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divi an koysa — marvel at smth


divan(kwo) divan (sofa)


diverse(kwel) diverse, sundry, several, various

diversitaa(kwo) diversity, variety, multiplicity

dividi(zwo) divide

shi-dwa dividi bay char es tri — twelve divided by four is three

divida(kwo) dividing, division (act)

division(kwo) division (military formation)

(cf. "divida")

do — 1) (konekti) precedes a specific characteristic, distinctive feature, or destination of object

gela do grin okos — green-eyed girl

jen do lignagamba — a man with a wooden leg

sikin do kalam — penknife

okula do surya — sun spectacles

bota do parus — sailing boat

auto do mil dolar — a car for 1000 dollars

es kosa do ridi — this is ridiculous

2) (kwo) C (mus.)

docha(kwo) daughter


dodo(kwo) dodo (extinct bird)

doga(kwo) dog

man-doga (dogo) — (kwo) male dog

gin-doga (dogina) — (kwo) bitch, female dog

yundoga(kwo) pup, puppy

doh(exklami) (in response to a negative question or statement) yes; oh yes; on the contrary, quite the contrary

Also yu bu lai? - Doh! — So you won't come? - Oh, yes, I will!

Syn.: kontrem


doiche (kwel, kwo) German (relating to ethnicity, language or country); German (person of German ethnicity); German language

Doichland(kwo) Germany

Doichland-jen(kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Germany

do-janma-ney (kwel) innate, inborn, inherent, native

See also: injanmen

dok(kwo) dock (in port)

doker(kwo) docker

doki(kwo) dock


doktor(kwo) doctor (holder of a doctorate; physician)

See also: leker


doktrina(kwo) doctrine


dokubao(kwo) briefcase

(Origin: dokumenta + bao)

dokumenta(kwo) document

dokumenti(zwo) document

dokumentale(kwel) documental

dol(kwo) dale, vale


dolar(kwo) dollar

auto do mil dolar — a car for 1000 dollars


dolche(kwel) sweet

dolchevos-ney — having a sweet voice

dolchitaa(kwo) sweetness, sweet (basic taste sensation)

dolcha, dolchika(kwo) sweet (smth sweet)

dom (kwo) house; home

me es pa dom — I am at home

chu dom — to leave home

treba go a dom — we should go home

domlik(kwel) home, cozy

domyuan(kwo) member of household

dom-masta(kwo) householder

domgina(kwo) housekeeper

banidom(kwo) bath-house

forjidom(kwo) smithy, forge

grendom(kwo) granary, barn

melidom(kwo) mill

mifendom(kwo) hive

furmidom(kwo) anthill

domen(kwo) domain, sphere; domain (computing)

domini(zwo) dominate; wield

domini auditoria — hold one's audience

domini tema — be master of one's subject

domini kalam — wield a skilful pen

domini garibe lingwa — have a good command of a foreign language

domini swa — possess oneself; get hold of oneself

chaure ston-ney plataforma kel domini maidan — the spacious stone platform that dominated the square

domini-she(kwel) dominant, dominating

domina(kwo) domination

Dominika(kwo) Dominica

domino(kwo) domino

domisi(zwo) domesticate

doni(zwo) give as a gift; donate; make a present (cf. “dai”)

dona(kwo) gift, present; donation

dona de shwosa — gift of speech

donakin(kwo) sop; tip

donishil(kwel) generous, unstinting

donishiltaa(kwo) generosity


dosa(kwo) dose


dosh(kwo) vice, defect, flaw

dosh-ney(kwel) vicious

Ant.: merita


dosile(kwel) docile

doti(zwo) endow, grant; furnish a dowry

dota(kwo) dowry, endowment; gift, talent, endowment

dotika(kwo) dowry (payment or property)

sindotnik(kwo) person without talent
