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The jovial party at Tom's had met twice, and enjoyed themselves to the utmost, notwithstanding their regret at my enforced absence. However, one favourable circumstance had occurred.

Young Emma, one of Louisa's former confidential companions, had returned to the convent. I found Lou awaiting my return in my studio. Of course, to fly into her arms and fuck her three times, twice in front and once behind, was a rapid affair after my late, long fast. We then had time for a little chat. It was then I heard of Emma's return, and as this was a Saturday morning, dear Lou was on her way to the convent to bring both her and Marguerite out until Monday.

The dear creature, with that affectionate regard she had always shown for me, told me that her purpose was to bring Emma first to me, as she believed she had not yet had a man's virile organ introduced into her little cunt. And as she herself had been unable to give me her own first fruits, she considered herself bound to procure such for me, if possible.

I embraced and thanked her warmly for her kind forethought. She left, and in an hour returned with both Marguerite and Emma. Dear Marguerite fled into my arms, and clung close to me, whispering that she must have me first, and let Emma see how delicious the possession of a real prick was.

That the wild girl's idea might be carried out to the utmost for the furtherance of the object in view, they made me strip, and after, dear, modest little Emma requested to handle my prick and feel how hard and stiff it was, which she did with a charming reserve and blushing the while, although one could see by the increased sparkle of her eyes that her passions were being excited. It was then the turn of the Three Graces to unveil their charms, and they did so in an altogether delightful manner, with not a little giggling and blushing.

I put my hand down on Emma's sweetly pouting cunt which was only slightly ornamented with a sprinkling of fair, silky hair, and found by its very wet state that the dear creature had already spent. So, begging her first to let me gamahuche her, I laid her on the couch and, opening her legs, precipitated myself upon the charming, fresh, small orifice presented to my delighted gaze.

Nothing could exceed the beauty and also grace of her rounded form, nor the gracefulness of her soft limbs and beautifully formed buttocks. Her exquisite cunt had rich pouting lips, and within was of a most delicate coral pink, with the truly delicious flavour of a wholesome cunt. Her clitoris hardly showed, but became a hard little button under the stimulus of my tongue.

I made the dear creature quickly spend a second time, which she did with a deep sigh, almost fainting away with the intense excitement and pleasure I had given her.

The two wild Bacchantes, who were anxious to see more serious sport, and to join in it as well, now urged me to more active measures, declaring that dear Emma herself was longing for more. So Louisa proposed that she should lie down on her back, take Emma above her on her knees and first stimulate her still more by a little cunt-sucking. This she would continue after guiding me into the inner delights of that charming young cunt, which Emma declared had never yet been penetrated by any thing larger than the fingers and tongues of her dear companions then present. Here Louisa was interrupted in her kind proposal by Marguerite demanding to have me first, and to let Emma see what a delicious treat a prick was.

So Emma had to lie down while Marguerite straddled her with her bottom above Emma's head. I knelt behind while Emma guided me into Marguerite's longing cunt close above her eyes. Lou begged Emma to postilion me while she herself knelt in front and licked dear little Emma's cunt to perfection, Marguerite feasting her eyes on the sight, and wriggling her backside delightedly in unison with my vigorous fucking of her tight, velvet sheath. We soon brought matters to the grand crisis, and all died away together in cries of ecstatic delight. I soaked for some time in the delicious receptacle in which I was contained until the exquisite pressures of Marguerite reawakened my passions. This had also given time for Emma to recover her senses, for she had been so excited as to be nearly in a swoon. Her little cunt showed the liquid gleam of her young spending and Louisa, rapidly placing herself on her back, and Marguerite helping to put Emma kneeling astride her, I got up behind. Louisa guided my urgent prick from below to between the longing lips, and first rubbing it up and down so as to soak up the young spunk oozing from the virgin orifice, at last placed the head of my cock right within the delicious little aperture, and tickling my balls urged me forward. I proceeded firmly but gently to insinuate my cock's entire body by short thrusts in and out, and soon found a greater tightness within. Meanwhile, underneath us, Louisa was stimulating Emma to the utmost by frigging her clitoris with her finger, and, with another up my bottom was equally urging me forward. Marguerite had thrown herself on the floor and was vigorously applying her tongue to Louisa's cunt. Emma's passions were furiously excited, both by sight and feeling, her backside wriggling involuntarily. I saw my opportunity was come, so, gathering my forces, I plunged violently forwards, and burst asunder the remains of her hymen, which the previous fingering and frigging of her lewd convent companions had only partially ruptured.

It was a sharp pang of pain to her, but almost instantly superseded by the exquisite pleasure of feeling the delicious balm of love jetting from my delighted prick, which stimulated a similar outpouring from her own young resources. She swooned in an agony of pleasure with a piercing cry of ecstatic joy. The two girls were so excited at the scene that they were likewise lost in all the raptures of a discharge.

I lay for some time entranced in the tight cunt in which I was so deliciously installed. The thought of being its first real occupant re-excited my well-pleased prick, and as it began again to raise its head and throb as usual, I could feel that it was stimulating the passions of dear Emma, who showed that she naturally possessed the great gift of the casse noisette, although she was as yet feeble in comparison with the glorious power of dear Louisa or her Mamma in that respect. I was soon all ready for work, and began at once to fuck her in a somewhat more leisurely manner, and more with a view to give the utmost delight to the girl who was yielding me her first fruits.

We so excited her this time, for I added my finger up her rosy bottom-hole, that when again the grand crisis arrived she went off in such ecstasies of delight as to swoon right away, and she was so long in coming to her senses that we were all somewhat alarmed.

However, it was only excess of pleasure, and when she did recover it was to throw herself on my bosom, and with her arm round my neck, and her face hidden against my breast, to declare that she had been in Paradise, that she loved me, adored me and would never part from me, and then she burst into a torrent of tears.

I pressed her to my heart and comforted her, but let her weep on, as I felt it would be a relief to her highly excited nerves. As I expected, she felt all the better when this nervous fit had exhausted itself by the relief of tears.

We left her a quiet spectator of our next amorous encounter, which was between Lou and me. She had declared a desire for a fuck in her divine bottom-hole. Marguerite lay down on her back with Lou reversed above. Lou sucked the lovely, fresh cunt below her, while Marguerite, after guiding me into love's Callipygian sanctuary, sucked the splendid clitoris before her, and acted postilion to my bottom-hole.

The pace was fast and furious and we put on a most exciting display of lust before the surprised and delighted Emma. Our arrival at the grand crisis was heralded by wild exclamations of ecstatic joy, until we all sank to silence in the divine raptures of dying away in all the languor of fully satisfied lubricity.