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dignitaa(kwo) dignity

digni(zwo) deign, be so kind as

digni lai — deign to come


diki(zwo) show, display

diki lisan a leker — show one's tongue to the doctor

diki suy joisa — show one's joy

dikifinga(kwo) index finger

dika(kwo) showing, demonstration

diker(kwo) pointer, indicator

oradiker — hour hand

minutadiker — minute hand


dikiwinda (kwo) shop window

diktat(kwo) diktat, dictate (command)

diktati(zwo) dictate (impose, order)

diktater (kwo) dictator

diktatura (kwo) dictatorship

dikti(zwo) dictate (say or read aloud)

dikter(kwo) announcer

diktura(kwo) dictation (school excercise)

dilim(kwo) slice, clove

luna-dilim(kwo) crescent


Dilli(kwo) Dehli

dimension(kwo) dimension

dinamika(kwo) dynamics

dinamike(kwel) dynamic

dinastia(kwo) dynasty

dine(kwel) thin (about sizecf. “nodense”)

Ant.: grose

diploma(kwo) diploma


diplomatia(kwo) diplomacy

diplomatike(kwel) diplomatic


direksion(kwo) direction (path, course — cf. "diriging")

direkte(kwel) direct (not indirect — cf. "rekte")

direkte kontakta — direct contact

direktem(komo) directly; straightforwardly

direktor(kwo) director (person chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or corporation)

direktor de skola — director of a school

dirigi (zwo) direct (aim at; manage, control)

fa-dirigi (zwo) make one’s way (to), direct one’s steps, head

diriging (kwo) directing; direction (guidance; the skill of directing a film, play etc.)

disain(kwo) design (shape, appearance, plan for the structure and functions)

disaini(zwo) design, lay out, make a design

disainer(kwo) designer

disasta(kwo) disaster, calamity, catastrophe (cf. "beda")

disekti(zwo) dissect, anatomize

disekta(kwo) dissection

disertasion(kwo) dissertation

dish(kwo) dish (the vessel or its contents)

Syn.: pyata

disipi(zwo) dissipate, squander, waste

disipi jiva — live fast, lead a dissipated life

disipa(kwo) dissipation, squander, waste

Ant.: spari, ekonomi

disipla(kwo) disciple

Ant.: guru, talimer

disiplina(kwo) discipline (behaviour control)

diska(kwo) disk

diskrete (kwel) discrete, discontinuous

diskusi(zwo) discuss

diskusa(kwo) discussion

disposi(zwo) dispose (arrange; have at one’s disposal)

disposa(kwo) disposition, disposal (positioning; control)

disprosyum(kwo) dysprosium (chem.)

disputi(zwo) argue, spar, bicker

disputa(kwo) dispute, controversy

disputibile(kwel) disputable, arguable

disputnik(kwo) debater, squabbler

prais-disputnik — haggler

distansia(kwo) distance (cf. "dalitaa")

distili(zwo) distil

distila(kwo) distillation

distiler(kwo) distiller

distinti(zwo) distinguish

fa-distinti in batala — distinguish oneself in action

distinta(kwo) distinction

fai distinta inter koysa e koysa — make difference between smth and smth

distinta-ney (distinte) — (kwel) distinct

distintive(kwel) distinctive

distrati(zwo) distract, divert

distrata(kwo) distraction, diversion; (fig.) absence of mind

distrati-ney (distraten), distratishil(kwel) absent-minded

distratem(komo) absent-mindedly, mechanically

distribu(zwo) distribute

distribusa(kwo) distribution

disturbi(zwo) disturb, trouble, bother, unsettle, put out of order

disturba(kwo) disturbance; disturbances

diva(kwo) miracle, marvel, wonder

diva yok — no wonder

diva-ney(kwel) marvellous, wonderful

divi(zwo) wonder, marvel, look with amazement