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Bengaluru(kwo) Bangalore

bensin(kwo) benzine, petrol, gasoline

bensin-stasion(kwo) gas station


bereta(kwo) beret

beri(kwo) berry


beril(kwo) beryl

berilyum(kwo) beryllium (chem.)

Bering-ney mar(kwo) Bering Sea

Bering-ney martanga(kwo) Bering Strait

berkelyum(kwo) berkelium (chem.)

Bermuda(kwo) Bermudas

berna(kwo) bear

bes(kwo) devil (as a half-animal creature, not Satan, not the chief one)

See also: diabla


besbol(kwo) baseball

bestia(kwo) beast

bestialik(kwel) bestial, brutish

Syn.: animal

betel(kwo) betel

beton(kwo) concrete (building material)


bey(kwo) back (the rear of body); backrest

stula-bey — back of chair

stan al bey versu koywan — stand with one's back to smb

beybao(kwo) rucksack


Bharat — India (also "India")

bharat-arya-ney(kwel) Indo-Aryan

bharat-europike (kwel) Indo-European

bharat-iranike(kwel) Indo-Iranian

bi(zwo) be (is — es, was — bin, will be — ve bi)

Gai bi honeste. — One should be honest.

Bi hao! — 1) You are welcome! (a reply to thanking); 2) Bless you! (after smb's sneezing); 3) Good luck! (when parting)

bia(kwo) being

Biblia(kwo) Bible

bichi(zwo) despise, disdain, disparage, scorn

bicha(kwo) contempt, scorn, disdain

bichival(kwel) contemptible, despicable


bifoo(konekti) before (in space or time)

bifoo dom — before the house

bifoo festa — before the holiday

bifoo ke lu en-somni — before he fell asleep

bifoo olo — first of all

Woshi handas bifoo chifan! — Wash your hands before eating!

En-stan ba bifoo me. — Stand up before me!

bifoo-ney (kwel) former, previous, one-time

pa bifoo-ney taim — once, in former times

bifoo-dey, bifoo-aksham — eve

bifoovati (zwo) anticipate, act before

bifooen (taim-komo) formerly, previously, before

Laojen oftem shwo ke bifooen olo bin pyu hao kem nau. — Old people often say that formerly everything was better than now.

Bifooen nu jivi in otre urba. — Previously we lived in another town.

pa bifooen — in advance, beforehand

biftek(kwo) beefsteak


bigari(zwo) spoil

bigara(kwo) spoiling, spoilage


bigle(kwel) squint-eyed, cross-eyed

bigla(kwo) squint-eyed person

bigli(kwo) squint (suffer from strabismus; look sideways or askance)

bigudi(kwo) hair-roller


bik(kwo) beak

biki(zwo) peck

bika(kwo) peck

biking(kwo) pecking

bikam(zwo) become

Ob yu yao bikam leker? — Do you want to become a physician?

Lu bikam-te fama-ney kway. — He quickly became famous.

Sun ela bikam mata. — She will become a mother soon.

bikini(kwo) bikini

bikos(unisi) because

bil(kwo) bill, invoice

bildi(zwo) build

bildi dom — build a house

bilda, bilding(kwo) building (act)

bildura(kwo) building (structure)

bildilok(kwo) building site

bileta(kwo) ticket

biliar(kwo) billiards


bilion(kwo) trillion, a million millions, 1012

bin — was, were (past tense from "bi")

Me bin dar pluri ves. — I have been there several times.

binokla (kwo) binoculars, pair of glasses

biografia(kwo) biography

biografike(kwel) biographic

biografier(kwo) biographer

biologia(kwo) biology

biologike(kwel) biological

biologier(kwo) biologist

bioteknologia(kwo) biotechnology

bira(kwo) beer

biraguan(kwo) beerhouse


birinja(kwo) brass (metallic alloy)

birinja-ney (birinje) — (kwel) brass