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National Geographic did a report on the “harm” toys are doing to girls saying that, “The long history of separate toys for girls and boys shows that marketing by gender has a profound impact on children.”386 They complained that girls are marketed toys about homemaking and motherhood, while boys are marketed toys that involve building things (like Legos) and being strong protectors (such as action figures and super heroes).

Terms “Ladies” and “Gentlemen” is Offensive

Since 2017, the subway system (known as the Underground or the Tube) in London has placed a ban on greeting passengers as “ladies and gentleman” over the loudspeaker because it was “discriminatory” against people with “other” genders. They now greet passengers with the gender-neutral “hello everyone.”387

The Transportation Department said, “We have reviewed the language that we use in announcements and elsewhere and will make sure that it is fully inclusive, reflecting the great diversity of London.”388 A few months later the same change was implemented by the New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority for the subway system there.389 Now they refer to people with terms like “passengers” or “riders,” so they don’t offend people who identify as any of the dozens of other “genders.”

Gender Neutral Honorific

In April of 2016, the Merriam-Webster dictionary added the “honorific” Mx, which gender benders are now using instead of Mr., Mrs., or Miss. “The gender-neutral Mx. is used as a title for those who do not identify as being of a particular gender, or for people who simply don’t want to be identified by gender,” the dictionary reads. It is pronounced mix.

Dictionary.com has also added “Mx.” as a real word, and Time magazine reported, “If you don’t feel like labeling yourself a Mr. or a Ms. and would rather leave your gender unknown or undeclared, Mx. is a gender-neutral option.”390

In an article from the Washington Post trying to popularize this new title, they quoted a transgender person saying, “I prefer Mx. because I’m transgender and don’t identify as either male or female. . . . I use Mx. because that says exactly what I am — a mix of all genders.”391

The Church of Sweden announced in 2017 that their pastors would stop referring to God as “He” and even “Lord” because God is “beyond our gender determinations.”392 Apparently this church hasn’t bothered to read the Bible.

“Mankind” is Sexist

Purdue University’s writing lab has a handout titled “Stereotypes and Biased Language” that encourages students to not use the word “man” in their writing, because, “although MAN in its original sense carried the dual meaning of adult human and adult male, its meaning has come to be so closely identified with adult male that the generic use of MAN and other words with masculine markers should be avoided.”393

A student at the University of Florida had his grade reduced for referring to mankind as “Man” instead of “humankind” in a paper for his history class. The professor gave him a B minus, and wrote, “Thoughtful paper, although the writing-mechanics errors are killing you.”394

An anthropology museum in San Diego’s Balboa Park called “The Museum of Man,” which was created in 1915, is now under fire by critics who are demanding the city change its name “to be more inclusive.”395 The board agrees and is considering new names, and will likely settle on changing it to the “Museum of Humankind.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “corrected” a woman during a town hall event when she referred to the future of mankind, interjecting, “We like to say ‘peoplekind,’ not necessarily ‘mankind’ because it’s more inclusive.”396

The term “founding fathers” is also deemed sexist and gender bias, and SJWs demand it be replaced with “the founders” instead. The terms “freshmen” and “upperclassmen” are also now offensive, and are being replaced with “first year student” and “upper-level students.”397 Yale University officially dropped the terms in exchange for “more modern” and “gender inclusive” language to describe the students.

What’s next, is building a snowman sexist? Are kids supposed to call it a “snowperson?” Instead of saying something is “man-made” are we supposed to say it’s “people-made?” One cafe in Melbourne, Australia sells “vegan genderless gingerbread figures” in what some people called the most world’s politically correct snack. A picture of the “gingerbread person” made it onto Reddit and then went viral.398

It’s unknown whether they sell it tongue-in-cheek, or if they are so hypersensitive to modern liberalism that they think they are being innovative and “helping the cause” of gender “equality,” but judging by some of the other social justice stupidity that’s come out of Melbourne, the owner probably thinks the gingerbread person is a genius idea.

Homecoming King and Queen Banned

In 2015 San Diego State University ended the time-honored tradition of naming a homecoming king and queen, and decided to instead call them the “royals” in order to be gender-neutral and not “discriminate” against same-sex couples. The school’s paper, The Daily Aztec, explained, “During the application process, candidates were allowed to select gender-neutral pronouns to identify themselves. These gender-inclusive pronouns aim to dispel the common gender binary of categorizing people as solely masculine or feminine.”399

This is far from an isolated incident. The same thing is happening in colleges across the country. Appalachian State University’s homecoming king and queen are now called the “homecoming royals,”400 the University of Minnesota is doing the same thing,401 as well as the University of Nebraska at Omaha,402 and many more.

It’s not just colleges which are doing this, many high schools are doing away with having a homecoming king and queen as well.403 Now it’s not “inclusive” to elect a guy as the homecoming king and a girl as the queen, and the Leftists are pressuring high schools to stop the tradition of choosing a prom king and queen as well so that same-sex couples can be the “royals” there too.404

Students Triggered by Biological Facts

Several students walked out of a Portland State University event featuring James Damore, an engineer who was fired by Google for writing an internal memo explaining some of the problems with Google’s goals of increasing gender “diversity” in the company.405 The panel discussion included Evergreen State College biologist Heather E. Heying, and when she began pointing out basic biological differences between men and women, some people in the audience got triggered and threw a temper tantrum.

The moderator asked her to help explain the validity of the arguments Damore made in his memo, and she responded, “James argues, accurately, that there are differences between men and women. This is a strange position to be in, to be arguing for something that is so universally and widely accepted within biology. Let’s look at differences between men and women that are explicitly anatomical and physiological; are men taller than women on average? Does anyone take offense at that fact? I would say you could be irritated by it; you could be irritated by the fact that women have to be the ones who gestate and lactate; you could be irritated by a lot of truths…”406