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Actress Mackenzie Phillips, best known for her role in American Graffiti (1973), admitted that as an adult she had a ten-year-long sexual relationship with her biological father, but this admission came before the trend of incestuous couples coming out of the closet started making headlines.592

A society that gets offended when someone says “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” will likely draw no distinction between two men in a sexual relationship, or a father and his daughter, or two adult siblings. If they’re both consenting adults, “loving” who they want to “love,” then to liberals that’s no different than a regular heterosexual couple. There are actually blogs, Reddit threads, Tumblr accounts, and YouTube videos dedicated to promoting “incest rights” by people calling themselves “consanguineous couples,” meaning blood relatives, who want incest laws repealed.593

One such blog concludes, “For those brought together through GSA who are enjoying their consanguineous relationships, nothing else compares. They should be free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage with each other, if that is what they want, and they should not be bullied or discriminated against.”594

Did you ever think you’d see a world where incest is considered “normal”? Or where those on the Left would start pushing for “incest marriages” to be legally recognized, and for a repeal of the long-standing anti-incest laws on the books? It may not be an exaggeration to say that there is no limit to the abominations that liberals are trying to promote as “normal.”

Christians tried to warn people that gay “marriage” was just the beginning of the LGBT agenda, but now the Supreme Court has ruled, and so the Left continues marching along the path to perdition, advocating for perversions that extend beyond what most people could possibly imagine.

Author’s Note: Please take a moment to rate and review this book on Amazon.com or wherever you purchased it from to let others know what you think. This also helps to offset the trolls who keep giving my books fake one-star reviews when they haven’t even read them. Almost all of the one-star reviews on my books are from NON-verified purchases which is a clear indication they are fraudulent, hence me adding this note.

These fraudulent ratings and reviews could also be part of a larger campaign trying to stop my message from spreading by attempting to tarnish my research through fake and defamatory reviews, so I really need your help to combat this as soon as possible. Thank you!


What once consisted of just a small handful of eccentric people brought on stage at the Jerry Springer Show for entertainment has exploded into an epidemic of “women” supposedly born in men’s bodies and vice versa in some kind of strange birth defect. But that’s just the tip of the transgender iceberg. Liberals now claim there are dozens of different genders, and that some people’s gender is “fluid,” meaning it changes from week to week (or even day to day), and some people say they have no gender at all.

For years liberals argued that gender is just a social construct, meaning the only difference between men and women is that baby boys and baby girls are treated different from birth, solely on their genitals alone, so we are each “brainwashed” into thinking and acting like a boy or a girl. Of course this is completely contradictory to the basic principals of biology which show there are distinct differences between the bodies and brains of males and females, not just in humans, but all mammals (and even insects).

Under the premise that a female brain can develop in a male body, then this new hypothesis of transgenderism embraces the idea that the person will feel like a woman trapped in the wrong body because their brain is hard wired to feel “female.” And if the human brain is hardwired either male or female then one’s gender cannot be fluid, it cannot change, and it cannot be neither. It is fixed. Not only is it fixed, but they are only two genders, not fifty-eight like the number of options of Facebook listed as genders in 2014.595

As I mentioned earlier it turns out fifty-eight weren’t enough so instead of having a drop-down menu with the fifty-eight different gender identities to choose from, Facebook changed it to a fill-in-the blank so people can just put whatever they want as their gender, whether that’s a reindeer or a jar of peanut butter.

It’s hard to keep up with the metastasizing pathogen of liberalism today and nobody in their right mind would want to waste too many brain cells learning all the intricacies of their insanity, so if you missed it from a previous chapter, one new term they like to throw around is “cisgender,” meaning someone whose gender matches their biology; or in other words a biological male with an x and y chromosome, an Adam’s apple and a penis who identifies as a male. Or a “person” with breasts and a vagina who “identifies” as a woman. Quite simply, a cisgender person is a normal person.

If, in some cases, people are born in the wrong body with a brain of the opposite sex, then instead of claiming that these transgender people are “normal” people, science should find out what is causing this kind of debilitating birth defect and cure it, rather than treating them as some kind of trailblazers who are “helping” society uproot “ancient stereotypes” about sex and gender.

But the transgender epidemic raises many serious questions that most of the LGBT community don’t really want the scientific answers to. And their ideas about gender and what exactly a man or a woman is are rooted in delusions rather than science. But how can we deal with this problem in a way that those afflicted with transgenderism don’t feel ostracized or hated, while those uncomfortable with the implications of transgenders in our society don’t feel like their privacy or their safety is put in jeopardy?

What is Causing This?

What is causing this recent outbreak of transgenderism? Is it literally something in the water (or the food) that’s disrupting peoples’ bodies and brains like chemicals that have been found to be doing with frogs and fish?596 Is it the radiation from cellphones, tablets and laptops disrupting the development of the fetus?

Or is it a simple vitamin or mineral deficiency during pregnancy like the cause of spina bifida? Could it be from children growing up with only one primary parent, and they’re not properly imprinting what a boy or a girl is or how they should act, so their entire identity is distorted?

Many transgenders actually regret their decision after getting surgery, particularly men who have their penis removed hoping to become a “woman.”597 Some even have a second surgery in attempts to reverse their “transition.” Britain’s youngest sex change patient, who switched from being a boy to a “girl” at the age of fifteen, later got a second surgery to transition back to a man at the age of eighteen, and lived as a gay man for a few years. Then at the age of twenty-three, this person decided to get a third surgery and “transition” back into a “woman.”598

The former top psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R. McHugh, believes that transgenderism is a mental disorder similar to other body dysmorphia disorders like anorexia.599 An anorexic person “feels” fat, despite being extremely (and even dangerously) thin, and doesn’t feel comfortable in their own “fat” body, so they keep trying to lose weight. Similarly, Dr. McHugh and others argue that transgender people see their bodies as “defective” and don’t feel comfortable in their own skin due to the same kind of mental illness.