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duna (kwo) dune

duran(konekti) during

duran laste dwa yar — in the course of the last two years

duran leksia — during the lecture

duran to, duranem(taim-komo) meanwhile

duran ke(konekti) while

duri(zwo) last (continue, endure)

dura(kwo) duration

durte(kwel) sly, cunning, wily

durtitaa(kwo) cunning; slyness

nodurte(kwel) artless, simple-hearted, ingenuous; naive

durta (durto, durtina) — (kwo) cunning person (man, woman)


dus(syao) "bad, mal-, ill-"

fauha smell — dusfauha fetor, stench

trati to treat — dustrati to maltreat

dusfama-ney — ill-famed

dustaim —bad times

dussigna-ney — (dussigne) ill-omened, sinister

pa dusfortuna — by ill luck

dus-ney(kwel) bad, ill, evil, foul

dusnik(kwo) bad person


dusha(kwo) shower (bath)

fai dusha — take a shower

dushman(kwo) enemy

dushman-ney, dushmanlik(kwel) hostile, inimical

dushmantaa(kwo) enmity, hostility


dushte(kwel) malicious, spiteful

dushtitaa(kwo) malice, spite


dusproba(kwo) trial, ordeal

subi dusproba — undergo an ordeal

(Origin: dus+proba)

duyfu (zwo) cope with, manage, overcome, deal effectively

duyfu gunsa — cope with work

nu ve duyfu se — we'll cope with that

duyfu sin koysa — do without smth, manage without smth


duza(kwo) belly, abdomen


duzashwo(zwo) ventriloquize

duzashwoer(kwo) ventriloquist

(Origin: duza+shwo)

dwa (kwanto) two (2)

li dwa jen — the two of them, they both

nu toki ba pa dwa jen — let the two of us have a talk

mah-dwa(zwo) bisect, divide into two

fa-dwa(zwo) become double; bifurcate


un dwafen — one half

dwaple(kwel) double, dual; twofold

dwaplem(komo) doubly

dwaplem santush — doubly glad

dwapla(kwo) double (twice the number, amount, etc.)

dwaplisi(zwo) double, make twice as great

dwaplifi(zwo) double, increase twofold

dwashi — twenty

dwasto — two hundred

dwa-ney — second

dwa-nem — secondly

dwanik(kwo) (smb's) double

dwaka(kwo) two

Skribi dwaka. — Write the figure two.


dwadi(kwo) Tuesday (also marsadi)

dwapunta(kwo) colon (punctuation mark)

dwar(kwo) door

klefi dwar — lock the door

bakdwar(kwo) back door

dwaryuan(kwo) doorkeeper, doorman


e — 1) (unisi) and

Me pri rasmi e gani. — I like to draw and sing.

Me pri rasmi e lu pri gani. — I like to draw, and he likes to sing.

See also: i

2) the name of the letter E e

edikta(kwo) edict, decree, ukase

editi (zwo) publish (a book, a paper), print (cf. “redakti”)

edita(kwo) edition

un-ney edita — the first edition

editiguan(kwo) publishing house, publishers

eduki (zwo) bring up, educate, breed

hao eduki-ney — well-bred, well-mannered, well brought up

eduka(kwo) upbringing

Eesti(kwo) Estonia

ef — the name of the letter F f

efekta(kwo) effect

efektive(kwel) efficacious, effective

efektivitaa(kwo) effectiveness, efficacy, efficaciousness

efemere(kwel) ephemeral

Syn.: kway-pasi-ke

eforti(zwo) make/exert effort

eforta (kwo) effort

sineforte (kwel) effortless

egale(kwel) equal

es egale a me — it's all the same to me, it doesn't matter to me

egale geim — draw (game)

egalem(komo) equally

egalitaa(kwo) equality

egalisi(zwo) equalize

egalsenta-ney(kwel) indifferent, not caring

egalraititaa(kwo) equal rights, equality of rights