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A Lair So Sinful - Exclusive Chapter

Copyright © 2021 by Zoey Ellis. All rights reserved

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

The right of Zoey Ellis to be identified as the author of this book has been asserted by the author in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patent’s Act, 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part, by any means, is forbidden without written permission from the author.

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First Edition: March 2021


This chapter is an extra bonus featuring Nyro and I’mya from A Lair So Sinful.

This takes pace about a month from the end of the book. This extra chapter contains spoilers.


I’mya glared at Nyro as he carried her back to their chambers.

He glared back at her.

Dayatha’s footsteps followed behind them, but I’mya couldn’t see her. She would deal with her later.

“You can’t keep me locked in our chambers,” she snapped at Nyro, a surge of anger overwhelming her. “It’s not healthy, and I don’t like it!”

“You will be kept safe!” Nyro barked. “We discussed this numerous times.”

“Yes, but we didn’t agree,” I’mya said. “Where can be safer for me than in your lair?”

“Where can be safer for you than my chambers?” Nyro shot back. “Or my bed?”

I’mya huffed out a harsh breath and quietly fumed as he stormed down the corridor. Sometimes, there was just no point in arguing with him, but this time he’d gone too far. Since the announcement of her pregnancy a month ago, he barely let her out of his sight. He accompanied her everywhere she went. The only time she was free of him was when he went hunting with Sanderyll.

Today, she had snuck out while he was sleeping. Thanks to her Thrakondarian lessons and her magical casting sessions, she’d manage to disable the charm he frequently used on the door. If it hadn’t been for Dayatha betraying her, she would have spent a lovely afternoon in the garden.

It wasn’t as though she didn’t enjoy or want Nyro’s presence. She craved it most of the time. When he was with her she was at peace, and she felt safe. But she wanted to be able to move around the lair as freely as she had before, and now she was stuck in his room most of the time, or what limited room he permitted her to go. It wasn’t good enough. He’d even lessened the amount of time they spent together riding Sanderyll! That was the biggest blow. It meant she didn’t get to spend as much time with Sanderyll as Nyro, and that was unfair to them all.

When they arrived back at the chambers, Nyro placed her down the bed and she got up immediately, walking across the room.

“I’mya.” There was a warning in his tone, but I’mya didn’t care.

She paced the room, her fists clenched. “I will not be treated like a prisoner for however long this pregnancy lasts! The king and the queen cannot access this lair without significant resources that they don’t have. You’re overreacting.”

“The king sent you in here,” Nyro pointed out, his eyes dark. “All they had to do was erase your memory and you didn’t know you were a threat to us. There is no reason to believe the king is going to end it there.” He sat down on the chair next to the Dao board, glaring at her. “And it’s not just that, this pregnancy is too unique, too unusual for us to be relaxed about it. We don’t know what you will experience. You have to be monitored constantly.”

“But I never get any peace or privacy. I cannot go on like this, Nyro!”

“You will,” Nyro ordered. “You will not endanger our child because you feel bored.” He gestured to the Dao board. “Let’s play.”

I’mya could have screamed.

“There is no point in fighting it,” he added, as though that was the end of the conversation. “Everyone agrees.”

I’mya had the urge to pick up every single thing in the room and throw them at him. He hadn’t allowed her to even attend the last clan meeting, and yet he came back with all of the stipulations and rules that the brothers had somehow agreed to. The brothers had previously told her, during her ordination, as she was entitled and invited to attend any clan meeting and she’d intended to do that, pregnant or not. She wanted the war to be over—for people to be able to rebuild their lives and cities again. And anything she could do to support the dragorai in their efforts, she considered honoring her family. She hadn’t even been able to find out exactly all the things that the dragorai had been doing across the Realm yet because she got pregnant so quickly.

Dayatha was no help. She wanted I’mya to familiarize herself with the typical dragorai pregnancy, but they all knew it was bound to be different because she had no dan askha.

As she glared at Nyro, the shivers started, and she cursed out loud.

An annoying smirk spread across Nyro’s face. He got up from the chair and headed toward her.

The shivers were a new and recent development of her pregnancy that was known to dragorai-omegas. The child required a lot of heat, and it drew on hers so quickly that her body temperature dropped dramatically. She needed to be with Nyro, flush against his hot body for the shivers to calm, otherwise they become quite violent and she could potentially become ill.

Nyro lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. “You have to understand that this is for your own good,” he said to I’mya. “It may not be pleasant, but you are just doing your duty. It can be boring or annoying, but it still must be done.”

“Don’t lecture me, Nyro,” I’mya snapped. He was behaving as if he was the perfect dragorai who had maintained all his duties every day in the multiple centuries he’d been alive.

She placed her head on his chest and straddled him, pushing her body as much as she could up against his torso while cursing that she had to be in this position right now. His hard, hot body and comforting, rich scent soothed her anger—just like he knew it would. And by the time the shivers stopped, the peak of her anger had tampered down.

Nyro pulled her way from his chest to look at her, stroking her hair as he nuzzled her face. He kissed down her neck and groaned as he brushed his tongue on her nipple. “There are things we can do if you are bored, fireball.” The husky tone of his voice affected her more than she wanted it to.

“I don’t want to do anything,” she breathed. “You never listen to me.”