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She turned eagerly towards me. "You know we got in the evening before last? Well, yesterday morning it was-about five-thirty. There were footsteps on the deck. I'm a very light sleeper. I thought perhaps it was you. A voice called from the wheelhouse and I woke Bert and we went up to find this man sitting there slumped in the chart table seat. He looked like a scarecrow almost, his face drawn, his clothes hanging on him like rags. I thought for a moment he was some sort of beggar. And then he staggered to his feet, mumbled his name and said he was your father. . and all in the same breath he asked if we'd take him out to Meganisi."

"He said you'd sent him." Bert handed Florrie the brandy he had just poured for her. "You did send him, didn't you?"

"I told him about your boat, how I'd got to Greece. But that's all."

"Well, it doesn't matter," she said, sipping her drink. "There he was, and he was so ill-looking and weak-we brought him down here, and when he told me he hadn't eaten for a long time, I made him an omelette and some coffee. He had the sense to eat it slowly, but he was dreadfully tired. And he wouldn't go to bed-not until we'd promised to take him to Meganisi."

"You're sure it was Meganisi, not Levkas, he wanted?" I asked.

"Of course. The village of Vatahori on Meganisi, that's where he wanted to go-and without anyone knowing."

"Did he tell you why?"

She shook her head. "Not really. He kept talking about a cave, something he had to do. He wasn't very coherent."

"He never mentioned Levkas," Bert handed me the bottle of Scotch and a glass. "And he was quite straight with us- about the risk, I mean. But he seemed so desperately urgent-"

"We couldn't just leave him here to be picked up by the police or that man Kotiadis. Even if he was a Communist agent. Which I don't believe."

"He told you about that, did he?" I asked.

"Oh yes-everything. But it was all very confused. The words just poured out of him. I don't think we understood half of it, did we, Bert? He just went on talking and talking, as though he couldn't stop. And then, when Bert said we'd take him, he just collapsed. We put him to bed in your bunk, and then Bert went ashore to clear with the Port Captain's office."

"Where is he now?" I asked.

"I told you, at Vatahori," Bert said. "And that made it a little more risky. They haven't got a harbour official at Vatahori so I had to tell the Port Captain here we were going to Port Vathy."

"Does he know you had a passenger on board?"

He shook his head. "They didn't ask me about that, and where officials are concerned, I always say what the eye doesn't see. ." He laughed. "But then it was dark when he'd come on board, and the truck that had brought him down to Preveza had gone straight on to a farm further along the coast. There was no way they could know we'd got an extra bod on board." He took a quick gulp at his whisky. "I suppose it was about eight-thirty when we cleared. A nice westerly breeze, motor-sailing all the way, right through the Levkas Canal. And no trouble at Vatahori-nobody there, just a long inlet marked on the chart as Port Atheni. You anchor in the middle and the village of Vatahori is about a mile from the end of it."

"And you put him ashore there?"

"Yes, after breakfast this morning." And he added, "He wouldn't let us go with him up to the village. Said he'd be all right-he had friends there."

"He didn't need help, anyway," Florrie said. "He'd slept most of the time we were sailing. And afterwards, when we'd anchored, he had the most enormous meal-bacon and eggs, the lot." She smiled. "I thought he'd never stop eating. And

though he looked so ill, he had enough energy to walk up the hill."

Bert nodded. "He's tougher than he looks, that's certain."

"He was like a kid really. I just poured food into him, and you could see him converting it into energy. And talking all the time. To himself, mostly-for his own benefit. All technical stuff. I couldn't understand half of it." And she added, "I can see him now, walking away with a brief wave of his hand, up the stony track that led to the village, a bent old man, his shoulders stooped, his eyes on the ground, and still wearing those ragged clothes. It didn't seem right-to let him go like that, all alone."

"It's what he wanted," Bert said.

After that they had sailed round to Port Vathy, the next bay to the west, and made their number to the Customs man and then steamed straight back to Preveza. "Dead easy." He hesitated, looking at me a little uncertainly. "I hope we did right-taking him out to that island and leaving him there?"

"Yes," I said. "Of course. It was very good of you. And you say he had friends at Vatahori?"

Bert nodded. "That's what he said." And Florrie added, "We wouldn't have left him otherwise-not like that. He didn't look at all well. Very drawn and his skin a bad colour."

"Did he say why it was so urgent?" Only a narrow strip of water separated Meganisi from Levkas and if he had friends at Vatahori they could presumably take him across there. "He must have given you a reason."

"Oh, yes." Florrie nodded. "But as I say, it was all very confused-something he had to do-some bones. He kept talking about bones."

"That's right," Bert agreed. "A collection of bones and artefacts they were keeping for him-his friends, I think. What was their name, Florrie? Pappa-something. They were Greeks."


"Yes, that's right. I remember now. A collection he'd brought out with him. The previous year. But, as Florrie says.

Levkas Man

it was all a bit confused like. He kept talking about a cave. And a professor came into it. He had to get to them before this professor."

"Professor Holroyd?"

"Yes, I think that was the name. Like I say, he seemed to have something he had to do very urgently before this professor bloke beat him to it. He kept on about time. He hadn't much time, he said. I remember that because he gave me the creeps for a moment, staring at us, his eyes shining under his shaggy brows. I thought he was. . well, you'll excuse my saying this about your father, but I thought he was a bit off his rocker."

"He was very tired, that's all," Florrie said. "Tired and ill."

"Okay." Bert shrugged. "Tired and ill and a bit delirious. But it comes to the same thing. A bloke in that sort of state, you have to humour him, so we took him to Meganisi."

I nodded. I knew what he meant. I had felt the same up there in the red dunes. "I'll have to go there," I said. "When can we leave?"

"For Meganisi?"


He thought about ten in the morning. Florrie needed to get some fresh stores from the market and he'd have to clear again with the Port Captain's office. "They'll think I've got a ruddy girl friend there, or something."

Florrie laughed. "Not with me on board, they won't."

It was late by the time I had retrieved my suitcase and told them what had happened at Despotiko. But even so, I found it difficult to sleep. Partly it was the stuffiness of the cabin after camping out in the open air. But chiefly it was the old man. It was extraordinary the effect he had on people. When I had asked the Barretts why they had taken the risk of running him out to Meganisi-and it was a big risk, knowing that he was in trouble with the Security Police-all Florrie had said was, "You weren't here, Paul. If you had been, you'd understand." And Bert added, "If he'd been pleading for us to ship him out

of the country, I wouldn't have done it. But he wasn't trying to escape. He had something urgent and positive he wanted to do. I may not understand about anthropology, but a man who's dedicated to his work and his beliefs-" He had turned then and poured himself another whisky. "You may not like him. You don't have to like him. But you respect him, even if there is something very strange about him. I felt-" His open, honest features had reflected his own puzzlement as he searched for words to express his feelings. "He sort of made me feel I was in the presence of an enormously powerful mind. Y'see, when a man is ranging over thousands of years-it's like the stars at night when you're sailing-you feel so small and insignificant. It just didn't seem important that we were taking a risk in helping him to get where he wanted."