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His face twisted, but I’mya brushed her lips against his. “My shivers are starting again. You can fight your brother or you can hold me and listen.”

Nyro’s nostril flared, his whole body still vibrating with anger, but he didn’t move for a long moment. Then wrapped his arms tight around her, glaring at her.

I’mya swallowed. “I know you are concerned about the pregnancy and the baby,” she began. She turned to the other brothers. “I know all of you are.”

Nyro growled and jolted her in his arms. “Do not speak to them. You speak to me!”

I’mya tried to school her expression as she turned back to him. “Dayatha said that this pregnancy could last as long as a year. I can’t be stuck in our chambers that long. I will die.”

“But you are with me!” Nyro ground out. “You have your mate who is providing for you. What more do you need?”

“My dragon,” she said simply.

Nyro’s face dropped.

“I have to be able to see and connect with San, Nyro. It’s not healthy for the baby, and it’s not healthy for us.”

“I understand that, I’mya,” Nyro ground out. “But there are many things that could happen when you fly, and accidents are the least of our worries.”

“Dragorai-omegas used to do it. Their connection with their dragon was important for pregnancies.”

“But not essential,” Nyro said. “Dayatha already told me, I’mya. It’s not essential.”

Tears filled I’mya eyes. “So you will keep me chained to our chambers for a year? No matter how it affects us all?”

Nyro exhaled heavily and he broke his gaze, his hot breath warming her face.

I’mya sighed, closing her eyes and enjoying his heat.

“I’mya.” Nyro’s hoarse voice was strained.

Silence filled the hall.

“We can help, Nyro.” Tyomar stepped toward them. “Ryndross, Yorgnel, and Ornendor already patrol the boundaries of your range. We can also escort I’mya when she and San need to fly.”

I’mya opened her eyes and watched Nyro for his response.

“And I can create some enchantments to keep your range safe,” Khyros said, gruffly. It sounded as though he had been preparing to breathe fire too.

I’mya smiled gratefully at them both. Khyros, in particular, was known to be the best caster in this history of the Realm.

Nyro glanced at his brothers and nodded at them, then turned and looked out of the temple.

“I warn you, I’mya,” Nyro growled as he floated them over to Sanderyll’s back, “If you ever disappear again, I will chain you to our chambers.”

I’mya nodded, too cold to answer and she was shivering as they landed.

As Sanderyll headed back to their lair, Nyro lay her down on her back and cuddled her close, surrounding her with his body.

Sanderyll intermittently released a coil of fire from his mouth, sending a rush of warmth through his body that helped to warm I’mya.

After a while, she warmed up, and noticed that they hadn’t headed back to the lair, but were soaring over the range. “I thought we were going back to the lair?” she asked.

Nyro made a noise in the back of his throat. “I want to hold you for a while. We can watch the skies until I am ready to let you go.”

I’mya smiled, feeling the relieved emotions of man and beast through their bond.

And he didn’t let her go all night.

Thanks for reading this bonus chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!

Grab the next book in the series

A Lair So Loyal


Zoey Ellis writes dark, magical, fantasy romances about tortured, possessive, alpha anti-heroes and the sassy heroines who belong to them (even if they don't want to!). Filled with passionate, carnal steam, Zoey's stories feature couples that go through tough journeys and make mistakes but ultimately have to grow for each other to survive the dark worlds they inhabit.

Described as 'deliciously dark' and 'unputdownable', Zoey's thrilling, fantastical romances come complete with roller-coaster twists and turns, unique worlds, and happy endings.

Zoey is a Londoner, cat mama, and proud romance and epic fantasy addict. She loves jealous/possessive heroes, sexual tension that jumps off the page, and memorable, magical worlds. She reads most genres of romance and has a special love for the 'true mates' trope and dark angst.

She offers exclusive news, bonuses, and giveaways to her reader's group, Dark Halos.

Snoop around Zoey's online home for her favorite reads, release news, and bonus media about her fantasy worlds: www.zoeyellis.com