tom. 'I mean you to sleep here tonight; your room, which adjoins and communicates with ours, is already prepared for you. You know I always intended we should both enjoy my loved wife. I have told her so, and she has at last consented, although you see she looks as if she half repented.'

'Mr. Hargrave, is it not a most unheard of proceeding for a husband to propose such a thing to a young wife?'

'Oh, dear, no, my dear friend, it is much more usual than you imagine, although, of course, not openly avowed.'

'Indeed! Is it so? Well, if it must be, I certainly would rather it was with an old friend like you than anyone else, but it seems to me quite dreadful.'

'My darling,' here chimed in Tom, 'you will hereafter think it anything but dreadful, and as Harry justly observes, where the husband approves there is neither harm nor sin.'