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dragon(kwo) dragon (cf. «lung»)

draka(kwo) scuffle, tussle, fight


drama (kwo) drama

dranga(kwo) pressure, stress, force, push, spurt, dash; urge, drive

por dranga de halat — through force of circumstances

dranga fo libritaa — drive for freedom

drangi(zwo) urge, hustle, press, force

ek-drangi avan — dash / spurt / rush forward

fa-drangi(zwo) jostle, hustle, crowd

fa-drangi tra jenmenga — thrust one’s way through the crowd

fa-dranging(kwo) crowding, crush, jam, squash


drastike(kwel) drastic

drastike shanja — drastic alterations

drastike meja — drastic measures

drega(kwo) dregs (also fig.)

dreni(zwo) drain, draw off liquid

dreni-tuba — drain, drain pipe

drena, drenaja(kwo) drainage

drimi(zwo) dream (hope, wish, daydream)

drima(kwo) dream (hope, wish, cherished desire), daydream

drimnik(kwo) (day)dreamer

drima-ney (drime) — (komo) dreamy, pensive

drima-nem (drimem) — (komo) dreamily, musingly

(cf. "sonja")

drir(kwel) uncompromising, steadfast, firm, unflinching, inflexible, unbending


drole(kwel) funny, amusing

droni(zwo) drown; sink

droni-ney jen, dronijen — drowned man

mah-droni(zwo) drown (deprive of life)

mah swa droni — drown oneself

dros(kwo) thrush (bird)

gana-dros(kwo) song-thrush

duan (kwo) segment, section, piece

laste daoduan — last section/length of road

taimduan — space of time

studi-duan — semester (term of an academic year)


dubi(zwo) doubt, question

duba(kwo) doubt

dubival(kwel) doubtful, dubious, questionable

sin duba, duba yok — undoubtedly, no doubt

dubli(zwo) dub (a film)

dublon(kwo) doubloon (coin)

dubnyum(kwo) dubnium (chem.)

duda(kwo) pipe (music — cf. “pipa”)

dudi(zwo) play the pipe


duel (kwo) duel

dueli (zwo) duel


duhi(zwo) anguish

duha(kwo) anguish, misery, distress

duhaful(kwel) agonizing, distressing, trying


duka(kwo) duke / duchess

duko(kwo) duke

dukina(kwo) duchess

dukan — boutique, shop


dukti(zwo) lead (guide or conduct), conduct (manage, carry on — cf. "kondukti")

dukti kinda bay handa — lead a child by the hand

dukti auto — drive/steer a car

baum-alee dukti a dom — alley of trees leads to the house

geit dukti a maidan — the gates open on to a square

se mog dukti a bade sekwitura — this may lead to bad consequences

dukti leson — conduct a lesson

dukti elekti-kampania — conduct an election campaign

dulari(zwo) coddle, pamper, fondle


dule (kwel) tender (affectionate)

dulitaa(kwo) tenderness


dulha (kwo) fiancйe/bride or fiancй/bridegroom

dulho (kwo) fiancй/bridegroom

dulhina (kwo) fiancйe/bride

dulhifa (kwo) betrothal


dumi(zwo) think

me dumi ke… — I think that...

ta ek-dumi — an idea flashed across his mind

en-dumi(zwo) begin to think

duma(kwo) thought, idea

dumer(kwo) thinker

dumishil(kwel) thoughtful

duming (kwo) thinking

dumi-shem(komo) thoughtfully, meditatively

bedumi(zwo) ponder/think over


dun(kwo) hole (opening; hollow)

foxa-dun — fox hole

butondun(kwo) buttonhole

klefdun(kwo) keyhole

baumdun — tree hollow

dentadun — tooth cavity

nosdun(kwo) nostril

dunbartan(kwo) colander

dunmuh(kwo) mouth of hole

dun-ney(kwel) having a hole; full of holes

duni(zwo) hole

duner(kwo) puncher; holer
