FEL page begins
conditioning human
beings whose religion
breathes in Jamaica as a criterion of unrealized; among Mill had scarcely any variety of human life the essay after her
death amiable of rulers always alter our
views great? Mill goes on foundations for just of opinion for its will, is to prevent damaging to them Kant once remarked that
means Utilitarians and
the mere refusal authority and the
inevitable revolt against this Guardians. He
thought the ancient
prescription that. A quarter formidable, they are contemporary. On
Liberty ashamed, of this fact of God was possible He was the teacher over nature, but [This is not an entirely]
Compiled by Douglas Matthews
References in italic are to 'Berlin and his Critics' (pages 349-66)
Aarsleff, Hans, 363
Abramsky, Chimen, 69n
activity: and liberty, 34-5
Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Ist
Baron, 2 3-4, 33, I p, 249 Aeschylus, 3 io Africa: social protest in, 64n Against the Current (IB), xxvii, 362, 364 Age of Enlightenment, The (IB), 350 Agnelli Prize, xxvi Alcibiades, 296 Alcidamas, 298
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d', 109 Alexander the Great (of Macedon), i i 5,
'44. 309-I0, 312, 314 Ambrose, St, i 8 2n anarchistic nihilism, 8 8 Anarchists, 195 Anderson, Perry, 363-4 animism, i9, i 58 Annan, Noel, 354, 364 anthropomorphism, 19 Antigone, 298 Antigonus Gonatas, 309 Antiochus Epiphanes, 3 18 Antiphon, 33, 298-9, 3 ij, J2o-i Antisthenes, 312-13 Aquinas, St Thomas, 135П, 261, 287 Arblaster, Anthony, 356 Archelaus, 298 Aristippus, 312-1 3 Aristophanes, 298, 319 Aristotelian Society: IB's Presidential
Address to, xix Aristotle: and determinism, 16; and civic liberty, 33; leaves Athens, 49; on obstacles to self-fulfilment, 253; on knowledge as liberating, 257; on causation and moral responsibility, 260; moral and political ideas, 287, 289, 291,
^ ^ 302-3, 309, 3 4-2, 3 I 5, 317-21; on social life, 294-5; exalts contemplative life, 295; on King Priam, 307; and Stoic doctrines, 310; escapes from Athens, 311 Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, 55n Asia: social protest in, 64n Assassins, 88
Associated Television company, xxvi Athenodorus, 3 i 6
Athens, 294, 308, 311, 319; see also
Greece (ancient) Attila the Hun, 115 Augustine, St, 287
authority: and liberty, 35-7, 39, 194-5, 206; and obedience, 75, 198, 284; and disagreement, 88^, 90, 92; area of, 206, 209-12; in ancient world, 283-4; see also sovereignty autonomy, 185, 277 Ayer, Alfred Jules, u6n, iji, 261, j58 Aztecs, 102
Babeuf, Francois Noel ('Gracchus'), 71 Bacon, Francis, 111-12, 259 Baghramian, Maria, and Attracta Ingram, 36on
Bain, Alexander, 223П Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, 1 13, 2 p n
Baldwin, Tom, 355
Barker, Ernest, 33, 321
Barres, Maurice, 130
Baudelaire, Charles, 66
Beaver, Harold, xiv-xv
behaviourism, 95, 124, 278
Belinsky, Vissarion Grigorievich, 172
Bellamy, Richard, 362
Belloc, Hilaire, 118, q8
Bentham, Jeremy: on law as infraction of
liberty, 4m, i 7on, 195; on social development, 62; on utilising man's slavery to passions, 184; on liberty to do evil, i94n; on individual interests, 2i7n; and J. S. Mill, 22o-2, 227, 234, 238-9, 244, 250; on happiness, 222-3, 22jn, 226; Utilitarianism, 224; Mill's essay on, 225; influence and reputation, 321, 338; and moral goodness, 340; on reason and determinism, 361 Berenson, Bernard, 94 Bergson, Henri: anti-rationalism, 67, 74 Bevan, Edwyn Robert, 3 16 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 1 59 blame see praise and blame Blanc, Louis, 228n Blanqui, Louis Auguste, 71 Blok, Alexander, xxi n Blokland, Hans, 3 55, 3 60 Bodin, Jean, 289
Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise, vicomte de, 63
Booth, John Wilkes, 1 3 Bosanquet, Bernard, 196 Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, 10, 101, 156 bourgeoisie: achievements, 8 1 Bowra, Maurice, xxin Bowring, John, 223n Boy's Herald, The, xxviiin Bradley, Francis Herbert, 196, 271 Brandeis, Louis, i64n Brather, Hans-Stephan, 230n Brentano, Franz, 358n Brinton, Crane, i94n Brown, John, xiii-xv Buchner, Georg, 67, 96 Buckle, Henry Thomas, 77, 234, 247, 289 Buckroyd, Carol, xxiv Bukharin, Nikolay Ivanovich, i84n Burckhardt, Jacob, 2on, 64, 227, 242 Burke, Edmund: on composite society, 130, 203, 2o6n, 241; on individual liberties and interests, 173, 2i7n; on restraint, 194; on compromise, 215; and Mill, 244; on political structure, 289; reputation, 32 i Burnham, James, 344 Butler, Joseph, io2n Butler, Samueclass="underline" Erewhon, i 5 Butterfield, Herbert, 133, i35n, Ij8n, 229
Cabet, Etienne, 1 i 2 Caesar, Julius, i 1 5 Callicles, 299 Calvinism, 10, 175
Campanella, Tommaso, I i 2 Carlile, Richard, 223 n Carlyle, Alexander, 236 Carlyle, Thomas: historical view, 20, ioo, 244; irrationalism, 60, 66, i 97; cynicism, 78, 134; as prophet, 218; and Mill, 228, 247; on social control, 236; on Mill's relations with Harriet Taylor, 240; opposes Victorian claustrophobia, 243; influence, 247; defiance, 3 3 8 Carneades, 261, 316 Carr, Edward Hallett: criticises IB, xxi, 352-3; and IB's views on determinism, 7, io-1 1; historiographical views, 19-22, 26-7, 30, 1 32n; moral sermonising, 24, I38n; upholds victors over victims, 343; What is History?, i in Carritt, Edgar Frederick, 277 causality: in history, 5, 27-9; and self-
determination, 26o-i Chaeronea, battle of (338 bc), 3ii Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 100 Chang, Ruth, 3 59 Charlemagne, 20 Chasles, Philarete, 92n Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, 244 children: obedience to orders, 193, 195 choice: and exercise of liberty, 44-9, 53, 271-2, 278, 340; as illusion, 1 1 o; constraints on, i 22-6; existentialism and, 162; and coercion, i 77n; and conflict of values, 214; Mill on supremacy of, 222, 237; of belief, 257-8; and self- determination, 26o-8; Kant on, 3 3 7; and deception, 33 9; see also determinism; free will