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It all fell out as arranged. The brother had been so far prepared, for she had told him beforehand that if ever their uncle should discover them they must do their best to make him join in their love sports, and so secure not only his silence but his consent to their continued indulgence.

Her brother had jumped at the idea, and thought it would be such a pleasure to see a real man's prick fucking her for he as yet was but small in his cock, although it had fair promise of being a creditable one hereafter.

Thus the farce was acted to admiration, and the good old uncle was pacified, and allowed himself, though with apparent difficulty, to lend himself to all their wishes.

He first fucked her cunt, still plentifully bedewed with the sperm of her brother, and then superintended the fucking of the brother and sister, but not allowing them to exhaust their powers further at the moment, for having once begun, he intended they should all sleep together. This they did, and had a most glorious night. The uncle taught his nephew to fuck her bottom-hole at the same time as he was fucking her cunt, and afterwards persuaded him to put his cock into his uncle's bottom while he was in hers, all this being but the prelude to the uncle indulging his lust by fucking Decimus while the latter was fucking her cunt in a kneeling position, thus teaching him all the joys of pederasty. All this was glorious news for us, as it would evidently smooth the way for our own designs upon them.

When Marguerite told me this, she called at my studio en passant on her way to Louisa, whom her uncle wished to know (for he was aware of their convent intimacy) and whom he wished to have, in which Marguerite encouraged him. After a delicious fuck, which her exciting recital had rendered necessary, I accompanied her to Louisa, and we at once arranged that she should not only go with Marguerite and let the uncle have her, but insist on having Decimus too. The two girls were further to make him the confidant of their joint amours with me, and persuade her uncle and Decimus to come and see my photographs of amorous sports.

All went off as we could wish. The dear old fellow was in ecstasies with the beauties of form and face of charming Louisa, and after sucking and fucking her, helped her with Decimus, guiding the handsome boy's prick into her longing cunt. When they had finished he sucked the boy's prick to hardness for a second fuck in her exquisite bum-hole. Lying under her, he stroked Louisa's noble clitoris with his tongue and introduced a finger to his nephew's bottom-hole at the same time. Dear Lou had done her best to suck up his lazy prick, but to her surprise did not succeed.

They had no difficulty in persuading him to come to my studio. Far from objecting, he was delighted to hear that his dear niece had found so good a lover as they described me to be. So at about three o'clock in the afternoon they all appeared, and I was formally introduced. I found the uncle to be a tall, elderly man of powerful build, and who must evidently have been a very capable participator in his younger days in all sports of holy Mother Venus, whatever his present powers might be.

Dear Lou at once set every one at ease by telling me how exquisitely she had just been rogered by the handsome young fellow then present, and throwing herself on my couch, begged me not to hesitate, but at once to gamahuche her and enjoy all the exquisite young sperm dripping from her cunt, for she knew that would please me better than anything else, and set us all at ease.

I did not waver for a moment, but throwing myself on my knees at once licked up all, and rising sharply drew down dear Marguerite upon me as I took Louisa's place on the couch.

Dear Lou unbuttoned the uncle's trousers, who was now moved by the last sight and by his niece's fine buttocks heaving above my prick, so that he soon arrived at a consistency sufficient to enable him to penetrate Marguerite's exquisite little bottom-hole. He quickly succeeded in entering, aided as he was by the gentle handling of his prick by Lou who, taking a quantity of spunk from her cunt, greased his old tool and easily made it enter, so that we ran a very delicious course, making our randy intermediate companion spend twice to our once.

While this was going on, dear Lou challenged her youthful companion to a new encounter. He, with all the energy of young blood, was more than ready to offer up a sacrifice on either altar. And such was his young vigour that he equally kept pace with her hot passions, and they both spent thrice in all the agony of love's joys, while we ran our more deliberate single course.

After this we had a purification and a refreshment in bumpers of champagne, and most amusing conversation, dear Lou shining in all the equivoque which our late proceedings suggested.

We soon recovered our powers under such stimulants as these two darling and salacious creatures knew how to apply.

This time Lou wished to have me in her cunt and Decimus in her bottom-hole, while Marguerite, standing astride the kneeling bodies, presented her delicious cunt to the eager lips and tongue of her loving uncle. We again made the women spend twice to our once, and then managed to die all away together in the delicious ecstasies of the final crisis.

By the time the last bout was over, the hour of separation for that day had arrived. Lou went home to dinner to welcome Tom's cousin Frank, who slept with them that night, and was sandwiched sundry times.

I accompanied the dear old uncle to his hotel, dined with the three, and remained the greater part of the night, stimulating the uncle to the utmost, as he had to leave Paris the next day. We practised many combinations, beginning with me on my back, Marguerite above, her uncle into her tight little bottom-hole, and Decimus birching his uncle behind; varying the pose by Decimus fucking his sister while I had her behind. Then, Decimus into his sister's bottom, while I birched him, and the uncle acted as Master of Ceremonies and conducted each member into its proper receptacle, he being unable to come to the scratch.

By the time this last delightful pose had been thoroughly enjoyed, the uncle gave symptoms of being ready again to enter into the lists of love with us. He preferred the culo of his niece, who lay down on the ever-ready prick of her brother, and I belaboured the bottom of the dear old uncle with the birch.

This was our last effort for that night, and I left them to sleep clasped in each other's loving arms, and gained my own dormitory, where welcome slumber soon restored exhausted nature.

The next day the uncle conveyed his nephew to St. Barbe, giving instructions that from every Saturday until Monday morning he should be allowed to spend the time with Tom and his wife. He also arranged with the superior of the convent to allow his niece to pass the same time with the same parties, and as Lou was an old pupil of the convent there was less difficulty.

He left Paris that afternoon, and Marguerite returned to the convent as her permission had already expired. However, as this was on a Wednesday, it left but two intermediate days before we should again meet. For my own part, I did not regret this interruption, as I felt a little rest was requisite after the excesses of our late debaucheries. Tom and Lou both wanted me to join them and Frank, but there was not enough of the female element to induce me to do so, so I ran from town to recover.


I left town, as stated in my last, with the intention of returning on the third day, but our intentions are often defeated by unexpected causes.

I had run down to Fontainebleau to enjoy the fine forest scenery, and wander among its picturesque rocks, but I had an awkward fall and hurt my knee, which was very much aggravated by the necessity of crawling back to my hotel. So I was laid up for a whole fortnight before I could attempt to return to Paris.