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He went on to suggest, “Perhaps the whole thing [Father’s Day] needs a rethink. Especially given the growing diversity of families, whether it be single parents, blended families, same-sex parents or grandparents that are steering the parental ship… What would be wrong with just one Parents’ Day where we celebrate keeping our kids alive together in our myriad forms?”423

An activist named Dr. Red Ruby Scarlet (who insists that’s her real name) is trying to get Father’s Day renamed to “Special Person’s Day” so children without a father around won’t feel left out.424 “We have single parent families, satellite families, extended families, lesbian and gay families,” she said, and feels Father’s Day isn’t “inclusive” enough for them.

Snopes, the Internet “hoax” debunking website, posted an article “debunking” the claim that radical feminists were calling for an end to Fathers Day, and used a meme someone created showing two women holding large signs that read “Father’s Don’t Deserve a Day” and “End Father’s Day.”425

While the photos were photoshopped and that’s not what the signs in the original picture said, the idea behind the meme was true because it was ridiculing the radical feminists who really do want Father’s Day abolished. In fact, the Huffington Post published an article in 2017 explicitly titled, “Three Reasons Why Father’s Day Should Be Abolished.”426

Leftist activist group GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, released a “Father’s Day Resource Kit” for the media, where they complain that, “The lives of gay, bisexual and transgender parents and their families are often absent in Father’s Day coverage since print and electronic press reports often focus solely on straight parents. GLAAD encourages journalists to include gay and transgender families in their coverage of Father’s Day. This toolkit provides story ideas and suggestions on how to make coverage of Father’s Day more inclusive.”427 They sent their “resource kit” to all major television studios and advertising agencies hoping to get their ideas incorporated into the plots of shows and commercials.

The ADL published a “guide” for schools and teachers to make “classrooms inclusive for all families,” which recommends, “In discussions about family, actively discourage the concept of a ‘traditional,’ ‘average’ or ‘normal’ family,” and says, “If you are going to commemorate Mother’s and Father’s Day, consider making the day more general like ‘Family Day’ or ‘Parent/Guardian Day.’ If you decide to go ahead with the language of Mother’s and Father’s Day, be more inclusive and allow children to include other female and male family members or friends such as aunts, uncles, grandparents, family friends, etc. If children have two moms or two dads, allow them to create two cards/gifts for these occasions.”428

The feminist magazine Everyday Feminist recommends “Practicing Feminism for Father’s Day” and says that, “we embrace feminist struggle against patriarchy as key to creating healthy families.”429 Of course, creating healthy families is the exact opposite of what liberalism does and it is the root cause of creating dysfunctional ones! And the traditional family is literally enemy number one of liberalism, which is why we have to preserve and protect it at all costs.

Gender-Bending at the Local Library

Public libraries are now encouraging small children to become gender benders. The Brooklyn Public library hosted an event called “Genderful” that was organized by a nonprofit group called “If You Want It” that’s dedicated to “expanding the definition of gender.” The event included a performance by a transgender “woman” who looks like a Harley Davidson biker in drag, who says, “For kids, I feel that gender is a lot more fluid. It’s just something that’s not as a part of your daily existence or your interaction with friends and if you withdraw them from certain gender coding situations, kids are just kids when it comes down to it.”430

Marie McGwier, the cofounder of “If You Want It” says, “There’s a lot of conversation around the difference between someone who grows up in a world where they’re made to be this or that, compared to a world where we can just kind of offer kids the opportunity to explore their gender on their own and to land where they want to land.”431

Public libraries in San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles are now holding “Drag Queen Story Hour” where, you guessed it, drag queens read books to young children. There are videos of these events on YouTube where you can see dozens of young children, aged three to ten who are brought in by their “progressive” parents to have them listen to drag queens read them books.432

And they don’t just read the children any old book. They read them books about gay and transgender children (or other characters) like Worm Loves Worm. One drag queen asked the children, “Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up,” and started singing a song and dancing: “The hips on the drag queen go swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish.”433

“Drag Queen Story Hour is fantastic because it addresses all these issues of gender fluidity and self-acceptance, and all of these topics that are real. They’re very, very real,” said Kat Savage, who works at the Brooklyn Public Library and supports the events.434

On the Drag Queen Story Hour official website they explain that, “DQSH is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”435

Austin, Texas hosts the annual International Drag Festival that not only features drag performers with names like “Poo Poo Platter,” “Maci Sumcox” (get it, may see some cocks) and “Eaton Johnson,” but also includes child drag queens as well (called “drag kids”). One of them goes by “E! the Dragnificcent,” and is a 12-year-old boy.436 Another child drag queen performer goes by the name “Lactacia,” and is an 8-year-old boy whose parents dress him up in drag and parade him around at different drag queen festivals across the country.437

The website for the Austin International Drag Festival says that “This is an ALL AGES festival,” thus encouraging parents to bring children to participate in their drag fetish.438 (“ALL AGES” is in all caps on their website to emphasize that they want children there) Video footage of the event, which you can see on YouTube, shows children walking up to the adult drag queens and tipping them with dollars for their risqué performances.

Alex Jones was banned from YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, and most streaming apps (Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, etc) for calling the festival an “abomination” and a “freak show” because the Big Tech overlords deemed his commentary was “hate speech” and “transphobic.”439

I wonder if Amazon.com and the major ebook stores (Kindle, Google Play, and iBooks) will ban this book for the same reason, claiming my analysis of modern liberalism is “hate speech” and too offensive for people to read, and thus it “violates” their “terms of service.”

“Queering Up” Schools