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The dear creature greedily swallowed all, and continued to suck until not a drop was left. She arose, smacking her lips, and declared it was sweeter than ever.

We then parted and I promised to look after Tom until her return.


A gap in the correspondence occurs here; Louisa has returned and Tom and she are meeting at Harry's studio

I closed my last letter with an intimation that we turned in for a delicious night. It was so in fact. My darling Louisa, like all her sex who have committed an infidelity to us, seemed to grow doubly loving and endearing in her caresses. I don't think we ever enjoyed a more delicious or lengthened fuck than we had after our first endearing embraces.

Louisa excelled herself in the salacious lubricity of her serpentlike movements. There was a greater suppleness of body, and an intertwining of our limbs in a closer conjunction than we had ever before experienced.

We seemed to quite grow to each other and, when the last grand crisis came, our very souls seemed to exhale, and we sank closely embraced in a death-like languor of perfectly satisfied lust; without a movement we both fell into a long and deep sleep, which our previous double encounter had well earned.

I awoke late in the morning, still soaking in that most exquisite and delicious cunt, which had retained me in the grasp of its velvety folds with unfailing tenacity.

My prick was, as usual in the morning, already in a state of vigorous stiffness, and I gradually awakened my beloved mistress with the gentle titillations of a slow movement. She opened her lovely eyes, and turned them in all their force of love and lust, to press her lips to mine. Our tongues were not idle; our hands wandered over all our mutual beauties. The torch of love fired our souls; our bodies united in action to extinguish Cupid's flames.

On recovering our senses, we rose for a few necessary minutes and then rushed once more into each other's longing and loving arms, again to dash on love's furious course, and die again in all the agonies of satisfied desire. Once more, but this time in her delicious arsehole, did I quench the raging lust she so easily excited.

We had a most delicious arse-fuck, quite as much enjoyed by Louisa as by myself. Then rising, we purified ourselves, dressed and sat down to a reinvigorating breakfast, with appetites worthy of the plates set before us. After this we arranged that she should come to me on both the following days, and also on the third an hour before Tom's arrival, so that we might renew the sweet combats of love which were so dear to us both. She left me, and the light seemed to depart from my studio.

I have grown to love that dear girl beyond any love I have ever felt before, and it is only the certainty that I shall continue to enjoy her quite as freely as I do now that reconciles me to letting Tom have her.

Tom came to me in the evening, and raved about his beloved Louisa. The after-thoughts of the joys she had yielded him, and the exquisite beauties of her form and figure, had seemed to him since to surpass the reality, and now his whole soul was absorbed in the idea of again enjoying such exquisite delights.

I was glad to see that all his old affection for that dear girl had returned in increased force, so that we might be able to mould him to our will in every way. He was very anxious to shorten the interval, but I told him it was too late to do that, and that since only two days more were to intervene he must put up with it.

When he was leaving me, I told him I was going out for the whole of the two following days, so that it would be useless his calling up to see me. This was a precaution in case he should come when my charming Louisa was with me. Not that Tom would have greatly objected to finding me in possession (for he would have cut in himself), but I did not wish to be interrupted in the sole possession of that enchanting creature, to whom I was getting more and more attached.

The angelic girl did not fail to be with me on the following day. She came without any corset, drawers, or other encumbrances, so that we stripped in a trice and, rushing into each other's arms, closely entwined our naked bodies until the junction was complete, indulging in every salacious enjoyment that the most libidinous lubricity could suggest. Nor did we cease until exhausted powers on my side forced me to desist, but twice, after I could no more, I satisfied the still raging lust of my beloved mistress by a double gamahuche, in which I did not spare her delicious arsehole.

We parted to meet again the next day, again to dash on passion's furious course, but this time Louisa insisted on beginning with a mutual gamahuche, as she declared it was quite an age since she had had the pleasure of sucking my prick until she had extracted the delicious cream, of which she longed for a mouthful.

She had often sucked it up to standing when it had become somewhat lazy in coming to the scratch, but in general had been too eager to get it into her cunt as soon as she had thus re-invigorated it. However now she soon extracted all it could give, and greedily swallowed the rush of spunk I poured into her mouth. I followed suit in licking up the dear, delicious overflow of her own spendings.

We continued caressing and sucking our generative organs until we had achieved the desired effect (I must say twice in her case to my once) and then we commenced as on the day before, stimulating ourselves by every erotic device to surpass, if possible, the rapturous joys of yesterday's encounter.

The following day Tom was to be with us. Louisa came two hours early, and again did I five times renew the combat in Cupid's arena, pouring libations of sperm into her mouth, cunt, and arsehole, each coup seeming more exquisite than the last. In this way I was able to bear much more philosophically leaving her in Tom's possession. I coolly smoked my pipe and, I believe, even dozed off during the two hours that Tom was satisfying his raging lust. I had even to go to them to let them know it was time for Louisa to leave.

I found them in the very midst of a most active fuck and unobserved by them, saw their glorious bodies in all the fury of lust most vigorously sacrificing to Priapus. Their very souls were in their work, and I could see by the unrestrained movements of her body that Louisa not only seconded him, but was really in excessive enjoyment herself, her animal passions being apparently as much excited as if I myself were fucking her.

This somewhat grated on my feelings, and I believe I showed it in a kind of unpleasant tone of voice with which, when they had run their course, for I was not cruel enough to interrupt it, I bade them get up and let Louisa go home.

The dear girl spoke to me next day about it. She had, with all a woman's instinct, exactly guessed my feelings. She threw herself into my arms, and weeping, said,

'Forgive me, my darling Harry, I love but you in my inmost heart, but my passions are strong. Tom is not only very handsome, but his power of pleasing a woman in love's combat is great, and I cannot resist the influence it gives him over my passions. Nay, my dear Harry, as I am confessing, I fear if I had neither of you, I would take up with whatever I could find, for I am so constituted I feel I cannot live without fucking. Even our delicious play before Tom's arrival only served to whet my appetite for more. I had already found how delicious it was to repossess you after Tom had fucked me on the last occasion, and I must confess our previous fucking yesterday made me enjoy Tom more than I ever expected. I am now convinced that the greatest erotic pleasure a lustful woman can receive is to have a second man fuck her as soon as she has exhausted a first one. Yesterday, I would have given the world to have rushed from Tom's arms, after the last really delicious fuck, into yours, and had your more powerful and beloved prick again into me. You must forgive me, my darling Harry, but the more I am fucked the lewder I get, and I must confess that sometimes I think I should like to have a third, and even a fourth man to fuck me, one after another. I long to be married to Tom, that we may soon have what you promised me, the society of your friend Charlie to join in orgies with Tom and you. I sometimes picture how delicious it would be to suck your delicious prick and extract its sweets, while lying on your friend Charlie's prick and leaving my bottom-hole to Tom, who never ceases imploring me to let him have it. Forgive me, my love, that I thus at once open out my inmost feelings to you. It may hurt at this moment a little of your amour propre, but on reflection you will see it is much better for us both to fully understand each other's innermost mind. We shall doubly enjoy in the end every desire that the wildest lust can suggest. You won't love your Louisa less, I am sure, my dear Harry, for thus unreservedly laying open her heart to you. I feel you will look on it in its proper light, and love and enjoy me all the more for my candid confession.'