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Similarly, a vitamin C deficiency was found to cause Scurvy, another disease that has practically been eradicated thanks to a basic vitamin.573 Certain industrial chemicals,574 food additives,575 and household cleaners have been banned after it was discovered they caused birth defects when coming into contact with pregnant mothers.576 What other birth defects and diseases could be prevented with a simple remedy that is being overlooked, or for whatever reason just isn’t known, or if known, is suppressed?

The celebrity gossip website TMZ, which is run by homosexual Harvey Levin, once published a revealing story about Bruce Jenner’s transformation into a “woman” which contradicted everything the gay community and the liberal media had been saying for years about “gay conversion therapy.” The article reported, “Several prominent doctors in the field tell us, the hormones often change sexual preference,” and according to one study of 300 transsexuals, one third of them changed their sexual preference.577

The National Center for Biotechnology Information confirms these figures regarding sexual orientation changing due to hormone therapy.578

So since hormone therapy has been shown to change people’s sexual orientation in over 30% of the cases, why isn’t this area of science being explored to help homosexuals fix their sexual attraction disorder, thus curing them?579 Same-sex attraction is obviously the result of a malfunction in the basic sex drive of humans, and it is a perversion in the same way a man in his twenties making out with an 85-year-old grandma is disgusting, because it is a violation of the fundamental sexual and social design of human beings.


Since liberals have embraced gay relationships as “normal” and demand that gay “marriage” be accepted by all Americans because it involves “two consenting adults,” the next logical step in their quest for “tolerance” leads down an even darker path. If, as liberals claim, consenting adults in homosexual relationships aren’t abnormal, or disgusting, then this line of reasoning opens the door to accepting incest as perfectly “normal” as well.

In one of my Man on the Street segments for YouTube I interviewed people in San Diego about embracing incest as part of the LGBT community, and many of them said as long as the couples didn’t have children, that sexual relationships between a father and his adult daughter, or a brother and a sister were no more abnormal than those in gay or lesbian relationships.580

Throughout human history incest has been looked at as not just taboo or gross, but also one of the most egregious violations of nature. Recently, however, we’re seeing more and more incestuous couples “coming out of the closet” and have no shame about their relationships. Many of these couples consist of adult children and a parent whom they were separated from at birth and later reunited with.581 There appears to be a strange phenomena that happens in some of these reunion cases where the two feel a sexual attraction to each other, and instead of resisting the urge to act upon those desires, both the parent and child end up engaging in ongoing sexual relationships.

Scientists have called this Genetic Sexual Attraction, or GSA, and they report that the sexual attraction for each other is caused by the separation of a parent from their child and their reunion later in life.582 This perversion of sexual attraction is a result of the disruption of the parent-child relationship they would have had if the parent had been around to raise the child. And the adult child’s desire to be loved by their biological parent is perverted into a sexual desire due to the separation.583

This is a disorder that develops from their social situation, not something that they are “born” with. The idea of having sex with one’s mother or father is abhorrent for almost everyone, but something in the mind malfunctions in children separated from their parent and later manifests in GSA.

A similar situation may occur with people who are gay, which would contradict the widespread claim that people are “born” gay. Perhaps homosexuals don’t have a birth defect, but may have their sexual attraction mechanism malfunction because of a disruption in their psycho-sexual development as Freud had suspected.584

These GSA couples aren’t just being reported on by fetish websites or in sleazy porn magazines. They’re making national news in major outlets, and many of the people are using their real names and showing their faces. A 51-year-old mother and her 19-year-old son “fell in love” after being reunited, and the son actually left his wife to be with his mother which he described as having “incredible and mind-blowing” sex with. He told his wife, “Every time I have had sex with you since I met her, I imagine its her I am kissing, otherwise I can’t perform.”585

Of course this kind of madness isn’t just limited to heterosexual incestious couples. In Oklahoma a woman married her mother after the two were reunited and “hit it off” and “fell in love” with each other.586 They were arrested since incest is against the law. It’s important to point out that this is totally different than a parent molesting a small child who doesn’t know any better.

These “children” are adults, and they’re not your typical phonies on the Jerry Springer Show just making up a story and acting it out to get on TV. These are real people and real stories, and Genetic Sexual Attraction is getting more widely reported.

A father-daughter couple in North Carolina were recently arrested for incest after the daughter had the father’s child.587 While some outlets are framing these stories in the proper light, that this kind of behavior is abnormal and these people are sick; others are sensationalizing and seemingly glorifying it. Cosmopolitan magazine published a story with the headline, “Girl describes what it was like to have sex with her dad,” and quote her as saying, “The sexual intensity was nothing like I’d ever felt before. It was like being loved by a parent you never had, and the partner you always wanted, at once.”588

She went on to say, “We understood each other’s bodies as if we’d been life-long lovers. I’ve had to teach most of my partners how to do things — and obviously he’s a middle-aged man, he’s had lots of sex, but there was more than that to it, some deep psychic connection. It felt like he knew me better than I knew myself. The sex was intense in a way that no other sex has been.”589

Cosmopolitan did a similar story about a brother and a sister who were separated at birth and later reunited, and then became sexually involved with each other. “It was love at first sight, absolutely the craziest thing I have ever experienced,” the woman says. “The sexual force was like I was levitating off the earth. Your body instantly craves the other person.”590

A 33-year-old woman in Florida was charged with incest after she gave birth to a baby fathered by her brother.591 The two were living as a couple and had been in a sexual relationship for the last five years. These are just a few of the cases that make headlines and that we know about. There are countless more happening right now that only the perpetrators and perhaps their immediate family and friends are aware of.

It’s likely only a matter of time before there is a public campaign attempting to normalize incest, and add one more letter to the ever-growing LGBT acronym in the name of being “inclusive” for GSA couples. All it would take is a famous celebrity who was put up for adoption when they were a baby and then entered into a sexual relationship with their father or mother once they were reunited to be rolled out as the poster child for “incest rights.”