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dermalogia(kwo) dermatology

desapari(zwo) disappear, vanish

desapara(kwo) disappearance

(Origin: de(s)+apari)

desemba (kwo) December (also mes-shi-dwa)

desendi(zwo) descend, go down

desendi sulam — go downstairs

desendi kaval — dismount a horse

kamina desendi a riva — the road descends to the river

desenda(kwo) descent

Syn.: go nich

Ant.: asendi

deser(kwo) dessert


deserti(zwo) desert (abandon, withdraw)

deserter(kwo) deserter

desidi(zwo) decide

desida(kwo) decision

desidi-nem (desidem) — (kwo) decidedly

deskovri(zwo) discover

deskovra(kwo) discovery

deskribi(zwo) describe

deskriba(kwo) description

desne(kwel) right (not left)

desna(kwo) right, right side

a desna(loko-komo) (to the) right

Kan a desna! — Look right!

Hir treba turni a desna. — Here one should turn right.

desnen(konekti-komo) at the right (of)

May dom es desnen. — My house is at the right.

Desnen dom ye garden. — There is a garden to the right of the house.


desnehander(kwo) right-handed person

despota(kwo) despot


destini(zwo) destine

destina(kwo) destination (ultimate purpose for which smth is created or intended — cf. “safara-gola”)

destrukti(zwo) destroy

destrukta(kwo) destruction

destruktive(kwel) destructive, disruptive

Syn.: nihilisi

detal(kwo) detail

detal-ney(kwel) detailed

detal-nem(komo) in detail

detalisi(zwo) detail

detalisa(kwo) detailing

detekti(zwo) detect

detekta(kwo) detection

detekter(kwo) detector

detektif(kwo) detective


determini (zwo) determine (establish or ascertain definitely, give direction to, fix the limits of)

determina(kwo) determination (but not resolution — cf. “resolutitaa”)

determinitaa(kwo) determinacy

nodeterminitaa(kwo) indeterminateness

developi (zwo) develop

developa(kwo) development

devisa(kwo) motto

devori(zwo) devour

devoti (zwo) devote

devoti swa a koysa/koywan — to devote oneself to smth/smb

devoti-ney (kwel) devoted

devota(kwo) devotion (act of devoting or the state of being devoted)

boh-devoten (kwel) pious, devout

dey(kwo) day (in all meanings)

deyfan(kwo) midday meal; dinner

lumadey(kwo) daylight, daytime

bugundey(kwo) day free from work, day off, rest-day

festadey(kwo) holiday, day of celebration

gundey(kwo) working day, workday

janmadey(kwo) birthday

hao dey! — good day!

fa-dey — it is dawning, day is breaking

fa-deysa(kwo) dawn, daybreak

deykitaba(kwo) diary

(Origin: dey + kitaba)

diabla(kwo) devil, fiend (Satan or demon)

Pa diabla! — What the devil!

See also: bes, satan

diagnos(kwo) diagnosis

diagnosi(zwo) diagnose

diagonale (kwel) diagonal

diagonala(kwo) diagonal

diagrama(kwo) diagram

dialekta(kwo) dialect

dialoga(kwo) dialogue


diamanta(kwo) diamond

diametra(kwo) diameter

diarea(kwo) diarrhoea

diba(kwo) bottom (the lowest part — cf. "popa")

mar diba — sea bottom


dies (kwo) sharp (mus.)

dwadies — double sharp

dieta(kwo) diet, ration

difusi (zwo) diffuse

difusa(kwo) diffusion (but not prolixity)

digesti (zwo) digest (physiol.)

digesta(kwo) digestion

digne(kwel) dignified, stately; worthy