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I heard him laugh. “Should I begin at the very beginning?” he asked.

“Sure,” Rachel said.

There was a moment’s silence.

“Once upon a time,” he began, “a long, long time ago, in the time of our fathers’ fathers, there was a rich old king who owned a kingdom of sugar, a magical land of green fields and blue skies.

“The king loved his queen, who had given him a fine son. The king said, ”I have everything in the world a man could want. Rich land, a beautiful wife and a fine son.“ But then the king began to worry, began to fret in the way so many of us do when everything is going well. ”What if my wife should leave me? What if a dragon should take my son? What if my fortune should be lost?“

“Nothing could ease his sense of foreboding. Even when his wife announced that they would have another child, he only worried. He worked harder and harder-for he was a hard-working king, not one of the lazy sort of kings who sit about on big thrones all day. Soon he had a great deal of money in the castle, and said to the queen, ”Now I can protect you and our children from anything.“

“A little brown sparrow dared to speak up and say, ”Your highness, this life is hard. Nothing can protect us, except God in a good mood.“

“The king had no love of sparrows, and certainly did not want to hear them talk. He shooed this one from the castle. Some believe that sparrow cursed him as she flew away, but others simply believe that God had a mood swing.

“Whatever the cause, tragedy struck. Shortly after giving birth to their second son, the queen died. The king was nearly inconsolable, saying ‘Just as I feared! My queen has left me!”

“In his grief, the king only worked harder. As his children grew up, the first son became a strong, brave young man, who pleased his father in every way. The second son was weak and bitter, and had a stone where his heart should have been.”

“Do these young princes have names?” Rachel asked.

“Name them, if you’d like,” he said.

“The younger one should be Horace DeMont,” she said.

“And the older?”

“You’ll have to tell me.”

“Richard,” he said. “Prince Richard. And like another Richard before him, he was lionhearted. He chafed at his father’s protectiveness, and was something of a daredevil, and even learned to fly airplanes. He married a beautiful princess from the east, a lively woman who understood him, and he brought her to live at the castle. She was a good woman, and for a time, seeing his son’s happiness, the king forgot his grief.

“Prince Horace became jealous, for he was already in the habit of looking about the castle and thinking of how much he would like to sit in this chair or own that painting when the old king died. He did not like the idea of sharing these things with the new princess, and complained about her frequently. The king tired of this, and banished him from the castle, giving him a home in another city, and telling him to stay away.”

“Huntington Beach?” I asked.

“Yes. In those days, that part of the world was far away from the castle. But over the years, the land began to shrink and shrink and shrink, and it’s much closer now.”

He was quiet for a time, and I wondered if he would go on, or if my speaking was enough to bring an end to the tale. But then he said, “The king’s worries were soon to begin again. A Great War was being fought in Europe, and Richard volunteered-enlisted in the fight even before his country did.

“While Richard was in France, his wife came to the king and told him that she was expecting a child. The king at once sent a message to Richard, to tell him of this wonderful news, but poor Richard was slain before the message could reach him. He had died a courageous death, but the king found little comfort in that, saddened that a dragon had indeed taken his son.

“Horace now asked his father to welcome him home as his only remaining son, and to remove the princess. This angered the king, who cut Horace out of his will. He saw to it that the princess had the best of care. He was overjoyed when the princess gave birth to a little girl, and was especially pleased when she named her new daughter Gwendolyn, after his late and much beloved queen.

“Again tragedy struck, and there are those who will tell you that this one disordered the old king’s mind. The king and the princess traveled to the east, so that the princess might see her family, and to show them the fair Gwendolyn. And while they were there, a plague struck, the worst in five hundred years.”

“The influenza epidemic?” I asked.

“Yes. Do you know about it?”

“Not much,” I admitted.

“Twenty-one million people died because of it-more than twice the number killed in World War I. So many died in Washington and Baltimore, they ran out of coffins.”

“Sounds as if you’ve studied about it,” I said.

He smiled. “My father told me about it. He lies about a great many things, of course, but I checked up on this.”

His use of the present tense was not lost on me, or on Rachel. We exchanged a look of dismay.

“Oh, I know a son shouldn’t speak ill of his father,” Travis said, misreading it, “but I know you’ll hardly blame me, Irene.”

“Forget about that,” Rachel said quickly. “I want to hear the rest of the story you were telling. They went back east and caught the flu.”

“Yes. All three of them. But despite his age, the king survived, and despite her youth, Gwendolyn did as well. But the poor princess did not. Heartbroken, the king left the east as quickly as he could, and came back to his castle. He loved Gwendolyn, but his protectiveness of this new little princess became extreme. He rarely allowed anyone else near her. A few governesses, a housekeeper or two.

“She grew into a woman, but since her grandfather believed all men to be fortune hunters, he did not allow her into their company. He forever saw her as much younger than she was. She did not mind this protection; she had known it all her life. She was extremely shy of other people, most especially men.

“But one day, when she was outside, sitting in her garden, she saw a big snake sleeping in the sun. Frightened, she cried out, awakening the snake. But a boy who was working nearby heard her, and hurried to help her. He removed the snake from the garden, then went back to see if she had been bitten or harmed in anyway. She told him she was not, but even though he was only twelve, he could see the princess-whom he thought quite silly-was shaken.

“The boy began to tell her a story, one that made the shy princess laugh, and when he had finished, the princess asked him to tell her another. He told her one, and then another, and so it went, until the boy’s brother-who was much older than the boy-called to him that it was time to go.

“She begged the boy to return to her, and he did. When the king died four years later, the princess was very lonely, and soon married the only male who had ever formed an attachment to her.”

He paused, then said, “There are those that would tell you that she was safer with the snake, and maybe they are right. But they do not think, perhaps, of the boy being only a young man of sixteen, and of her, however shy, being over forty. Perhaps it was the boy who would have been better off with the snake.

“What is certain, however, is that one should not ignore the advice of sparrows, for everything the king most feared came true.”

We had reached Las Piernas by then and he asked for directions. I made a decision. He didn’t like me much, and the easiest thing would have been to take him to Mary’s house, to leave everything on her shoulders.

“Take the next exit,” I said, ignoring Rachel’s look of surprise.

I was as much a Maguire as I was a Kelly. It was time to stop letting my father’s prejudices ruin any chance of getting closer to my cousin. I just hoped God found that funny enough to laugh himself into a good mood.