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lingwa borda inter jenmin — language borders between peoples

stata borda — the state border

fule til borda — full to the brim

mucho jen on borda — many people on board

bordi(zwo) border (on), adjoin

bordi-she(kwel) adjoining, next, adjacent

bori(zwo) bore, drill

boring(kwo) boring

borer, boritul(kwo) borer (tool)

trabori(zwo) drill through, perforate

Borneo(kwo) Borneo (island)

borsta (kwo) bristle, stubble

borsti(zwo) bristle

borya(kwo) woven mat


boryum(kwo) bohrium (chem.)

bosmen(kwo) boatswain

Bosna e Hertsegovina(kwo) Bosnia and Herzegovina

bota(kwo) boat

botajen(kwo) boatman

botela(kwo) bottle

boxa(kwo) box (container)

boxi(zwo) box (strike with fists)

boxing(kwo) boxing

boxer(kwo) boxer

boy(kwo) boy

boyar(kwo) boyar(d)

boyarina(kwo) boyarynia, boyar’s wife


bracha(kwo) arm (also of a chair)

uuparbracha(kwo) upper arm

nichbracha(kwo) forearm

brai(zwo) roar, bellow

braisa(kwo) roar, bellow

brancha(kwo) branch

brandi(kwo) brandy

branka(kwo) branchia, gill

brankas — branchiae, gills

brash(kwo) brush (tool)

brashi(zwo) brush

brashing(kwo) brushing

Brasil(kwo) Brazil

braslet(kwo) bracelet

brata(kwo) brother

bratalik(kwel) brotherly

May ko-bratas do kalam. — My co-brethren of the quill.


brata-docha(kwo) fraternal niece (brother's daughter)

brata-son(kwo) fraternal nephew (brother's son)

brave(kwel) brave, gallant, stalwart, dashing

bravnik(kwo) bold fellow, daring fellow, dare-devil

bravo(exklami) bravo

Bravo gro! — Bravissimo!

brecha(kwo) breach (opening, gap, tear, rupture)

brein(kwo) brain

breinvati(zwo) ponder, think over, turn over in one's mind

brek(kwo) brake

breki(zwo) brake, apply a brake

breking(kwo) braking

bresa(kwo) heather

breve(kwel) brief, concise

brevem(komo) briefly, in a few words

brida(kwo) bridle

bridi(zwo) bridle

nobridi-ney(kwel) unbridled, unruly

nobridibile(kwel) indomitable

brig(kwo) brig

brigada(kwo) brigade

agnibrigada — fire-brigade

brij(kwo) bridge (card game)

brik(kwo) brick

brili(zwo) shine, glitter, glow

brili-she(kwel) brilliant, shining, shiny

brila(kwo) shining, glitter, brilliance

brilika(kwo) spangle

debrilifi(zwo) lose its lustre, grow dim

briliante (kwel) brilliant (glorious, superb, wonderful)

Syn.: gro-hao, magnifike

bringi(zwo) bring

go bringi koysa — go to fetch smth

lopi bringi koysa — run for smth, run to fetch smth

brisa(kwo) breeze (of wind)

brokat(kwo) brocade


brom(kwo) bromine (chem.)

bronsa(kwo) bronze

brova(kwo) eye-brow, brow

brovamuy(kwel) with thick eyebrows


bru(zwo) brew (prepare liquor)

bruing(kwo) brewing

brum(kwo) broom

brumi(zwo) sweep (with a broom)

bruming(kwo) sweeping

brun(kwel) brown

Brunei(kwo) Brunei

brutale(kwel) brutal

brutalitaa(kwo) brutality

Syn.: kruele (cruel), ferose (fierce, ferocious)

bruxisma(kwo) bruxism

bu(syao-gramatika) not (negation)

Me bu yao go adar. — I don't want to go there.

Tak, bu kontra-nem. — So, not otherwise.

Se es buevitibile. — This is inevitable.