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Not only is this making them feel uncomfortable, but others around them as well since a Pandora’s box of social complications has been opened because scientists so far haven’t figured out how to prevent or cure transgenderism.

The Locker Room Question

After a woman in Michigan got uncomfortable from seeing a biological male using the women’s locker room at a Planet Fitness gym she complained to the front desk, but to her surprise instead of calling the police or canceling the membership of that individual, the club revoked her membership instead!600

The gym said the person with a penis using the women’s locker room self-identified as a woman, so that was good enough for them. The woman whose membership was revoked for being uncomfortable with a biological male using the same locker room as her then sued Planet Fitness for invasion of privacy, sexual harassment and breach of contract, but the court ruled against her!

An editorial in The Charlotte Observer in 2016 said that girls need to start accepting seeing people who have “different genitalia” than them in changing rooms and showers and while, “the thought of male genitalia in girls’ locker rooms — and vice versa — might be distressing to some… the battle for equality has always been in part about overcoming discomfort — with blacks sharing facilities, with gays sharing marriage — then realizing that it was not nearly so awful as some people imagined.”601 Yes, they literally compared forcing girls to shower with men to blacks sharing the same bathrooms as whites.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) said if a father doesn’t want his 12-year-old daughter to share locker rooms and showers with naked people who have a penis, that he’s “intolerant.”602

At Northern Arizona University activists put up a sign outside a bathroom encouraging students not to question whether someone is using the “right” bathroom because it would offend “gender variant people” or put them at risk of “verbal, sexual, and physical assault.”603 The sign also said that cisgender people have “pee privilege” because nobody gets uncomfortable with them using the bathroom.

As this push to allow biological males to use any women’s bathroom, locker room, or shower they want by self-identifying as a “woman” began to gain momentum, normal people became concerned about sexual predators being able to enter the facilities where women would be easy prey. While you will never hear about it in the mainstream media, there have been dozens of recent cases where men dressed as women have been caught videotaping girls in bathrooms, showers, and changing areas.604

There have also been many women physically attacked by these kinds of crossdressing perpetrators.605 For example, a transgender prisoner who “identifies” as woman despite not having sex-change surgery, was incarcerated with the female prisoners for an unrelated crime and within just a few days had sexually assaulted four of the women inmates, so authorities moved him to a male prison.606

When this gender-bending phenomena was heating up in 2016, I did an experiment by asking random people on the beach to sign a petition which I said would mandate a few urinals be installed in all women’s public restrooms for the transgender “women” who use the women’s bathroom despite having a penis “so they feel more welcome” there and can pee in a urinal like they’re used to. You can watch the video on my YouTube channel, which was shot in San Diego, California and a shocking number of people eagerly signed it.607

Women’s Spa Under Attack

A women’s spa in Toronto caused an uproar after it was discovered they had a “no male genitals” rule in their full nudity facility. After one trans “woman” took to Twitter to complain (when don’t they?) the spa released a statement signaling they would soon change their policy. “Because Body Blitz Spa is a single-sex facility with full nudity, we are not like other facilities. We recognize that this is an important discussion for single-sex facilities to have and we will seek to find a satisfactory resolution.”608

York University Professor Sheila Cavanagh claimed the spa was violating gender discrimination laws and that, “There are many ways of being trans and there are many ways of being a woman. And certainly surgery or hormones, per se, do not make a woman…. I think it’s gender identity that matters and what is between our legs is our own business.”609 So if I decided to be “gender fluid” for a day to try out “being” a woman, I would be allowed in a fully nude women’s spa?

The way gender discrimination laws are being interpreted means that if I decided one day that that I was gender “questioning” and wanted to live as a woman to see how I liked it, then I could use the women’s showers at the gym and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me. In fact, if the gym kicked me out, I could sue them for discrimination. I asked a police officer what would happen if the gym reported me for doing so and he said the police in California would do nothing, and couldn’t stop me.

The Cotton Ceiling

Liberals have even come up with the term “cotton ceiling” (a spin-off from “glass ceiling” which they claim prevents women from advancing in their careers). The “cotton ceiling” though describes the ‘obstacle’ that transgender “women” face from straight men not wanting to have sex with trannies. “The cotton ceiling is real and it’s time for all queer and trans people to fight back,” reads one blog post about it on QueerFeminism.com.610

The term was coined by a transgender “woman” and is also said to describe trans “women” or “men” being excluded from female or male “spaces.” They’ve also coined the acronym TERF, which stands for “Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist,” meaning feminists who don’t accept transgender “women” as women, and so the TERFs are labeled hateful bigots.611

On Celebrity Big Brother in the UK, one of the contestants was a transgender “woman” who asked American singer Ginuwine if he would date a transgender person and he replied “no.” The “woman” then leaned over and said “Let’s have a kiss” and tried to kiss him, causing him to back away. BET [Black Entertainment Television] asked if this was “transphobic behavior” with many viewers denouncing him on Twitter for being a bigot and transphobe!612

Riley J. Dennis, a “woman” whose Adam’s apple sticks out almost as far as “her” nose, thinks that the reason most men are sexually attracted to vaginas is because men are brainwashed to think that’s what they’re supposed to feel. “Maybe your preference for women with vaginas over women with penises is, to some degree influenced by our cis-sexist society,” Dennis says in a YouTube video titled “Your dating ‘preferences’ are discriminatory,” promoting this ludicrous idea.613 You may have to read through what “she” said a few times before you can begin to wrap your mind around just how delusional these people are.

Men are now bigots if they aren’t attracted to transgender “women” who have a penis, according to the latest arguments from the trans community. Vice News complained about the negative responses the video generated, saying, “This video struck a nerve in far-right circles, which led to a harassment campaign against Riley carried out by an angry cyber-mob of thousands of users systematically down-voting her videos and sending her hurtful content, comments, and venomous response videos.”614 The writer then complained about people having a “no trans dating preference.”615