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It was in such imaginary scenes of every sort of lust and libidinous excitement that we revelled, until they maddened us to excesses beyond my strength, although Louisa remained as lustful as ever, and I was fain to substitute gamahuching for fucking.

I must not forget to tell you that we had not forgotten the necessity of remedying all these excesses in case they should have ended in getting Louisa with child. It had been decided in council with Tom that he should at once go down to Louisa's father and propose an early marriage; and as Tom was in reality a very good parti for his daughter, and they had already sanctioned courting, there could be no doubt of an acceptance of his suit.

The father generally resided at a very pretty country house with extensive grounds not far from Rouen. Tom went down, whilst Louisa and I improved his absence; and it is needless to say, he succeeded to his utmost wishes. A month afterwards the marriage was to take place. Louisa was to remain with her aunt, and then, a week before the happy day, she was to go home, where the marriage was to be celebrated. I was to be best man, but Louisa cleverly managed to get me an invitation to pass the previous week with them, on the plea of taking anticipatory portraits of the family as souvenirs of the happy event. I was also to be her escort from Paris. You may suppose what a prospect of enjoyment this opened out. Until then we continued our excessive delights with an allowed participation, every three days, of poor Tom, who fancied he was sole possessor, but to do him justice, I must say, he always regretted Louisa's obstinacy in refusing my participation.

'But never mind, Harry,' he used to say, 'when once she is my wife, and we have settled in Paris, by hook or by crook, I'll make her have you. Besides, you know,' said he, 'when you are fucking her on top of you, I will surprise her arsehole, and be into it.'


At last the day arrived when my beloved Louisa and I were to proceed to her father's house. We had purposely named to all our friends in Paris the day before that on which we were really expected at her home, so that we might stay on the road and have one last night of uninterrupted indulgence in our passionate love of each other.

We fixed upon the pretty village of Rosny, not far from the Vernon Station, for the place of our last delicious sole enjoyment of our lascivious revels in love's domains.

We had a pleasant run down to Vernon. I had been there myself before to choose our quarters, and had found a nice, clean country auberge, the landlord himself being the cook. A carriage was waiting for us, and a very nice dinner was served up shortly after our arrival. We had, however, already improved the occasion, and had one delicious gamahuche, followed by an exquisite fuck which, combined with our journey, so sharpened our appetites that we did ample justice to the really good dinner set before us.

Being a delicious summer evening, we got permission from our landlord to stroll through the very pretty ornamental grounds of the Chateau de Rosny, formerly in the possession of the of the Duchesse de Berry. We found a delightful terrace, at least half a mile long, overlooking the River Seine, charming bosquets, and at the far end a sort of pavilion summer-house, with divans round two sides.

Louisa suggested that these had doubtless often been used by the lecherous duchess, who was well-known for her varied amours, and giving me a lascivious glance, fairly invited me to rival those who had been there before. I was already about to propose the very thing and, as the low height of the couches, as well as their breadth, suggested a kneeling position, Louisa knelt down. I turned up her clothes well over her back, and the whole beauty of her glorious arse became exposed to my ardent gaze. I stooped and gamahuched her, but she was already so excited with her reminiscences of the duchess's loves, that I had hardly got my tongue fairly on her clitoris before she spent profusely. Giving one good lick up, I left the greater portion to lubricate the passage and, bringing my stiff-standing prick to the entrance, I rubbed it up and down the lips preparatory to a plunge at once up to the hilt. Dear Louisa gave a scream of delight as she felt the glowing mass plough its way violently forward until my belly came with a rush against her splendid buttocks. I begged her to frig herself, as I should otherwise lose the delightful view of her glorious arse in all the amorous action she so deliciously exercised when love's dart was buried in her rapture-giving cunt; besides which, my upright position enabled me to frig her charming arsehole, and thus add to the pleasure my straining prick was yielding to her cunt. There never was a more imaginative creature than my darling Louisa. She cried out,

'Harry, my love, call me your darling Duchess, and I will call you my Deutz.' (The Jewish lover who was supposed to be the real father of the Count de Chambord, and who afterwards, from jealousy, was her betrayer in Brittany.)

I immediately complied, and the dear girl lent herself to the deception and, I really believe, spent twice more than she otherwise would have done. Certain it is that she went off at once with a scream of delight when I cried out,

'Oh! My beloved Duchess, my adored Caroline, do you feel your Deutz's prick up to the hilt in your royal cunt?'

My continued action, and the keeping up of the deception, soon excited her again into a state of the wildest lust, and she spent profusely a second time. I purposely held myself in, so that I was enabled to get her once more so excited that when I was ready to come we both simultaneously spent together-I crying out,

'My adored Duchess, do you feel the torrent of sperm I am driving into your royal interior?'

'Yes, oh yes! My darling Deutz, shove your glorious prick into my cunt as far it will go, bollocks and all, if possible.'

The dear girl, in the extremity of her salacious lust, gave me such excessive pressures with her great power in that way that I felt nerved at once to further efforts, and after a few pushes more in her delicious cunt, I suddenly withdrew, and plunged into the smaller aperture of her stupendous arse. She met my plunge with a backward push, so that belly and buttocks met with a shock most exciting.

'Ah! That is it, darling Deutz, you know my arsehole is for you alone. His Royal Highness the Duke has never been allowed entrance that way-so it is all your own. But frig me, dear Deutz, and shove a finger or two up my cunt.'

In this way my darling Louisa doubly enjoyed our libidinous pastime. Again thrice did she yield the sweet nectar of her spunk before I was ready to meet her in the ecstatic crisis.

After soaking in bliss for some minutes I withdrew, and the dear angel, turning quickly round before I could put my prick into my trousers seized it in her mouth and sucked it clean, declaring that it was sweeter than ever, and had given her the most exquisite delight in her assumed character.

We recommenced our stroll, enjoying the exquisite beauty of the evening. The moon had risen and increased the charm of the scene. We lingered on, listening to the chorus of the nightingales. We turned in to one of the shady bowers and sat down to enjoy the harmony. Dear Louisa thought, from the commodious and comfortable lounging seats, that this too must have witnessed the loves of the amorous duchess, and asked if her Deutz would not again embrace her.

'Ah! My beloved Caroline, ever and at all times your royal cunt is dear to me.'

And precipitating myself into her arms, she drew out my ready standing prick, and we had another delicious fuck, the dear girl's fancy exciting her so much that she declared it made her spend continuously.

Notwithstanding these preliminary exercises, we nevertheless managed to run six courses during the night and morning. We were in no hurry to rise, as we were not expected to be at Rouen before four o'clock. The dear creature excelled herself in all the libidinous contrivances to excite and keep alive our powers of fucking and enjoyment of every lustful idea. She must have spent more than twice as often as I did.