Another black woman interviewed for the article said, “The messaging is essentially: You’re allowed in this space if you are white, slender, able-bodied and less than 45, cis-gender and heterosexual. And if you’re not, then you’re not welcome.”288 This lady doesn’t need a spin class, or a personal trainer. In my opinion, she needs a psychiatrist.
Racist “Microaggressions”
It’s getting harder to spot (actual) racism in America these days since thankfully we’ve made amazing progress over the last several decades learning to live alongside one another despite our differences. But since incidents of racism have dramatically shrunk and racism is a business for liberals, they have invented a new term to describe the microscopic racism they say still remains—“microaggressions.” And like bacteria too small to see with the naked eye, racist microaggressions are supposedly everywhere.
Psychology Today defines them as, “the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.”289 And apparently every white person is still racist, whether they know it or not, because “most well-intentioned white Americans have inherited the racial biases of their forebears; [and] the most harmful forms remain outside the level of conscious awareness.”290
An example of this is when, “A white man or woman clutches their purse or checks their wallet as a black or latino man approaches or passes them,” they say.291 Even telling a black person that you don’t see them as a “black person” is considered a racist microaggression because now you’re ignoring the supposed struggles they face because of their race.292
Being surprised that a Mexican-American doesn’t speak Spanish is also a “microaggression.” And so is being wrong about an Asian person’s heritage, for example, when you think someone is Chinese, but they’re Korean. Expecting an Asian person to be smart is one too, because that’s a “stereotype” as well, they say.
The librarians at Simmons College in Boston published a guide to “help” students stop committing “Islamophobic microaggressions” and listed greeting someone with “Merry Christmas” and saying “Happy Easter,” as inappropriate. Even saying “God bless you” after someone sneezes is on their list of microaggressions because that might offend an atheist.293
Liberals say Christians are especially averse to “committing” microaggressions because of our “Christian Privilege” and believe that, “Within this dominant social environment, Christians come to expect social comfort and a sense of belonging and superiority,” and “when this comfort is disrupted, Christians are often at a loss because they have not had to build skills for constructive engagement with difference.”294
The Air Force Academy apologized for committing a “racist microaggression” after they sent out a campus-wide email about maintaining a good personal appearance and used Michael Jordan as an example of portraying a positive image. “He was never seen with a gaudy chain around his neck, his pants below his waistline, or with a backwards baseball hat on during public appearances,” the email noted.295 But that was “offensive” to black people.
The Air Force later sent out an apology, saying in part, “Microaggression such as these are often blindspots/unintentional biases that are not often recognized, and if they are recognized they are not always addressed.”296 So telling Air Force cadets not to walk around with their pants sagging and their underwear showing like some thug on his way to the corner liquor store in the ghetto is now considered to be “racist.”
To highlight the double standards of Twitter’s enforcement of their terms of service, a conservative using the account @Meme_America started the #VerifiedHate campaign which consisted of doing searches on Twitter for racist, anti-white, and violent threats posted against white people by users with verified accounts (the ones with the little blue checkmarks next to their names).
“Verified Hate” uncovered hundreds of racist and threatening tweets from BuzzFeed employees,297 writers for the Huffington Post,298 The New Yorker,299 The Daily Beast,300 Vice News,301 and other mainstream publications which had often remained online for years, skirting past the moderators.
The campaign brought attention to countless calls to murder random white people, support for white genocide, assassination threats to President Trump, and all kinds of hate speech which was ignored by moderators and allowed to stay up on the platform. Screen shots were taken of the tweets which were also labeled with their accompanying URL from to prove they are real in the event that users delete them after having attention called to them and try to claim they were photoshopped.
In the ultimate ironic twist, about a week after the #VerifiedHate campaign was started by @Meme_America, the account was permanently suspended for supposedly violating Twitter’s terms of service.302
Facts are “Racist”
When black people complain about white people in general, the liberal Establishment embraces the criticism as necessary and frames it as an important issue that white people need to address, no matter how wildly inaccurate or exaggerated their claims are. But when whites simply point out basic facts about black people, such as the murder rate, the high percentage of fatherless homes, or that according to the Center for Disease Control half of black women (48% to be exact) have genital herpes,303 then those facts are labeled “racist” no matter the context or the purpose of pointing them out.
Like I said before, black men make up only about 7% of the U.S. population but commit almost half of all murders.304 Facts are “racist” though. Facts like three quarters of black children are born out of wedlock.305 Or the fact that most black children don’t have a father in the home.306 Or the fact that 59% of black women have children by two or three different men, none of whom they’ve ever married.307
Since the black community in America has largely embraced thug culture and view gangster rappers as role models, it’s not surprising that crime, STDs, and poverty is a major problem for them. The Los Angeles Times even says that the reason sexually transmitted diseases are so prevalent among blacks and Mexicans is because of “racism.”308
Hopefully the black community can break their self-defeating behavior patterns and cycle of poverty by leaving the liberal plantation they have been tricked by Democrats to continue living on, but it’s an uphill battle because so many of them have been improperly raised in broken homes and born to drug abusing mothers so it’s going to be very difficult, if not impossible, for some of them to become fully productive citizens or even self-sufficient.
It’s Okay to Be White
As a result of the growing anti-white racist sentiments on school campuses and on social media, some creative members of 4Chan decided to print fliers that simply read “It’s Okay To Be White” and posted them around various schools to see how others would react. As you can imagine, instead of ignoring the flyers or agreeing with such an innocuous statement, they made national headlines and were denounced as “racist,” which proved the very point that those who posted them were trying to make.