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akompani(zwo) accompany

Ob yu akompani me a dom? – Will you see me home?

akompana(kwo) accompaniment

akorda(kwo) chord (combination of pitches sounded simultaneously)

akordion(kwo) accordion

akre(kwel) acrid, caustic, pungent


akrobat(kwo) acrobat


akseleri(zwo) accelerate

akselera(kwo) acceleration

Syn.: mah-kway, fa-kway

aksenta(kwo) accent

aksenti(zwo) accent, accentuate

See also: emfasi

aksepti(zwo) accept

aksepta(kwo) acceptance

aksepter(kwo) acceptor

akses(kwo) access

aksesi(zwo) access, have access to

aksesibile(kwel) accessible

aksham(kwo) evening

klok pet de aksham — (at) five o’clock in the evening

sey aksham — this evening, tonight

manya aksham — tomorrow evening

akshamfan(kwo) evening meal; supper


aksia(kwo) share (finance)

aksidenta(kwo) accident (in an ill sense), mishap

aksidenta-ney (aksidente) — (kwel) accident-related

akti(zwo) act

mah-akti — bring into action, enable

akta(kwo) act; action (smth done)

fai akta fo/kontra koysa — take action for/against smth

akting(kwo) action (functioning; effect)

aktive(kwel) active

aktivenesa(kwo) activity (the state or quality of being active)

aktivitaa(kwo) activity

aktivisi(zwo) activate

aktivisa(kwo) activation

aktivista(kwo) activist

ko-akti-sha(kwo) accomplice

aktinyum(kwo) actinium (chem.)

aktiva(kwo) assets (finance)

aktor(kwo) actor

aktoro(kwo) male actor

aktorina(kwo) actress

aktuale(kwel) topical, of current importance, actual

aktum(kwo) act (theater; legal document)

akumuli(zwo) accumulate

akumula(kwo) accumulation

akusi(zwo) accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict

akusa(kwo) accusation

akwa(kwo) water

akwa-ney(kwel) water; aqueous

akwish(kwel) watery

akwalwo(kwo) waterfall

(Origin: akwa+lwo)

akwarium(kwo) aquarium


akwatuber(kwo) plumber (one who works with water pipes)

akwiri(zwo) acquire

akwira(kwo) acquisition

al (konekti) when doing smth, while, at, under (simultaneity, circumstances)

al suryachuat dawn

al ke me kuki — while I’m cooking

al bakdao — on the way back

al klosi-ney dwar — behind closed doors, with doors closed

al sey halat — under these circumstances

al un-ney kansa — at first sight

al shwo om se — when speaking about it

«Hao», ela shwo al smaili. — «OK», she said smiling.

al nau — currently, at the present moment

ala(kwo) wing

alarma(kwo) alarm

aira-alarma — air-raid warning

alarmi(zwo) alarm

alarmifi(zwo) get alarmed, uneasy

alarmi-ney(kwel) alarmed

alauda(kwo) lark, skylark


Albania(kwo) Albania

albatros(kwo) albatross (sea bird)


album(kwo) album

alee(kwo) lane, walk, path (in a garden, park, etc., generally between rows of trees)

alegre(kwel) merry; cheerful; lighthearted; lively

alegritaa(kwo) merriment; mirth; gaiety; liveliness

alergia(kwo) allergy

alergike(kwel) allergic

alfabet(kwo) alphabet

segun alfabet — alphabetically

alga(kwo) alga(e): see-weed, kelp, dulse, etc.

algebra(kwo) algebra

algoritma(kwo) algorithm


aliansa(kwo) alliance

politike aliansa — political alliance

alianser(kwo) ally

alibi(kwo) alibi

alif(kwel) tame


aligi(kwo) attach, append

aligi fail a leta — attach a file to the letter