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I was nothing loath, nor dear Lou either, but she expected Tom to fuck her at the same time. However, he had no such intention. He wanted to ascertain by immediate transition the difference between the glorious bottom-hole of his wife and mine-of which he had always been so fond.

After this we sandwiched his dear wife between us, Tom preferring her bottom-hole, and yielding me possession of her exquisite and fiery cunt. We made the dear girl spend again four times, so as to satisfy her raging lust.

We sank on the bed, and deep slumber overtook us, lying together as we were. In the morning, refreshed by sleep, we renewed some of our most exciting poses, and only separated when we heard the household stirring.


At breakfast we rallied Lou on her being initiated into her real mysteries of Venus. On Tom remarking that we must have another night of it since it was so delightful to her as well as to us, she retorted by saying that if he forced her into these excessive debauches he must not be surprised if she should hereafter take a fancy to please herself with a companion other than of his choosing; that he could not expect to excite her to such a pitch of lewdness as last night's proceedings had done without producing hereafter longings for others.

'My darling,' said Tom, 'Harry is here a witness that I give you carte blanche to do at all times just as you like, only try to allow me always to be a participant with you. I shall on my part always facilitate your getting anyone you may take a fancy to.'

'Well,' she replied, 'that is only fair, and certainly I should always prefer your being a participant than otherwise, although it may sometimes be necessary to gain possession singly in the first instance. I shall also on my part undertake to do my best in procuring you possession of any of my own sex you may take a fancy to.'

'Well,' said I, 'that is a very fair bargain on both sides, but I must claim to be a third participator in your anticipated conquests.'

'Cela va sans dire!' cried the two dear creatures together.

We laughed heartily at the perfect reciprocity thus established between us all, and already began to form projects of delicious orgies with such friends as you, my dear Charlie; and I then and there undertook to do my best to persuade you to come over and join in our delicious sports. Tom, on his part, has written to his cousin Frank. And although Tom is not yet aware of the delightful family incestuous intercourse, nor of my participation therein, Lou and I, in talking it over, are determined to have Fred up, and apparently initiate him into our circle. So pray manage, my dear Charlie, to pass at least a month with us as soon as possible.

Our second night was even more delicious than the first. Dear Loo, having no longer a part to play, told Tom that now she was initiated by him into the Dionysiac mysteries, she must do her best to see if she could not improve upon our deed of lust. And well and gloriously she redeemed her proposition.

A lustful, fiery, passionate woman like her has a thousand times more lubricity in her imagination than we of our duller sex. She exerted her extraordinary powers of excitement to the utmost, and she stimulated us to almost unheard-of efforts. In fact, the dear girl was giving vent to all the pent-up frustration of her desires which she had hitherto withheld during her first few weeks of marriage. Tom's proceedings had now allowed her complete indulgence, and her first night's real revel in every lascivious and voluptuous excess was on this, our second night's orgy.

On this occasion she surpassed herself, and completely exhausted the powers of both of us, to our intense gratification-as long as we could support it.

Although during our frequent ablutions for refreshing our powers we had doubly gamahuched her, and invariably on fucking her either doubly or singly had made her spend much more frequently than we did, she beat us hollow, and boasted she could settle two more men as good as we were.

I believe she was indeed capable of satisfying four others, for her lust seemed insatiable, and her delicious fiery cunt could swallow any amount of pricks that she could get hold of and appear none the worse for the utmost excess. On the contrary, even after the four she had at her father's, and fucking all night, again and again, she always appeared the fresher next day.

I believe myself that all fine, healthy, powerfully-built women like her can stand any amount of fucking and be all the better for it.

One dear friend of mine, just such another fine, upstanding woman like Loo, once told me that she had eight men, all friends, at once, and had exhausted them all, and felt she could have had them all over again, and been none the worse for it. She was a married woman, and had resided much abroad. She had allowed her husband's valet, a devilish handsome young German, to have her on condition that he lent himself to her intrigues with others; and as, like Louisa, her beauteous cunt was insatiably fond of prick, and of prick in variety, she always had many lovers.

They occupied a large palazzo in Florence, and she frequently had four or five lovers introduced into the house by the accommodating valet, who stowed them away in various far separated rooms, and then she joined one after the other until she had drawn from each all she could get, pretending that she had to join her husband and thus leaving him in the hands of the valet to see him out, then joining the second, third, and so on, dismissing them all fully satisfied and unable to raise further cockstands and always rewarding the valet in the end with a glorious fuck before sending him to bed.

I used myself to see the fellow sometimes, and he has often told me that after his mistress had been fucked at least twenty times he has found her cunt as tight and as deliciously pressing to his prick as if it was the first and only one she had had into her. He said she infatuated all that came near her, and made them do just whatever she pleased.

Her art, too, in raising their pricks to renewed efforts, was quite unique and unfailing as long as anything was left to draw out. She was a most glorious creature, though changeable to the utmost degree, and with a devil of a temper.

Alas! She passed away; with all her faults she was incomparably fascinating, and could turn any man round her finger, and lure him back to her even after he had discovered no end of infidelities, and had left her in the anger and rage of jealousy.

She used to boast that she could render the most jealous man a willing participator in known infidelities to him, even to allowing her to leave his arms and be fucked by another and then to return to him.

She was, indeed, a wonderfully seductive creature, indulging her excess of lust in the arms of all ranks without any distinction, and bending all to her will.

But let us return to our immediate object, which is to induce you to come over and participate in our orgies. I have sung your praises so often to dear Louisa, and told her of the superior size of your magnificent prick, that she has become quite lewd upon you, and charges me to insist upon your coming.

I need not add, my dear friend, what pleasure it will give me, quite independent of these anticipated delights, to embrace once more my dear old school and college companion, so pray make up your mind and come.

I have had some other adventures procured for me by my darling Loo, but they shall be either told you in person, or I shall write them to you if you fail to come.


Your letter has been a great disappointment to all of us; however, we must content ourselves with your promise to come over sometime hence.

I ended my last letter by telling you that dear Louisa had procured me some new adventures. It was with her convent companion Marguerite de Laval, the hard nipple of whose bosom had acted as a stimulant to the excited cunts of her two companions, as related in one of my earlier letters. Louisa, now being a married woman, easily obtained leave to take Marguerite away for a few days on a visit to her, and by previous arrangement with me, they both came to my studio to have a little preliminary orgy together. Marguerite had already been informed of the perfectly intimate nature of my relations with Tom and Louisa, and was delighted with the prospect of forming another link in love's lascivious chain that bound us deliciously together.