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chyen(kwel) shallow

chyenlok(kwo) ford, wade; shoal, sandbank


da(gramatika) optional nominative particle

dabe(unisi) in order to, in order that, so that

Me shwo a yu dabe yu mog samaji me. — I speak to you in order that you can understand me.


dacha(kwo) dacha, summer house


dadu(kwo) bet, wager

fai dadu(zwo) bet, wager

fai dadu kun koywan— bet with smb

fai dadu om koysa — make a bet about smth

fai dadu pa shi dolar — make a bet of 10 dollars


dafni(zwo) inter, bury

dafna(kwo) interment, burial, funeral


dafta(kwo) exercise book, notebook


dai(zwo) give

daisa(kwo) giving

dai bak(zwo) give back


daklis(kwo) threshold


dal(gramatika) marks non-immediate (but blood) relatives

dal-brata(kwo) cousin

dal-son(kwo) nephew

dal-docha(kwo) niece

dal-kindocha(kwo) grandniece

dal-dal-brata(kwo) second cousin

dale(kwel) far, distant, remote

dalem(komo) afar

fon dalem — from afar

dalitaa(kwo) distance (a considerable amount of space), expanse, remoteness

inu dalitaa — (far) into the distance

fa-dale (dalifi) — (zwo) become more remote

mah-dale (dalisi) — (zwo) distance, move away from


Dale Esta (kwo) Far East

Dale-Esta-ney (kwel) Far Eastern

dalta(kwo) chisel


dalwa(kwo) bucket, pail


dam (kwo) dam, dike

dama(kwo) married or widowed woman; dame; lady; (in cards, chess) queen, (in checkers) king

damaja(kwo) damage

damaji(zwo) damage

damay(kwo) barley


damni(zwo) damn (cf. "shatami")

damna(kwo) damnation

dan1(taim-komo) 1) then (at that time)

Dan me bin haishi yunge. — I was still young then.

depos dan — since then

dan-ney(kwel) then, of that time

2) then (in that case)

si...dan... — if...then...

See also: poy

dan2(syao) suffix for container

chaydan(kwo) teapot

nayudan(kwo) butterdish

milkadan(kwo) milk can

flordan(kwo) flowerpot

kalamdan(kwo) pencil-box

kahwadan(kwo) coffee-pot

manidan(kwo) wallet

May be used as a separate word to avoid repetition:

tiri zian aus dan — draw one’s sword from its sheath

pren mani fon dan — take money from the wallet


dandi(kwo) dandy, fop

dandivati(zwo) behave foppishly

danja(kwo) danger, peril

danja-ney, danjaful(kwel) dangerous, perilous

dank a(konekti) thanks to, owing to

dank a lu — thanks to him

dank a to ke yu he zwo — thanks to what you have done

danke(exklami) thank you, thanks

Danke! - Es nixa. Bi hao! — Thank you! - Don't mention it. You are welcome!

Danke gro! — Thank you very much!

danki(zwo) thank

me danki yu por helpi — I thank you for your help

bu val danki, bu dankival — don’t mention it

danka(kwo) gratitude

dankaful(kwel) thankful, grateful

Danmark(kwo) Denmark

dansa(kwo) dance

dansi(zwo) dance

danser(kwo) dancer

dansilok(kwo) dance floor, dance hall

dantela(kwo) lace (light fabric)


dao(kwo) way (path; method)

sirkum-dao — roundabout way

pa sey dao — by this way

pa nul dao — in no way, by no means

Milkadao — Milky way

daojen(kwo) wayfarer, traveller; wanderer

daokin(kwo) path (trail), pathway

daokrosa(kwo) crossroads, crossing

shefdao(kwo) main road, trunk road, highway