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Their mission statement reads, “The Unstereotype Alliance is a thought and action platform that uses advertising as a force for good to drive positive change. It seeks to eradicate harmful gender-based stereotypes. The alliance is focused on empowering women in all their diversity (race, class, age, ability, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, language, education, etc.) and addressing harmful masculinities to help create a gender equal world.”478

No-Shave November

Every November millions of men in America quit shaving for a month, or grow a mustache or a goatee, for what has been dubbed “No-Shave November” or “Movember” (Mustache November). It’s not just a catchy name and an excuse to let loose for a few weeks and free one’s self of the daily burden of shaving, but it’s also to raise awareness for men’s health issues like prostate cancer.

Feminists and sissy-boys are upset about this because it “perpetuates toxic masculinity” and think growing a mustache is a “sexist microaggression” and is “exclusionary” because it “celebrates masculinity.”479 One blogger even said, “I hate Movember so much, on Halloween, I shaved my scruffy beard-in-progress so no one would think I was participating.”480

He also downplayed the dangers of prostate cancer, saying, “I also think it’s important not to scare people by overstating their risks. And that’s exactly what I think is happening here.”481 So, I guess raising awareness for breast cancer is also “fear mongering” and “scarring people.” And speaking of cancer, this moron must have it growing in his brain.

One feminist triggered by Movember said, “Women are mostly the ones who get breast cancer, and men are mostly the ones who get prostate cancer, but gendering the fight against these cancers does far more to solidify gender norms and stratification than it does to further any noble cause. Sporting a mustache doesn’t raise awareness about anything—and besides, everybody already knows about prostate cancer. If someone didn’t, what’s a mustache going to do about it, anyway?”482

Feminists on Tumblr (which is basically Instagram for the insane) get so upset about men having some fun and forgoing shaving for a month that they decided to try and hijack the cause to promote feminism by not shaving their armpits or legs for a month!

One of them wrote about it in her local college newspaper, saying, “My purpose in doing this experiment and in writing this column is not to condemn any woman who chooses to remove hair from her legs, pits or any other part of her body; I myself choose to do that, too. My purpose, however, is to prove to myself that it really is something I choose to do, and not just something I feel pressured into in order to feel like a normal human being. And perhaps my more important purpose is to try to convince others (women and men) that choosing not to do these things does not make you disgusting and aberrant.”483

“Toxic” Masculinity

Being a strong and confident man is now considered to be a bad thing to liberals. It’s “toxic” they say. Doing “manly” things like knowing how to fix a leaking faucet, or being able to change a flat tire is only “perpetuating the patriarchy.” Liberals don’t want young boys to build ramps out of scraps of wood and have fun jumping their bikes off them, or building forts in the woods like most kids in small Midwestern towns. Instead they want them painting their nails and putting on makeup.

“Hyper-masculine” men in movies are truly evil to liberals because they not only reinforce “gender stereotypes” but set an “unrealistic” and “unachievable” standard which boys are encouraged to strive for. In reality, it’s good to have role models like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hulk Hogan, Sylvester Stallone, and other fitness icons.

These men inspired an entire generation of young boys to hit the gym and develop the self discipline needed to build up their muscles, knowing they would never be as buff as the movie stars, but they provided something to work towards, and inspired skinny and weak kids that they could dramatically change their bodies with hard work, diet, and dedication.

Today, liberals embrace sissy boys whose arms are atrophied from lack of movement and poor diets, and whose only “exercise” is playing with their phone or their PlayStation. After President Trump addressed the Boy Scout Jamboree, an international meeting of scouts from around the world, Time magazine was worried that the president was “spreading toxic masculinity to future generations.”484

They complained that he focused on his “victories” and his “power and wealth” and claimed that, “only privileged white men can follow in his footsteps,” and, “We all must call on the Boy Scouts to do a better job of guiding our boys into adulthood.”485

Sadly, the Boy Scouts have completely given in to the Leftist agenda. First in 2015, when they lifted their long-held ban on gay scout leaders.486 Since their creation in 1910, their policy was that, “a known or avowed homosexual is not an appropriate role model of the Scout Oath and Law,”487 but now they allow gay men to “lead” the young boys.

Then, three years later they changed their name to just the “Scouts,” and now include girls. What’s next, skirts for everyone as the new uniform? Or maybe merit badges for the best speech about the “benefits” of fifty-eight different “genders?”

Boys need male role models so they can learn how to grow up and be men. Having girls in the “Scouts” causes boys to act differently then they would if they were in just a group of boys. Now that it’s coed they’ll try to impress the girls, and sometimes they’ll be afraid to ask certain questions about life because they don’t want to be embarrassed in front of the girls, or they may be shy because they have a crush on one of them, and can’t be themselves.

College campuses across the country are also trying to emasculate men by combating “toxic masculinity.”488 A new program at the University of Texas, Austin aims to fight against manliness by working to, “increase acceptance of gender diversity.”489

Duke University launched a “Men’s Project” inviting men to join a nine-week training program to “destabilize masculine privilege” and combat “toxic masculinity,” calling it a, “great way for men and masculine-of-center people on campus to engage with issues of gender equity on campus and beyond.”490

The March 2018 edition of The Hollywood Reporter celebrated what they called the “Triumph of the Beta Male” because the editors are uncomfortable with men doing manly things and being men.491 The new brand of “sexy” Hollywood is trying to promote is emaciated-looking effeminate soy boys who don’t know which way to turn a screwdriver in order to tighten a screw and who struggle to carry a gallon of milk from the refrigerator to the breakfast table because they are so weak.

Actually, let me correct that. Social justice warriors don’t like milk anymore because it’s very production includes cruelty to animals. Consuming animal products is too masculine, so instead they drink soy “milk” which is helping rid them of what little manhood they have remaining.

Soy Boys

I’m sure you’ve noticed the plague of scrawny, effeminate “males” roaming the streets, particularly Millennials. They look so weak they probably couldn’t even do ten push-ups and likely struggle to put away the groceries because they are too heavy. Many are afraid to eat meat because it perpetuates “toxic masculinity,” and have opted for soy instead.492 Lots of soy, which is why we call them “soy boys.”